Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 5550: Let Chen Feng escape again!

Let him go back, remember to inform Fairy Yuheng and others.

The Tiancun Beast Slave immediately patted his chest and wrapped it around him.

At the same time, he also said that he would take care of the key to the trial.

After explaining everything, Chen Feng and Zhong Li Yaoqin looked at each other.

Then all shouted.

"Master of the heavens, I am waiting to return to the Xuanhuang Zhongqian World."

At the moment when the voice fell, Qing Guang quickly wrapped the two of them.

The two figures faded, and then disappeared in the Beidou blessed land.


As soon as he returned to the Xuanhuang Zhongqian World, there was pitch black before his eyes.

Chen Feng and Chen Feng once again appeared in the place where they had disappeared.

Among the ruins of the Demon Sect!

I have to say that they are lucky.

Not long before they appeared, the original Hong Xi Xianjun who had come in person just left with a grudge.

With a burst of blue light on, Chen Feng could even feel the terrifying aftermath that remained in place.

When they left the Xuanhuang Middle Thousand World, this Demon Sect of Ten Thousand Desires was already in dilapidated condition.

Looking at it now, there is no more grass.

Chen Feng looked at the large formation that had just been refined for the first time.

That huge magic circle was too late to absorb and take away.

At the time of goodbye, there was only a devastation left before my eyes.

The big magic circle that originally released the dark red blood light has no light at this time.

Chen Feng's heart was almost bleeding.

Seeing the opportunity for the great Xiu Luo Honglu to become a Taoist tool is in sight.

At your fingertips!

But this is all right!

He was unwilling to let it go, and tried to control that huge circle.


The earth trembled.

The endless blood light suddenly lit up.

However, it seemed to be leaking, and it was weak again before it turned on.

"It's useless."

"The damage is too serious, at least it can't work for now."

Zhongli Yaoqin on the side spoke lightly.

Chen Feng reluctantly gave up trying.

This magic circle is still an inherent magic circle in the Shura world, and it is difficult for him to repair it.

Moreover, with such a large array, Chen Feng's current skills against the array are almost helpless.

Zhong Li Yaoqin knew that this magic circle was intended by Chen Feng to evolve the Luo Hong furnace for major repairs.

She thought for a while and suggested.

"Maybe you can take it back and let Elder Wu take a look for you."

Chen Feng nodded.

The huge circle in front of him, although it had been severely damaged.

However, since it has been refined, it can be easily taken away.

Soon, the magic circle was absorbed by Chen Feng.

The two quickly returned to the distance and found the hidden teleportation formation.

For Xuanhuang Zhongqian World, there is not much time left in half a month.

At this moment, the world suddenly began to turbulence again.

This time, Zhong Li Yaoqin and Chen Feng were shocked at the same time.

"Hurry back!"

Without saying anything, Chen Feng pulled Zhong Li Yaoqin and directly spurred the teleportation formation.

The bright light instantly lit up.

Directly to the sky.

Then, it turned into a beam of light.

At the same time, a terrifying force that destroys the world suddenly fell!


Lei Guang suddenly started, and the dark clouds that had just disappeared quickly gathered again.

The extremely violent gust of wind instantly tore the void of tens of thousands of miles into chaos.

In this chaos, a thick roar exploded.

"Don't want to run away again!"

That power is too strong, and it is above the fairyland of the virtual earth!

This time, Chen Feng could almost see it.

At the moment when the teleportation array was lit, a stalwart figure suddenly appeared on the void not far away.

Immortal King Hong Xi is back!

He wore a gray and white robe.

The beard and hair are all white, but the spirit is strong.

Two substantive rays of light burst into the muddy eyes immediately.

In an instant, it fired at the location of the teleportation array where Chen Feng and two of them were.

When it was too late, the teleportation array suddenly disappeared.

In the next moment, the substantive gaze completely shattered the floating mountain.

"Chen Feng!"

Xianjun Hong Xi was almost furious.


He let the **** escape again!

This makes him a magnificent person in the fairyland of the virtual world, why is it worth it?

Xianjun Hong Xi stepped forward and appeared where the teleportation formation had disappeared.

He raised his head and immediately traced the other end of the teleportation array with an overhaul.

Just now.


Only a low whistle was heard.

A light and shadow suddenly lit up from the original position of the teleportation array.

Xianjun Hong Xi's eyes suddenly stopped.

The movement in his hand also stopped.

"Great Desolate..."

What appeared in front of him was the projection of the Great Desert Lord!

Even the projection in front of him was not more powerful than Immortal King Hong Xi.

But the aura of the sky, almost crushed the entire Xuanhuang Middle Thousand World Experts.

Even Immortal Hong Xi didn't dare to make trouble in front of him.

"Xianjun Hong Xi, you are the top first-class immortal gate of the Eastern Wilderness, and the supreme elder of Taiyi Immortal Sect."

"Not only is he unwilling to assume the responsibility of protecting the Eastern Famine."

"Instead, I have to kill someone I choose."

"You are so bold!"

As soon as he said this, Immortal Hong Xi's heart jumped and his face was earthy.

He almost weakened his legs and almost fell to his knees.

Even if they were the powerhouses of the spiritual virtual land fairyland, they could be said to be the top three in the Eastern Desolate Fairyland.

However, in the face of the great deserter, there is no idea to contend with it at all!

After all, that incident was too shocking.

But at the moment, the Great Waste Lord does not hesitate to drop a projection, but also beat him himself.

What it means is self-evident!

The Great Desert Lord is already very dissatisfied!

At this moment, even if Immortal Hong Xi wanted Chen Feng to die, he would never dare to think of disobedience again.

He bowed his head respectfully.

"Follow the orders of the great deserter."

The projection of the Great Desert Lord nodded, and his calm face was full of vicissitudes and indifference.

"Tell them both clearly."

"If something happens to Chen Feng, I will force you three immortal gates to guard the Eastern Desolation."

The voice fell.


The projection in front of him suddenly collapsed.

Xianjun Hong Xi stood still, daring not to move for a long time.

At this moment, Chen Feng and Chen Feng had also returned to the Great Desolate Lord's Palace.

Chen Feng couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief when he saw the Great Desert Lord again.

The clone of the Great Desert Lord was still sitting on the throne on the high platform.

He also smiled when the two returned.

"It seems that you have completed this missing task."

Chen Feng nodded and quickly recounted everything that happened over there.

After speaking, he looked at the Great Desolate Master, ready to tell what happened on the top of the sky.

However, at this moment.

A figure quickly appeared outside the hall.

It's Zhai Changzun!

I saw him coming in a hurry and told indifferently and simply.

"The eight major forces are ready to join forces against the Galaxy Sword Sect."

As soon as these words came out, both Chen Feng and Zhong Li Yaoqin's faces changed drastically.


Zhai Changzun said lightly.

"Just after four or five days."

Chen Feng and Zhong Liyaoqin looked at each other, their expressions sinking.

Zhong Li Yaoqin spoke immediately.

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