Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 966: Yang Jingzhuo, get out!

Chen Feng looked at him, feeling extremely funny.

This person is low in strength, but only the seventh and eighth floor of the Divine Sect Realm. In front of Chen Feng, he is completely an ant, and he can really collapse to death with a snap of his fingers.

Unexpectedly, he was so arrogant!

Chen Feng did not say a word, nor did he speak, but suddenly released his aura.

The momentum of his body has risen crazily, almost condensed into substance.

In the next moment, the disciple who rushed towards him fell directly to the ground with a bang.

He was lying on the ground, so he couldn't stand up straight under the pressure.

He looked at Chen Feng with horror and disbelief. He exclaimed, "How is it possible? How can you be so powerful?"

"This, this is the aura of the peak powerhouse in the Divine Sect Realm! You are the twelfth building strong in the Divine Sect Realm?"

Chen Feng said indifferently: "You are not mistaken, I am indeed the powerhouse of the twelfth floor of the Divine Sect Realm."

After the disciple heard this, he let out a sigh, stroked his forehead, and said in a whine:

"I'm so blind, I dare to provoke such a strong man!"

He looked at Chen Feng and immediately changed his face and said flatly, "Brother, brother, how come you come to us?"

Chen Feng said lightly: "I'm here to find Wu Dongyang, where did he go?"

The disciple's eyes murmured a few times, and he smiled: "I know, but I can't tell you for nothing..."

"Do you want benefits?" Chen Feng smiled coldly: "Okay, then I will give you benefits!"

This disciple was suddenly overjoyed.

As soon as Chen Feng stretched out his hand, he slapped him with a few big ears, bleeding from the corner of his mouth, and a few teeth flew out.

The disciple hurriedly begged for mercy, and Chen Feng snorted coldly and said, "Are you still benefiting?"

"No more, no more, don't dare to take it!" The disciple said repeatedly.

He was full of flattery: "You are here to find Wu Dongyang, eh, by the way, are you Chen Feng?"

"Wu Dongyang has often mentioned you to us, saying that you are very powerful and talented, and you must be an unworldly strong in the future."

He hurriedly flattered and said, "It's really so! Wu Dongyang really didn't tell lies, you will be able to become an unworldly powerhouse in the future!"

Chen Feng said coldly: "Stop flattering, speak quickly! What happened to Wu Dongyang?"

The disciple said quickly: "I am Wu Dongyang's neighbor. I live in the yard next to him. Wu Dongyang was taken away by Elder Yang!"

"Elder Yang? Which Elder Yang?" Chen Feng frowned and said.

This person glanced at Chen Feng and hesitated.

Chen Feng said coldly: "Don't hesitate, just say what you have."

This person quickly said: "I don't know what Elder Yang's name is, but this matter should have something to do with you."

"When Elder Yang came to arrest Wu Dongyang, I clearly heard him call your name and said that if you hadn't entered the sect, how could his nephews be like this? How could he be so humiliated? "

"He said it was Wu Dongyang's fault."

Chen Feng frowned and said coldly, "I know who it is!"

There can be no other people who can say this kind of things. There is only one, that is, the elder of Yang Ba and others, and the elder of Qingzhu Peak Foreign Sect Yang Jingzhuo.

Chen Feng said coldly: "Yang Jingzhuo, you are looking for death!"

With that, he walked away quickly to the bottom of Tongtian Peak, and then took a boat to Qingzhu Peak.

Green Bamboo Peak, among the nine main peaks of Ziyang Sword Field, is the shortest one, but it is the most beautiful one.

From the foot of the mountain to the top, there are green bamboos.

Soon, Chen Feng found out where Yang Jingzhuo lived.

This is a three-entry house, not very far from the foot of the mountain.

Obviously, Yang Jingzhuo was not an important person at Qingzhu Peak in Ziyang Sword Field. He was just an ordinary elder of the Foreign Sect.

In front of the yard, there is a green bamboo forest.

Chen Feng strode past, came to the gate of the yard, and kicked it out.

With a loud bang, the two gates flew out and fell heavily into the courtyard.

Then Chen Feng screamed: "Yang Jingzhuo, get out of me!"

In the yard, a roar immediately came out: "Who dares to run wild with the old man?"

Then, a person strode out from the main hall, and there were seven or eight disciples behind him.

The person in the middle is Yang Jingzhuo.

When Yang Jingzhuo saw Chen Feng, he immediately wrinkled his brows, a look of hideousness appeared on his face.

He looked at Chen Feng and shouted fiercely: "Oh, it turns out it's you little bastard!"

"Little bunny, you are so courageous. That time I wanted to kill you, but I was intercepted by someone halfway. But I didn't expect that you would send me to the door to kill me this time!"

He laughed wildly: "Little bastard, if I don't kill you today, my last name is Yang!"

And his disciples all made a sound of ridicule.

"It turns out that this person is Chen Feng. I heard that he dared to contend with the master. It's simply overpowering!"

"Haha, he is not only overbearing, but also stupid, and he came to the door himself!"

Yang Jingzhuo sneered coldly: "If you have been hiding in Broken Blade Peak, I really won't look for you. In that place, where birds don't shit, who would go there?"

"But I didn't expect that you would dare to kill the door from the snare!"

"Huh? So Chen Feng turned out to be a disciple of Broken Blade Peak?"

"Haha, Broken Edge Peak is where waste gathers. Chen Feng must be a waste there too!"

"Yes, if the talent is good enough, how can it be assigned to a place like Broken Blade Peak!"

When they heard that Chen Feng was a disciple of Broken Blade Peak, they were extremely excited and mocked Chen Feng with extreme disdain.

This group of people has poor strength, low status, and extremely blocked news.

Including Yang Jingzhuo, they didn't even know that Chen Feng had become a core disciple, let alone that Chen Feng was already very powerful.

Chen Feng stared at Yang Jingzhuo and said coldly, "Where is Wu Dongyang?"

"Wu Dongyang?"

Yang Jingzhuo frowned and said, "Who is Wu Dongyang? Why have I never heard of this name?"

Chen Feng twisted his brows: "Could it be that the message I got is wrong?"

Then, Yang Jingzhuo laughed loudly. He looked at the surprised expression on Chen Feng's face, and he was very proud of it and laughed wildly:

"You little bastard, you are absolutely stupid, I'm fooling you! Hahahaha..."

As he said, there was a burst of laughter, and the disciples around him also laughed.

Chen Feng's expression immediately went cold.

Yang Jingzhuo laughed and said: "Yes, I caught Wu Dongyang. I can't find you, so I can only catch Wu Dongyang to vent my anger."

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