Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 922: Thundering the sky, great success!

This behemoth is not exaggerated to say that it is standing upright!

And this seems to be a huge violent ape!

Lightning struck through, reflecting its figure, with golden hair all over his body, flashing with dazzling light.

This golden violent ape suddenly uttered an extremely violent roar, and then stretched out its huge palm, pinching it towards a lightning that did not know how big it was.

With a snap, it smashed the lightning directly.

Then, leaping into the sky, he jumped directly into the dark cloud.

Another punch, several punches in succession, directly broke the black cloud.

A ray of sunlight fell, illuminating him incomparably, like a **** or a monster.

Chen Feng was completely stunned when he saw this scene.

One punch smashes lightning, counts boxing clouds, and can actually contend with the might of the world. What level of monster is this violent ape?

It's so powerful!

This must be a prehistoric species, an ancient behemoth!

The golden violent ape roared frantically, his fists hit his chest fiercely, bang bang bang.

Chen Feng could hear this voice hundreds of miles away.

Then, on a whim, he smashed the nearby mountain with a punch.

And the lightning didn't seem to show weakness. Soon, many lightnings gathered at him, and kept smashing against him.

He fought and kicked to contend with it.

As for Chen Feng, at this moment, his eyes flashed slightly, and a touch of joy appeared on his face.

"It's now! Now the lightning is gathering there, and the lightning on my side has become sparse."

"Just now, the thinnest lightning around me also has the thickness of the arm. This is something I can't absorb right now!"

"Now, even after I swallow the Thunder Pill, the thickest lightning I can absorb is just the thickness of my thumb!"

"At this time, the lightning is all converging towards the violent ape, and the lightning on my side suddenly becomes sparse, and they are all very thin."

Around Chen Feng, the lightning that was as thick as a thumb just now, Chen Feng could not see at all.

Now, I saw the five or six ways at once.

Chen Feng was overjoyed, and immediately flashed toward a lightning bolt with the thickness of a thumb.

He leaped away, and the next instant lightning struck him.

If Chen Feng hadn't shocked Lei Dan, he would be severely injured.

But at this moment, he swallowed the Shocking Thunder Pill directly, and in an instant, Chen Feng's body turned out to be a little empty.

After the lightning fell on him, it had no effect on him.

Chen Feng felt that his body was itchy.

He knew that the time was urgent, and he didn't hesitate at all. He directly used the thunderbolt boxing method to introduce this lightning into his dantian.

In the dantian, Chen Feng's lightning, which was already the thickness of his wrist, instantly became twice as thick, and his small arm was thick enough.

Chen Feng was pleasantly surprised: "It is worthy of the power of heaven and earth, the purest lightning in nature. A single lightning can be as high as hundreds of lightnings in the palace."

Chen Feng didn't have time to cheer, immediately his figure flashed again, and he came to another lightning strike again.

Another flash of lightning fell, and this time the power of thunder and lightning in his dantian directly became the thickness of his upper arm.

At this time, Chen Feng was full of pride and screamed again.

This time, he didn't wait at the landing point, but directly threw out and plunged into the air with a bolt of lightning.

In the Dantian, the thunder and lightning became thick again!

After swallowing a Thunder Pill, there are only five breaths.

Within these five breaths, Chen Feng fully absorbed seven lightning bolts!

And after all the seven lightning bolts were absorbed, I saw Chen Feng's vast dantian, above the golden small cauldron, below the asura phase, and directly above the dragon blood. That lightning bolt had become human. Thickness of thighs.

It shone with a dazzling white light, which was very frightening. There were constantly crackling and crackling lightnings that gave birth to and died in the void.

This thunder force is rolling and flowing, exuding infinite vitality.

After five breaths, Chen Feng's state of nothingness disappeared, and the effect of Thunder Pill disappeared.

When Chen Feng fell on the cliff, he slammed out with a fierce punch: "Thunder moves the sky!"

After the punch was blasted, it directly shook the entire cliff.

Thunder flashes!

Before that, after Chen Feng punched out, the thunder light would only flash within three inches of his body's fist.

And now, with one punch, the thunder light can even spray half a foot away.

Chen Feng was extremely happy and laughed.

"The power of thunderous nine heavens, I have been able to play to ten times!"

Thundering the sky, so far! The power is three to five times higher than before!

Here is a very hidden cave, the cave is very huge, like a mountain has been hollowed out.

It was very hidden here, and Chen Feng finally found such a place that was wide enough, yet very hidden, and not occupied by other spirit beasts.

He stood here quietly, and Old An was suspended in front of him.

An old man looked at Chen Feng, and said with a straight face: "The Dragon Elephant Fighting Heaven Technique you cultivate is extremely high-level, and the level of martial skills you cultivate has been very high."

"So, you have never had an opponent at the same level."

"Even if you are on the tenth floor of the Divine Sect Realm, you will not lose the wind against the enemies of the twelfth floor of the Divine Sect Realm."

Chen Feng nodded slightly, this is something he has always been very proud of.

He always leapfrogged and challenged, and he was never afraid of being two levels higher than him!

An old man continued: "And now you, the eleventh floor of the Divine Gate Realm, and the one star of the Tianhe Realm, are only two levels behind."

"One star in the Tianhe Realm is the lowest level in the Tianhe Realm. It stands to reason that even if you are not Lin Dong's opponent, you should never be beaten so badly!"

"Fighting against the Tianhe Realm One Star, it was beaten and lost. Do you know why?"

When Chen Feng heard this, there was a burst of cold sweat, and a burst of shame in his heart.

He was quite complacent at first, but at this moment, An Lao said, he realized his problem.

He was a little ashamed and said: "Old An, the kid doesn't understand, please give me some advice."

Di Lao said indifferently: "Bystander Qing, I have been watching you fight these days, and found that you have a problem!"

"Your technique is very powerful, and your martial skills are also very powerful, so you are used to crushing with powerful force."

"Therefore, your fighting skills are actually quite lacking, and the combination of martial arts is very poor!"

"You can't use the least qi to exert the greatest power."

Chen Feng nodded and said, "That's right."

He was shocked at this moment, and An old man observed very thoroughly.

An old man nodded and said: "Then starting today, I will start some training for you."

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