Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 5543: The second hand of True Man Qingyan!

He knew that Zhong Li Yaoqin was apologizing for the risk just now.

However, knowing that Gui knew, Chen Feng also quickly thought of a lot.

"Luckily you came here with us."

"The thundercloud storm of the Fourth Stage Immortal Mountain is already so terrifying."

"In my opinion, after we go out, you must be careful when you go to that second-grade fairy mountain."

"Can't be so eager anymore."

He understood Zhong Li Yaoqin's thoughts.

Zhongli Changfeng left only two bloodlines in total, one is the upright Zhongli Yaoqin.

The other is Zhongli Weize who is sneaky.

Now, Zhongli Weize has stretched out a huge Zhongli family on the top of the sky.

His cultivation is definitely not limited to the Shifang Dongtian realm.

Not to mention the Lingxu Land Wonderland, I am afraid it is above the Saint King Realm!

Both are the heirs of Zhongli Changfeng, how could Zhongli Yaoqin be just a Shifangdong Heavenly Realm monk?

I am afraid that the seal in her body will be released, and her cultivation base will soar.

But right now, Zhong Li's family had already learned that she had returned to the top of the sky by blood induction.

Zhong Li Yaoqin's situation here is almost equivalent to Chen Feng's situation in Xuan Huang Zhong Qian World.

If you don't improve your strength as soon as possible, it will be dangerous!

Chen Feng thought for a while and comforted her.

"The top of the sky absolutely prohibits the immortals from fighting each other."

"At least here, you can rest assured."

"Even if they want to move you, they can only send someone to kill you when you enter the world of trial missions."

On the way here, Chen Feng had already told her many things, including the giant towers of the Buddhist scriptures of the heavens and the towers of the heavens and ten thousand realms.

At this moment, Zhong Li Yaoqin didn't bother.

She nodded.

"Let's find the key of trial you want first."

Mei Wuxian's trial mission began a few days later.

The time left for them is limited!

Chen Feng and the three immediately passed through a large area of ​​deep mountains and old forests and headed towards the dilapidated palace.

With the Taishang Yuqing Nine Shou Zhen tactics, the three of them were already standing outside the palace in the time of a cup of tea.

If nothing else, in this palace, all the secret treasures during the first few hundred years of Qing Yanzhen's life were stored.

That was all the savings he had prepared for a comeback.

Just as soon as he was resurrected, his power did not even return to one percent.

They were killed by Chen Feng again!

The three looked at the palace in front of them.

Although there is no one, it is extremely dilapidated.

But from these broken walls, one can still vaguely see the glory of the year.

"A whole hundred years of accumulation has not yet returned to dust and dirt to dust."

Chen Feng was quite emotional.

He immediately stepped into the palace.

After passing through the long corridor, the three quickly arrived in the hall.

The high throne is still spotless.

As if the owner here is still there.

However, they turned quickly and frowned immediately.

"A hundred years of accumulation, where are the keys of trials hidden?"

Could it be, not in the palace?

Chen Feng thought for a while and took out three jade charms.

He gave two of them to Tianchou Beast Slave and Zhongli Yaoqin respectively.

"The three of us act separately."

"Tian Can, you go to the forest where we came to see if there is anything unusual."

"Fairy Yaoqin, you can search carefully here again."

"I'll go to the forest behind."

"Once you find something, immediately use the jade talisman to transmit the sound."

Time is limited and we have to split up.

This is already an unowned fairy mountain, and there will be no sneak attacks.

The three quickly separated.

Chen Feng quickly rushed towards the palace and went to search for it.

These tens of miles are all rolling mountains.

Only behind is a cliff.

According to Real Person Qingyan's lonely and weird character, it is possible to put all his savings anywhere.

Without a word, he rushed under the cliff.

However, just jumped off.

The picture before him changed drastically.

Chen Feng immediately changed his face and quickly squeezed the jade symbol.

"I found it!"

The huge palace they were looking for just now was a guise!

Under the cliff, there has always been an enchantment!

Only those who jump into it can see the real sect founded by Zhenyan Qingyan!

I have to say that True Person Qingyan is really a suspicious and cautious person.

Even his own blessed land Xianshan must be so concealed.

As soon as Chen Feng entered this enchantment, his vision suddenly changed.

He looked down.

Wherever you enter the eyes are dead bones!

In contrast, the previously hidden palace can only be described as depression.

Here is the real rundown!

All the disciples of the martial arts who have been dead for tens of thousands of years have died here.

From Chen Feng's point of view, the dead bones of those disciples were all in a huge altar.

The **** air will not disperse.

The yin wind kept blowing, and there were resentful spirits wailing in the howling.

I have to say that Chen Yan's mind is too vicious.

As early as when he founded this school, he had already thought of a lot of future.

Among them, this huge altar is included.

With such a greedy and selfish man by nature, he was prepared to make a comeback in the event of an accident.

He calculated the rules of the top of the sky.

As long as all the members of the martial art die, this fourth-grade fairy mountain can be closed.

So, on the day he was attacked tens of thousands of years ago, he started this back-hand.

Thousands of disciples from all over the sect will die!

At the same time, he also cursed the descendants of Mei Wuxia.

Just to come to the ruins in the desolate ancient ruins, borrow the Qingyan Divine Sword to resurrect him.

Had it not been for Chen Feng's clues, he had noticed something was wrong in advance and kept a hand.

Otherwise, the current True Person Qingyan can directly open this fairy mountain and take out the things reserved inside.

Then became a top power again!

"However, thanks to him doing these methods."

Chen Feng laughed in his heart.

Today's True Person Qingyan has died too much.

These things he had prepared for himself at the beginning happened to complete Chen Feng and others.

Soon, Tiancun Beast Slave and Zhong Li Yaoqin also jumped off the edge of the cliff.

As soon as they entered the enchantment, both of them changed their faces.

"I dare to kill my disciples next time."

"It's really terrible!"

In a short while, the three of them came to the already dilapidated altar.

It's empty everywhere, silent.

The three people stepped on the ground, and there was still an echo.

Looking at the corpses this time, although some have turned into withered bones, they still maintained their last actions before death.

They struggled, constantly trying to escape from the altar.

But in the end they were all stopped.

It is not difficult to imagine what a bloodbath will be here tens of thousands of years ago.

The entire martial arts arena suddenly turned into a **** altar.

The original guardian formation has now become a cage of imprisonment!

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