Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 923: Special training

When Chen Feng heard it, he was very excited.

An Lao has lived for thousands of years, and his combat experience is extremely rich, many times more than what he didn't know. He started training for himself. It must be very targeted.

I am afraid that I can greatly improve myself!

An Lao continued: "The first thing to do now is to improve your pace."

"Your shocking pace is very fast, but not sensitive enough."

"In other words, Jinghongbu itself is very agile, but you didn't use it. Your combat method is too wide-ranging, and you lack too much skill!"

Soon, Chen Feng was arranged in this cave under the command of An Lao.

From the top of the cave, a full fifty ropes hang down.

Under each rope, there is a stone hanging. There was no wind in the cave, so the stone did not move.

These ropes are very dense, and the distance between each one is definitely not more than one foot. Chen Feng can't walk directly over, he has to be sideways!

Then, An Lao clicked several places on Chen Feng's leg and said, "You close the meridians here yourself."

Chen Fengfeng nodded and closed the meridians here.

Then, An Lao said: "Now, I will use some powder to sprinkle the shape of a road."

"Just walk between the rocks hanging on the rope. You have to follow the direction of the powder mark and follow that road. You are not allowed to touch any stone."

Ziyue was holding her arms next to him, as if watching a good show, smiled and said: "Grandpa An, what happens if Chen Feng touches a stone?"

An old man always smiled when he talked to her, but his face was very serious at this time, he became rigid, and said coldly:

"He touched a stone, so I gave him a whip."

As he said, a soft whip more than three meters long suddenly appeared in his hand. This soft whip did not look like an entity, but was made of something nihilistic, showing a dark color.

There seems to be flame burning above it!

Ziyue said in surprise: "I felt a powerful force on this whip. This force is very strange. It does not seem to directly affect the flesh, but the soul."

Ziyue was right. When Chen Feng saw the whip, he felt a cold feeling suppressed.

An old man smiled slightly and said, "Old man, I have lived for thousands of years, and I still have some savings."

He looked at Chen Feng: "Are you ready?"

Chen Feng nodded, and Anlao immediately sprinkled a handful of black powder.

The powder fell on the ground, and a clear route immediately appeared.

This route is very tricky, basically passing between two ropes, and some of them are twisted like a snake road.

An Lao Lao shouted in a deep voice: "Go!"

Chen Feng immediately pulled out his leg and displayed a shocking step.

As a result, he did not expect that as soon as he used the shocking step, when the Gang Qi reached the closed points above the meridian, it would immediately become stagnant.

Jing Hongbu was only half of the usual effect. Chen Feng was not used to it at all. He lost his balance and fell heavily to the ground, hitting three rocks.

An old man walked directly behind Chen Feng without saying a word, slapped a whip, and drew it directly on his back!

Chen Feng shivered suddenly, and the cold sweat on his forehead immediately came out.

This whip really acts directly on the soul level.

He felt like his soul was being torn apart, the pain was so hard to speak, it almost made him faint!

But Chen Feng still gritted his teeth and didn't even let out a muffled snort.

An Lao glanced at him, nodded and said, "It's still a bit like. You just hit three, now you get three lashes, and now you have two lashes."

As he said, another whip hit Chen Feng.

Chen Feng shivered fiercely again, and An Lao shouted angrily: "What do you want? Are you going to lie on the ground and let me beat?"

Chen Feng stood up abruptly, holding his head high, gritting his teeth and stubbornly, not even trembling, and he received the third whip abruptly.

He was still in pain, but he controlled his body.

An old man nodded and said: "This is the attitude you should have!"

Then he said: "Go on the road just now."

Chen Feng nodded. This time, instead of using Jinghongbu rashly, he took two steps to get used to his current body.

After those meridians were blocked, he found that Jinghongbu could only display half the speed of his usual speed, and the speed was reduced. To go this way, he needed more skills.

Chen Feng walked forward cautiously, still very fast, but instead of rushing forward indefinitely as in the past, there were many more variables.

He hit a stone halfway through, and Anlao was merciless, snapped, and drew on him again!

An old man shouted coldly: "Don't start from the middle, go back and start again!"

Chen Feng gritted his teeth, a look of cruelty appeared on his face: "I still don't believe it!"

He stepped back and rushed forward again!

In this way, Chen Feng suffered seven whips, failed four times, and finally walked this short road of no more than ten meters!

After he walked the road at half the speed, he found that he was sweating profusely, and he was so tired that he held his knees and panted heavily.

This is a great test for him physically and mentally.

And the direct whipping of the soul just now made him feel very tired.

Ziyue watched by the side and said distressedly: "Grandpa An, or let Chen Feng rest first!"

An Lao glared at Chen Feng fiercely, and sternly shouted: "The more tired you practice, the more effective you will be. Only after you cross the limit can you reach the peak."

"Get up and continue practicing!"

Then, he sprinkled a path with powder again, which was twice as long as before.

Chen Feng took a deep breath and continued to move forward.

This time, he got six lashes but walked twice as long.

An old man nodded slowly beside him, Chen Feng, this son, had a very high understanding, and he quickly understood what he did.

How can this kind of person learn martial arts not fast?

For the third time, An Lao doubled the length again, and this time asked Chen Feng to finish the run within one breath!

For Chen Feng, this requirement was extremely demanding. He failed eight times in a row, and even suffered fifteen lashes.

Chen Feng felt that his soul seemed to be scorched by flames, and his mind was so painful that he was not even clear.

He was panting heavily, sweating profusely, his face pale as if he had just been fished out of the water, and his whole body was in a trance.

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