Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 5551: Chen Feng's plan!

"Instead of this, it is better for me to stay here first to help the Galaxy Sword Faction resist foreign enemies."

"You go to protect your friends."

Although the matter of the top of the sky is urgent, after all, this is her home.

The Galaxy Sword School was once the place where his father lived.

She must not just watch the Galaxy Sword Sect in danger!

Hearing these words, the Great Desolate Master could be regarded as seeing it.

"What else?"

Chen Feng immediately told what had happened on the top of the sky.

After learning everything, the Great Desert Lord fell silent immediately.

After a long time, he couldn't help but sighed.

Lifting his eyes, staring at Chen Feng.

"You kid, how can you cause so many troubles everywhere."

Chen Feng was also caught in a dilemma.

With Zhongli Yaoqin's own power alone, I am afraid it will be difficult to resist the forces of all directions.

No matter how strong the Great Desolate Lord is, it will not be easy for the prestige to interfere in the annexation of these forces.

After all, Chen Feng is still a disciple of the Galaxy Sword School.

The sect is in trouble, if he doesn't go, he can't justify it.

But Mei has no time, there must be no shirk.

Suddenly, the great deserter on the high platform waved his hand.

"No matter, this matter is not difficult to solve."

Hearing this, Chen Feng suddenly looked up.

I saw the Great Desert Lord flipped his hand to take out an object and shot it at Chen Feng.

Another huge bronze key appeared in Chen Feng's hand.

"The key of trial?"


The clone of Great Wasteland said lightly.

"With the key of trial, you can choose the trial task you want to enter at will."

"Your friend is just a trial celestial disciple. This trial mission should not be too big."

"Presumably, it's like the eight major forces encircling and suppressing the Galaxy Sword Sect."

Hearing this, Chen Feng still doesn't know what the great deserter meant!

Zhongli Yaoqin can continue to stay here.

And Chen Feng can also return to the top of the sky and take Mei Wuxiao to choose to enter the Xuanhuang Zhongqian World!

In this way, neither will be delayed!

Chen Feng was overjoyed immediately and quickly thanked the great deserter.

"As soon as this matter is over, I will return here immediately and begin to retreat."

The great deserter nodded.

Chen Feng and Zhong Li Yaoqin immediately parted ways.


In a blink of an eye, three days later.

Beidou Fudi really waited for Zhongli Yuntian.

He handed Chen Feng another key of trial, but Zhong Li Yaoqin was not seen.

"She's not on top of the sky?"

There is blood induction, Zhong Li Yuntian is naturally very clear.

Chen Feng nodded.

Only then did Zhong Li Yuntian react and patted his head in annoyance.

"I didn't think well."

"As long as you return to the original world, you will be safe naturally."

In this regard, Chen Feng did not say much.

He only looked at Zhongli Yuntian.

"About your business, I have a plan..."

Hearing this, Zhong Li Yuntian immediately shook his mind and became vigorous.

After getting along in the trial world before, he has fully understood Chen Feng's strategy!

When he said this sentence, it often meant that the whole thing was already in his grasp.

In a blink of an eye, the time is up!

There was a loud voice from the top of the sky.

Countless immortals who wanted to participate in the mission also went to the huge towers of the heavens and ten thousand realms.

Chen Feng finally saw Mei Wuxie again.

"Brother Chen Feng."

Mei Wuxian is still plain white, beautiful and cute.

However, the breath released from her body is no longer what she used to be.

Today, her cultivation has already been promoted to the eleventh floor of the Star Soul Martial God Realm!

Although far inferior to Chen Feng, it is also quite impressive.

Even if you look at the top of the sky, you can rank in the forefront.

Regarding Chu Ping's life, Mei had no time to listen to Fairy Yuheng as soon as he left the customs.

"I'm very happy to be with Brother Chen Feng again."

Mei Wuxian smiled cleverly, quite agile.

Chen Feng smiled, and then handed over a key of trial.

"This key of trial, you must keep it away."

When Mei Wuxi saw this thing, she quickly reacted.

"Brother Chen Feng, do you have a trial world you want to go to?"


Chen Feng stared at her, lowered his voice, and slowly spoke.

"I want you to choose to enter... the mysterious and yellow world!"


When everyone appeared in the towers of the heavens and ten thousand realms.

Chen Feng saw Chu Pingsheng from a distance.

There is no need to say anything more, as soon as the two meet, the air is full of killing.

This time, Chu Pingsheng was surrounded by three men in black robes.

There seemed to be some special magic weapon on these three people, which obscured their breath.

Let people be unable to detect their true cultivation and identity for a time.

However, just seeing Chu Pingsheng's manner of treating the three people is not hard to guess.

Those three must be Chu Ping's helpers.

The cultivation base is definitely not bad.

Even, it is very likely to be stronger than Chu Pingsheng himself.

Looking at the few people in front of him, Chen Feng couldn't help but sneered.

"You really have lost money."

However, there is only one death in the ending!

Chen Feng still has many hole cards.

Besides, the visitor this time, in all likelihood, he is familiar with Xuan Huang Zhong Qian World,

There are also great deserters and many companions.

Wanting to punish these clutter is no problem at all!

However, Chen Feng hid these in his heart.

He only sneered.

"Seeing you all rushing to find death, I really feel a little distressed."

Chu Pingsheng laughed loudly.

His eyes burst with cold light, and he said in a deep voice.

"Chen Feng, you can still be arrogant at this time."

"I'm not afraid to tell you that we have already laid down tricks on your friends."

"At that time, hehe..."

As soon as he said this, Chen Feng couldn't help being furious.

He immediately squinted Mei Wuxia next to him, trying to find out the strangeness in her.

but no!

Not aware of anything!

Even Mei Wuxia herself has looked carefully inside and out.

Seeing Chen Feng's vigilance, she couldn't help but calm down.

"Brother Chen Feng, don't mess around with yourself."

"They are probably bluffing."

Listening to Mei Wuxia's words, Chen Feng did not relax his vigilance.

He knows Chu Ping's life very well.

This person is arrogant and has extraordinary self-confidence.

At the beginning, no matter whether it was a false reason, as long as he could persuade him, it was fine.

This is his trail.

Because of this, as long as he said something, there will be no falsehood.

There must be something on Mei Wuxia's body that he hasn't noticed temporarily.

The more he thought about it, the more disturbed Chen Feng was.

Suddenly, he had an idea, and an idea suddenly came to his mind.

As an outsider, he could only detect whether Mei Wuxia's cultivation base was undermined by others.

However, the world of Xinghai, Dantian, and even the spiritual world cannot be known.

But what if he used the power of heaven and earth to reincarnate repeatedly on Mei Wuxia?

Just implant the devil's heart into Mei Wuxia's body.

Between the two is equivalent to forming a tight connection.

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