Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 968: Do you think I dare not kill you?

They didn't expect Chen Feng to be so powerful, and it was only then that they realized what a powerful opponent they had provoked.

Yang Jingzhuo was also shocked, and a strong sense of frustration suddenly surged in his heart.

At the beginning, this young man was beaten by himself without the strength to fight back, but now, it is just relying on his aura to suppress his breath.

He saw the opportunity quickly, gritted his teeth, a fierce touch flashed across his face, and turned around to run away.

Chen Feng sneered: "Want to run? Can you run?"

He is returning what Yang Jingzhuo said just now in the original flavor!

With that, Chen Feng suddenly turned around and cut out with a single knife.

He did not cut to Yang Jingzhuo and others, but to the bamboo forest next to him.

The Ziyue Knife slashed out with a sharp sharp edge, directly severing hundreds of bamboos, completely cutting off the entire bamboo forest.

When Yang Jingzhuo and others were wondering why Chen Feng did this, suddenly, Chen Feng's momentum receded.

Yang Jingzhuo, as well as those disciples under Yang Jingzhuo, immediately stood up.

At this time, Chen Feng's qi burst out of his body, wrapping the hundreds of bamboos in it.

With a scream, under his control, hundreds of bamboos lined up behind him in a huge square, ten meters high and ten meters wide.

The bamboo was cut diagonally, and the tip was extremely sharp.

And the tip, at this time, is facing Yang Jingzhuo and others.

Yang Jingzhuo seemed to have realized something, and shouted in surprise: "No, forgive me!"

Chen Feng laughed loudly: "I beg for mercy now, is it too late?"

"Die, you guys!"

As he said, his arms shook.

Behind him, a huge square made of bamboo suddenly spewed out.

Hundreds of bamboo shoots fiercely towards Yang Jingzhuo and others.

Then the next moment, a screaming scream suddenly sounded, and hundreds of bamboos directly covered Yang Jingzhuo and his dozen or so disciples.

Almost everyone was pierced by dozens of bamboos!

The bamboo is so powerful that after shooting through their bodies, they directly pierced the stone slab and nailed them to the stone slab.

They were pierced in their bodies, but they were not dead for a while, and the pain was so intense that they screamed screaming in pain!

Yang Jingzhuo was the strongest and suffered the least injury, but at this time it was he who suffered the most.

Because Chen Feng took great care of him and had more bamboo for a lifetime than others, piercing his body!

Then, Chen Feng walked over slowly, looked at them with a smile, and said lightly: "Everyone, how does it feel?"

Yang Jingzhuo's disciples all screamed, desperate in their eyes, begging for mercy frantically.

"Chen Feng, spare us, spare us, we will never dare anymore!"

"Spare us, let us have a way out!"

Chen Feng said coldly: "When Wu Dongyang begged for mercy, have you ever thought of letting him go?"

Then, Chen Feng smiled coldly, walked to Yang Jingzhuo, and said lightly:

"Yang Jingzhuo, I have no grievances or enmity against you. Those people like Yang Ba took the initiative to provoke me."

"They provoked me and I took care of it. That is justified!"

"And you, you have been practicing for a few more years, and you are stronger than me, so you want to kill me!"

"Even so, I didn't want to kill you later, but you actually tortured Wu Dongyang like this. This is something I absolutely cannot tolerate!"

"so what?"

Yang Jingzhuo had no fear, looked at Chen Feng with disdain, and said coldly: "Do you dare to kill me? I am the elder of the sect! Kill me, you have committed a felony!"

Chen Feng smiled and said, "Do you think I dare not kill you?"

With that, he picked up a piece of bamboo and stabbed it nine times, then pierced Yang Jingzhuo with nine blood holes.

Then he asked: "Do you think I dare not kill you?"

Nine blood holes were pierced again.

Chen Feng asked eight questions one after another, and each question pierced nine blood holes in him.

In a twinkling of an eye, Yang Jingzhuo was already full, ninety-nine-eighty-one blood holes, and there was no more good flesh on his body.

He screamed in pain!

Chen Feng smiled and said, "Do you think I dare not kill you?"

Then, with a light palm, patted his Tianling cover.

Yang Jingzhuo's face was full of disbelief, but his eyes dimmed in an instant, and his body fell to the ground.

Those Yang Jingzhuo's disciples saw that Chen Feng even dared to kill the elders of the sect.

Chen Feng smiled and said, "You also accompany your old ghost master to die!"

With that, he swiped a palm and killed them all!

Broken Edge Peak, in a guest room.

Wu Dongyang was lying on the bed, his eyes closed tightly, only a weak breath in his mouth.

Chen Feng stood by and looked at him with great concern.

After Chen Feng killed Yang Jingzhuo and others, Wu Dongyang fainted in a moment of excitement.

Chen Feng took him, quickly left Qingzhu Peak, returned to his room, and then fed him a Qingxin Healing Pill.

The effect of the Qingxin Healing Pill was really good. Soon, those wounds on Wu Dongyang's body that had been bleeding stopped the blood.

His complexion has also become rosy, and his breathing is not so weak.

After a while, Wu Dongyang's eyelids moved twice and then opened his eyes.

At first, his eyes were blank and out of focus, then when he saw Chen Feng, there was a look in his eyes, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and he said:

"Junior Brother Chen, am I rescued by you?"

Chen Fengfeng nodded and said: "Yes, you were rescued by me, Yang Jingzhuo and others were killed by me!"

Wu Dongyang's face showed gratitude: "Okay, okay, just kill it, then it will be regarded as revenge for me."

"Even if I become a useless person in the future, I will never be able to practice again in this life, so I am willing."

Chen Feng frowned and said, "What are you talking about? How could you become a waste person and be unable to cultivate in this life? Don't say such frustrating words!"

Wu Dongyang showed a bitter smile on his face and said, "Junior Brother Chen, you don't need to comfort me. I know my situation very well."

"My dantian has been abolished by them, and the dantian has been abolished. How can I practice in the future?"

Chen Feng smiled and said, "It's not necessarily true."

He lifted the quilt. Wu Dongyang's body had been cleaned by a handyman just now. At this time, there was no blood on his body. The wounds on his body had begun to scar, and the blood had stopped.

And at his pubic area, there was a particularly huge and hideous wound, which had been ruptured at this time, and there was not even a qi overflowing inside, indicating that the qi qi inside had disappeared without a trace.

Wu Dongyang smiled bitterly: "Look, I'm completely a waste now, without a trace of anger."

Chen Feng took out a small pill and handed it to him: "Eat it!"

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