Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 956: war! Water Splitting Thorns!

I slapped it heavily on the dock, and the entire dock trembled violently.

The mighty power of this huge wave, even the ordinary gods of the gate realm could not resist, and would be beaten to pieces.

Chen Feng flew up in the air and landed above the water.

Before he sank down, he took full advantage of it.

If he had used a shocking step before, he would definitely fall into the water.

But at this time, he was in the shape of a swimming dragon, and he looked like he was floating above the water, at an extremely fast speed, stepping on the water and rushing forward.

Soon, Chen Feng had rushed hundreds of miles to the center of the Great Lake.

In front is a small island.

The island is hundreds of years long and dark.

And if you look closely, you will find that where this is a small island, it is clearly a behemoth!

It was lying in the water, and because of its size, it was too large for the lake to cover his body completely.

So that the part above the water forms an island, which is actually its back!

At this moment, in the violent storm, this behemoth still seemed to be able to detect Chen Feng's trail.

Chen Feng clearly heard a very dull low growl, and then the island slowly moved.

The small island rises and grows rapidly.

This giant beast rose from the water.

At this moment, an extremely bright lightning flashed across, illuminating the world as white.

Chen Feng also saw the true face of this behemoth.

The body is hundreds of meters long, like a hill, with a row of huge plate armor on the back, and thick scales all over the body.

It is one of the ten guardian spirit beasts in Ziyang Sword Field, the Water-Splitting Thorny Dragon!

Five-stage spirit beast!

At this moment, without warning, Chen Feng let out a wild roar!

He suddenly jumped up to a hundred meters high, interrupted Yue Dao with his hand, and with an extremely tyrannical posture, he slashed madly towards the neck of the Water-Cracking Thorns Dragon.

Compared with the Watersplitting Thorn Dragon, he looked very small, and his movements looked very self-defeating, like a person slashing towards a mountain.

It looks useless.

But Chen Feng was extremely powerful, roared in his mouth, and the long sword in his hand was extremely determined, full of a forward-looking attitude!

The Watersplitting Thorn Dragon never expected that this tiny human would attack itself.

And just now, he was only awakened by a strange breath, and even his brain was a little fuzzy, and he didn't know what was going on.

He hasn't recovered yet, and he can't make effective resistance.

In the next instant, Chen Feng interrupted Yue Dao in his hand and slashed it on its neck.

The water-splitting thorn dragon is extremely large, but its neck is very slender.

It's just that this slenderness is just relative. His neck is still as thick as a three-story pavilion, with a diameter of ten meters!

Chen Feng's Broken Yue knife slashed fiercely on it, suddenly bursting out first-class fierce sparks.

He used the strongest trick as soon as he came up: Shake the earth!

Because Chen Feng knew that to deal with such a powerful spirit beast, he had to use the strongest trick!

But what disappointed him was that it seemed that the Broken Yuedao couldn't even break the scales of the Watersplitting Thorny Dragon.

Chen Feng was shocked, if that was the case, then he was hitting the rock with a pebble today.

Even its scales can't be broken, how can it be beaten?

Chen Feng gritted his teeth and let out a crazy shout: "I don't believe it!"

Chen Feng frantically urged the Dragon Elephant to fight the sky, and the surface of the Duan Yue Sword showed a blood red light!

At this moment, two rays of light flashed across the Broken Yue Sword.

One black, one platinum!

These two rays of light respectively represent the two attributes of the Broken Mountain Sword, which are as heavy as a mountain and cut iron as mud!

Chen Feng felt that Yue Dao suddenly became ten times heavier when he interrupted his hand, and the force he slashed forward was also increased ten times.

And the white light plated on the blade of the Broken Yue knife seemed to be invincible.

After the activation of these two attributes, the power of the Broken Yue Sword suddenly became many times stronger, directly slashing the huge scales.

Then, cut into the flesh and blood heavily.

On the neck of Watersplitting Thornysaurus, there was a huge wound three meters long and more than three feet deep.

The blood surged, Chen Feng secretly rejoiced in his heart.

Fortunately, the Broken Yue knife was used. If it were the Ziyue knife, this knife would cut off a few pieces of scales, even if it was very good!

It turns out that there is such a second-level spirit weapon, it really has a great improvement in strength.

After Chen Feng activated the two attributes, this sword shook the earth, absolutely at least five times more powerful than before!

Watersplitting Thorn Dragon felt a sharp pain, and it threw its neck fiercely and hit Chen Feng directly.

Chen Feng felt as if he had been hit by a mountain lift. Unrivaled force struck him and was smashed directly into the lake for more than ten meters, and then he ejected heavily.

With blood-red eyes, the water-splitting thorn dragon stared at Chen Feng fiercely, full of hatred.

Then, it let out a fierce roar, and its huge claws slapped Chen Feng fiercely.

Chen Feng started with a startled hung step, and flashed by in a flash like a dragon.

His claw is extremely powerful, with a howling strong wind.

Chen Feng felt that if he was photographed, he would be photographed to death.

The water-splitting thorn dragon, two claws shot out one after another.

And every time Chen Feng dodges the danger.

The eyes of the Water-Cracking Thorns Dragon flashed with blood red, a flash of shame and anger, and suddenly opened its mouth and roared.

Then, in the lake water, countless lake water emerged, forming thousands of sharp water swords in the air.

These water arrows attacked Chen Feng fiercely, covering a range of hundreds of meters.

Chen Feng tried to take it forcibly, but he was directly penetrated through his left arm.

He was astonished. These water arrows were extremely sharp, almost catching up with the sharpness of the first-class spirit weapon, much tougher and sharper than steel!

Must not be hardwired.

So he dodged from left to right, wave after wave of water arrows, attacking Chen Feng, each wave had thousands of them.

Chen Feng was very hard to avoid. He just avoided a long arrow and flashed to the right. Suddenly, he felt a dark shadow shrouded toward him.

Chen Feng wanted to hide, but it was too late.

With a loud bang, he was directly hit by the claws of the Watersplitting Thornsaurus, flew out for hundreds of meters, and hit the cliffs of a small island.

Chen Feng felt all the bones in his body break, wow, and vomited blood.

The whole body was painful.

One blow, just one blow, has already seriously injured him!

As for the Watersplitting Thorns Dragon, a smug hatred flashed in his eyes, and he rushed forward without stopping.

Chen Feng tried his best to escape, and the Water-Cracking Thorns Dragon hit the cliff hard.

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