Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 969: Blood wind evolution!

"What is this?" Wu Dongyang said in surprise.

"This kind of pill, called Xiaohuan Dan, only works below the sixth floor of the Divine Door Realm. After eating it, even the abolished injury of the Dantian can be restored to normal."

"What? It's so amazing? Even if the Dantian is destroyed, it can return to normal?" Wu Dongyang exclaimed.

A flash of ecstasy flashed on his face, and then his expression became a little hesitant. Instead of eating, he pushed Xiao Huan Dan back again.

Wu Dongyang declined and said, "No, this is too expensive, I can't eat it."

Chen Feng's expression became stern, and said, "If you ask you to eat, you will eat it."

"This pill is indeed quite precious, but it is nothing compared to you. Moreover, I still have such a pill, so you don't have to think too much!"

"Bloodwind was seriously injured at the time. You gave it the only ice-bound pill. I know that ice-bound pill is also extremely important to you. Can you do that to me? Why can't I do this to you?"

"Aren't you treating me like a brother?"

The last sentence is already very heavy.

Wu Dongyang listened and was silent.

He nodded, glanced at Chen Feng gratefully, and said softly, "Junior Brother Chen Feng, thank you!"

With that, he swallowed Xiao Huan Dan into his belly.

Soon, he felt the magic of Xiao Huan Dan.

After half an hour, he was shocked to find that his Dantian injury had been sealed.

Chen Feng smiled and said, "You try to run the gas again."

Wu Dongyang tried to run the qi, only to find that the traceless qi that had disappeared in his body had been produced out of thin air at this time.

He was extremely surprised and shouted: "I can practice now, I can practice now!"

Chen Feng looked at this scene with a smile, and said, "You just stay here for a good rest."

Wu Dongyang nodded, and Chen Feng continued: "Senior Brother Wu, why not do this, do you want to change the gate and come to Broken Edge Peak?"

"Actually, your talent is really good, but there are so many talented disciples on the Peak of Heaven, and it is difficult to get your turn to chance."

"When it comes to Broken Edge Peak, it's different. At Broken Edge Peak, there are not many disciples who have become weapons, so you can get a lot of resources."

"Don't say anything else, at Tongtian Peak, you will never have access to such a high-level martial arts skill as the Universe Triple Slash? But at the Peak of Broken Blade, you can.

When Wu Dongyang heard this, he was shocked and nodded and said, "This is good, but without the elder's request to accept disciples, it is impossible to change the door."

Chen Feng smiled and said, "This is easy to handle, so you don't have to worry about it."

Elder Chi hadn't returned at this time, Chen Feng had already thought about it, and when he returned, he begged him to accept Wu Dongyang as his disciple.

Wu Dongyang's talent is not bad, and he is also very good. He is also willing to come to Elder Chi.

At this time, the door was opened, and the blood wind stepped in.

Seeing the blood wind, Wu Dongyang let out a pleasant cheer: "Huh? The blood wind is over? Have you rescued her?"

Chen Feng nodded and said, "Yes, this is what I wanted to tell you when I went to find you."

"At that time, you gave me the Frozen Pill, but I knew that it was definitely useful for you to take the Frozen Pill, so I found another Frozen Pill."

"Also, I will find you another Chunfeng Thawing Pill in the future. Chunfeng Thawing Pill is used in conjunction with Frozen Pill."

"I wanted to send you the pill before I knew that you were captured by Yang Jingzhuo."

Wu Dongyang nodded and said, "Junior Brother's good intentions, I laughed at it. Frozen Pill and Chunfeng Thaw Pill are indeed extremely important to me."

Chen Feng smiled slightly and handed him a jade box.

In the jade box, there were frozen pill and spring breeze thaw pill, which Chen Feng had already prepared.

Then, Chen Feng waved to the blood wind and smiled: "Blood wind, come here, thank you for your savior."

Bloodwind is very psychic, and he seems to know that he could survive in the first place, thanks to Wu Dongyang, so he is very close to Wu Dongyang.

Not only rubbed his head against him, but also licked him twice.

This is the treatment that Chen Feng can only enjoy.

Chen Feng looked at Zhile aside.

Chen Feng said a few words to Wu Dongyang, and then left with a **** wind and returned to his room.

As soon as he entered the room, the blood wind suddenly whimpered a few times, then he tilted and fell directly to the ground, shaking and convulsing.

There was a very painful expression on his face.

When Chen Feng saw it, he was shocked and asked hurriedly: "Blood wind, blood wind, what's wrong with you?"

He was very worried, even more worried and sad than he was injured.

At this time, Anlao appeared beside him, with a slight smile on his mouth, and said:

"Don't worry, this little guy, this is something good is happening!"

"A good thing?" Chen Feng raised his brows and asked in surprise: "Is he going to evolve?"

An old man nodded: "Yes!"

Chen Feng smiled and said, "Haha, it really has evolved."

"I'm still thinking about what a high-level monster beast the Watersplitting Thorn Dragon is. It has reached the level of a fifth-grade spirit beast. The blood wind has eaten all his flesh and blood, and his body cannot be unchanged."

"In the past few days, there has been no movement. It turns out that this is the time when the evolution begins!"

Xuefeng's body twitched violently.

Suddenly he stopped convulsing, but the red hair on his body that was like a raging fire instantly turned dull and then fell off.

His body became bald, and then on the surface of his body, there were blood streaks on the thick skin.

Then, large pieces of flesh and blood peeled off from the body!

Layer by layer, constantly peeling off.

Xuefeng's body kept getting smaller, from a full length of four to five meters, to a length of only half a meter in the end.

He didn't stop changing until he became this body shape.

At this moment, he was bloody, there was not a single hair, and he looked a little funny.

Then he began to sit on the ground and lick the surface of his body, licking the surface cleanly.

After a while, countless fluffy white silver hairs appeared on the surface of his body.

Then the blood wind seemed to return to normal, and he jumped from the ground and plunged directly into Chen Feng's arms, licking Chen Feng with his wet tongue.

Chen Feng looked at him with a smile.

At this time, the appearance of the blood wind can only be described in the words cute, just like a puppy.

The soft, chubby, pink and tender, fleshy little paws pressed against Chen Feng, making Chen Feng feel itchy.

The Blood Wind went from such a big behemoth to the now well-behaved little guy like a wolf, Chen Feng is really a bit uncomfortable!

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