Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 965: Wu Dongyang, shocking change!

Senior Brother Zhou showed a look of astonishment on his face: "Unexpectedly, your strength is stronger than I expected, and you can actually withstand my seven-strength punch."

Chen Feng shook his head: "I am impatient to talk nonsense with you, I will kill you next time."

"What?" Zhou Yuzhu laughed wildly, as if he heard the funniest joke in the world: "You want to kill me, what are you?"

"Tell you, I can definitely kill you with just one punch with ten success strength."

As he said, he roared wildly, did his best, punched out.

Chen Feng said lightly: "Go to hell!"

It was Kuang Lei breaking the Five Sacred Mountains with a punch!

He blasted five punches in succession, and after five punches, a ball of lightning appeared.

Then, the lightning ball slammed into Zhou Yuhua's fist.

With a low sneer, Zhou Yuhua's fist was annihilated and disappeared without a trace.

Then, the lightning ball hit him.

Everyone saw that time seemed to stagnate for a moment, and then the next moment, Zhou Yuzhu's whole body was completely dark.

The whole person changed instantly, becoming like coke.

His fist style, his fist strength, all disappeared without a trace in an instant.

Then the next moment, his body started to fall with a gust of breeze.

First some black fly ash, and then some charcoal-like things, falling off him in pieces.

In the end, his flesh and blood had fallen and disappeared without a trace, leaving an empty black skeleton and internal organs.

He fell heavily to the ground and turned into a piece of debris.

Zhou Yuzhu turned into black ashes all over the floor.

The scene was silent, and everyone could not say a word of shock.

Then the next moment, there was a huge exclamation and exclamation on the scene.

"What? What did I see?"

"Senior Brother Zhou Yuzhu Zhou, who is a two-star in the Heavenly River Realm, was directly blasted into black dust by a waste without spiritual roots, and disappeared without a trace."

"This rubbish, the strength is so powerful, it is comparable to a Tianhe realm master!"

"What kind of technique is used for this waste, and why is it so overbearing?"

At this time, everyone looked at Chen Feng with a little more fear and jealousy, and it was no longer just surprised and shocked.

They were even very wronged by Chen Feng!

Chen Feng faced the crowd and smiled coldly, but the people across from him were all shivering with fright. They stepped back a few steps, showing undisguised fear on their faces.

Chen Feng sneered: "Those who want to use me as a stepping stone to please Tu Yuwu, look at the corpses all over the floor, they are your fate."

After that, he turned and left with Wei Hongxiu.

After walking out for a while, Wei Hongxiu laughed and looked at Chen Feng with admiration and admiration, and said, "Chen Feng, you were so powerful and domineering just now!"

Chen Feng accepted the task, but did not leave Ziyang Sword Field immediately. He still had things to do.

When Chen Feng came to Waizong, the person he was looking for was Wu Dongyang.

He got the Frozen Pill from Wu Dongyang, and Wu Zongyang ate the Frozen Pill to Blood Wind at the time. Chen Feng saw his expression at that time.

He could see that Wu Dongyang's use of this ice-sealed pill was definitely useful.

At that time, he lent it to himself very generously, but he was useless.

Chen Feng has always been a grateful person, so Chen Feng came here with a frozen pill this time.

He also planned to refine a spring breeze thaw pill after he obtained the profound fire and was able to refine the pill, and gave it to Wu Dongyang.

This time, Chen Feng planned to return the Frozen Pill to Wu Dongyang and thank him in person.

Wu Dongyang is a disciple of Tongtian Peak. After entering the Ziyang Sword Field, Chen Feng also met him several times, so he knew where he lived.

Soon, Chen Feng came to the courtyard where Wu Dongyang lived.

The foundations of ordinary Waizong like him are basically living at the height of Tongtian Peak about one kilometer from the lake.

It is a small courtyard.

After Chen Feng came to the outside of the yard where Wu Dongyang lived, and when he looked there, he suddenly felt a jump in his heart and his face became a little ugly.

This yard was dilapidated. The gate fell in the yard and there were several footprints on it.

At first glance, he knew that he was kicked forcibly, and kicked into the yard.

Chen Feng strode in and saw that the yard was smashed to pieces.

The doors and windows of the yard were smashed, and even the living room was blasted down. There were blood stains on the ground and several pieces of clothing stained with blood.

Chen Feng picked up the pieces of clothes and looked at them. It was the clothes of the disciples of Ziyang Sword Field.

Suddenly he frowned, walked to the side, and picked up an object in a corner.

This thing is a truncated scabbard with a half-truncated sword inside.

Chen Feng frowned slightly, he recognized this half of the short sword, which was Wu Dongyang's portable sword.

Wu Dongyang even showed it to him.

"This saber is not very precious, nor is it a spiritual weapon, but it is a relic left to me by my most important person. I cherish it very much."

What Wu Dongyang said appeared in Chen Feng's heart.

At that time, Wu Dongyang looked at Chen Feng with a very firm tone, and said: "The sword is here, and the sword breaks and kills!"

At this moment, Chen Feng suddenly recalled these two sentences in his mind, and his heart suddenly twitched, anger exploded, and his heart surged, and his breathing suddenly became heavy.

He whispered: "Brother Wu Dongyang, I don't know who moved you? But I will find out! And, I will definitely make him pay!"

At this moment, Chen Feng suddenly saw a person poking his head, looking here from the door.

He immediately shouted in a cold voice, "Who? Sneaky, get out!"

"Boy, who are you talking about? Who do you want to get out of here?" After the man saw Chen Feng's age and looks, he immediately became more courageous.

He stopped sneaking peeping, and walked in swaggeringly, looking at Chen Feng with a downward attitude.

Chen Feng said lightly: "Who are you? Why are you spying here?"

This person snorted disdainfully, looked at Chen Feng, and said coldly: "You are the disciple who just entered the sect this year, right?"

"I don't know how to call my brother when I meet! It's really rude, uneducated, and I don't know what kind of wild child from a **** family!"

Chen Feng said in a cold voice, "Do you tell me who you are?"

"You're **** looking for death, little bastard, how dare you talk to me like this, today I will teach you what is a rule!"

As he said, he blasted Chen Feng with a fierce punch, with a smug expression on his face: "Boy, I hit you harder with this punch. Don't blame me!

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