Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 955: Hole card, Shaking Thunder

Chen Feng coaxed him for a long time before Ziyue spared him.

Ziyue chuckled: "Chen Feng, I was joking with you just now!"

"Actually, you don't need the Purple Moon Knife, you don't know, every time you use the Purple Moon Knife, I get shaken up inside.

Chen Feng was a little touched in his heart. Only then did he realize that Ziyue was so uncomfortable when he used the Ziyue Sword.

Ziyue had never mentioned it to herself before, obviously because she didn't want to let herself have any scruples and couldn't let go of her hands and feet.

Chen Feng looked at Ziyue and said, "Ziyue, you are so kind."

He suddenly had an idea and said: "Zi Yue, why not do this, anyway, the Zi Yue knife will not be of much use anyway."

"I didn't cast it into a pendant that you can carry around, or a ring or something, and then put it on your hand, so you don't have to take out the purple moon knife every time before you can appear."

Ziyue happily said, "Okay, okay."

At this time, An Lao sighed faintly beside him, and poured cold water into him: "Boy, this is difficult!"

"I have observed the material of the Purple Moon Knife. It is very rare and very special. I don't know what material it is, but it is at least Grade 3 or higher."

"I asked as long as the girl before. He said that the former owner of the Purple Moon Blade said that as long as there is a very big secret hidden in it, no one has ever found it out."

"I guess it's impossible for you to cast it."

Chen Feng was a little disappointed, Ziyue Dao's secret, he searched for a long time, but did not find it.

The next day, Chen Feng went to the Eternal Blood Cave again.

This time, he stayed inside for an exceptionally long time.

Chen Feng has entered the twelfth floor of the Divine Sect Realm, and he can absorb much more blood at one time than before.

He stayed inside for three hours.

Three hours later, Chen Feng stood in the eternal blood cave with a trace of nostalgia in his eyes.

At this time, all the blood pools in the Eternal Blood Cavern had all dried up.

All the giant beasts have become corpses.

Chen Feng absorbed all the blood power in their bodies.

And these blood powers only improved Chen Feng's strength by two points.

Chen Feng slowly shook his head, this eternal blood cave is considered to be abolished, and he is also very sentimental about this place, and this place allows him to greatly improve.

After returning, Chen Feng opened the door and came in. He happened to see An Lao floating in the air, and at this moment, a pill fell into his hand.

Obviously, An old man just finished his alchemy.

An Lao sighed and gave Chen Feng a pill: "Come on, for you."

Chen Feng took the medicine, but didn't check it immediately. Instead, he asked with concern, "Old An, how are you doing?"

At this time, An Lao, his face full of fatigue, and extremely exhausted, this is very rare.

Seeing Chen Feng's concerned eyes, An Lao's heart warmed, he waved his hand and said, "Don't worry, I'm fine, it's just a bit more expensive."

He sighed: "I thought that when I refined this kind of pill, I made hundreds of them in one furnace at a time without any effort, but now, it takes half the energy to make one."

Chen Feng said in surprise: "An old man, you actually consume so much."

An old man waved his hand: "Okay, old man, I'm fine, you can take a look at this pill first, this is for you."

Chen Feng nodded and looked down.

The pill is about the size of a baby's fist, generally purple, and half white. There seems to be lightning in it, and it seems to seal countless thunder.

Just looking at it gives people the feeling of being thunderous and about to hack down.

Chen Feng was shocked, he could feel the tyrannical power of the seal in this pill.

I'm afraid that if the pill explodes at this time, he will be crushed to pieces.

"This is the sky-shaking thunder pill, a fourth-grade pill." An old man said: "It is extremely powerful, equivalent to a seven-star powerhouse in the Tianhe realm, with a full blow!"

Chen Feng took a deep breath.

His current strength is very reluctant to deal with the two-star strong in the Tianhe realm, while the strong three-star is not low at all. If he faces the four-star strong in the Tianhe realm, he is afraid that he will be killed by a direct hit.

Tianhe Seven Stars, that was a height he couldn't reach and could only look up.

What a powerful force this is, it is really unimaginable!

"To deal with that spirit beast, your current strength is definitely to die." An old man said: "Sky-shaking Thunder Pill, use it as your trump card."

Chen Feng was extremely moved, but he only said four words: "We must live up to it!"

An old man smiled slightly: "That's right. If you keep thanking me, it will be boring."

In the evening of that day, the sky was originally a brilliant sunset, and the evening breeze was light and peaceful.

Suddenly, the breeze turned into a violent wind, black clouds accumulated, and the sky was pitch black in an instant, and you could not see your fingers.

Then, the heavy rain poured down.

In the dark night, the entire Ziyang Sword Field was shrouded in the downpour, and nothing was seen.

At this time, the entire Ziyang Sword Field was in silence, everyone stayed in the house honestly, no one was walking outside.

Ziyang Sword Field, which was also very lively at night, was unusually quiet.

Chen Feng was sitting cross-legged in the room, but suddenly stood up, his eyes full of energy.

"It's this moment, it's today!"

"It's so heavy rain, you can't see your fingers, and the wind is whistling, no one will know what I have done!"

"Today is the best opportunity. After today, I don't know when to wait until it is!"

He took a deep breath, put on his clothes, and walked out of the room with the broken sword.

After a while, he came outside the room of the woman in black.

As soon as he arrived at the door, a faint voice came from inside. Even though the surrounding rain burst and filled his ears, he still heard the voice of the woman in black clearly.

"It's so late, what are you doing here?"

Chen Feng said softly: "First seat, what is the biggest disaster I can cause?"

The woman in black was stunned, and then she understood what Chen Feng meant.

A smile suddenly appeared at the corner of her mouth, and she said indifferently: "Don't worry, although my Broken Blade Peak has fallen, I still have a bit of face in Ziyang Sword Field."

"I can handle the great disasters for you, but I'm afraid you don't even have the ability to cause trouble!"

Chen Feng laughed loudly: "Haha, then I'll just let it go and do it."

With that, turned and left!

Behind him, the black-clothed woman, with a slight tick at the corner of her mouth, whispered softly, "This little guy is really not afraid!"

After a while, Chen Feng had already arrived at the dock by the lake.

At this time, there was no one on the dock.

All flying boats and ships are all caught in the mist.

In the heavy rain, the lake water rises to the sky, causing huge waves, and a wave hits it, which is tens of meters high.

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