Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 5542: The true martial art of Zhenyan Qingyan!

Just as Chen Feng's complexion changed drastically, those thunder lights suddenly boiled!

Bursts one after another!


Zhong Li Yaoqin couldn't cope with it, so he lost his blood and spouted a mouthful of blood.

Even his body staggered.

It seems to be falling from high altitude.

In the next moment, Chen Feng disappeared beside the Tianchou Beast Slave, and instantly appeared beside Zhongli Yaoqin.

Without saying anything, he hugged Zhongli Yaoqin.

Turning around, he flipped his hand and took out the Great Asura Hong Furnace, shouting at the Heavenly Demon Beast Slave.

"Come in."

Tiancun Beast Slave and Chen Feng have formed a tacit understanding.

Even if there are only two words, he can react instantly.


The Great Asura Hong Furnace rose in the void against the storm, and instantly became bigger.

The celestial beast slave flew into it immediately.

At the same time, he urged all cultivation bases, and rushed into the dark clouds abruptly.

At this moment, the three of them simultaneously entered the thundercloud.


The endless thundercloud seemed to be ignited.

You can see the situation here for thousands of miles.

In addition to many nearby fairy mountains, the immortals passing by stopped one after another and looked sideways.

All of them had extremely incredible expressions on their faces.

Some companions looked at each other even more.

"I am not wrong, right?"

"Just now, someone rushed directly into the 4th Grade Immortal Mountain without owner?"

You know, these unowned fairy mountains, once sealed by the top of the sky.

Unless there is fate, it will be difficult to open.

Those who want to break through are often severely injured by lightning.

Especially the higher the Xianshan rank!

The lightning power contained in it is even stronger.

"I have been on the top of the sky for decades, and I have seen many people want to break into the unowned fairy mountain."

"However, no one can forge ahead successfully."

"It's not just that it didn't succeed. Nearly half of the strong people were chopped into powder!"

"No bones left!"


Among the discussion among the passing immortals, Chen Feng and the three had already penetrated into the thunderclouds.

There was an extremely sharp gust of wind in my ears.

Thunderstorms kept ringing.

Even the Heavenly Canal Beast Slave couldn't help feeling a little frustrated.

Just now, he completely relied on his trust in his eldest brother, and then he rushed in without hesitation.

But right now, Chen Feng held Fairy Yaoqin's waist with one hand, and grasped the edge of the large Xiu Luohong furnace with the other.

It's really just going to force it!

Even Zhong Li Yaoqin reacted at this moment, and couldn't help showing shock.

"Brother, let's go out first."

However, Chen Feng had a firm gaze, looking at the Fourth Grade Immortal Mountain in Thunder Cloud.

"Don't worry, I can teleport."

Although Tiancun Beast Slave heard some of Chen Feng's experience in Xuanhuang Zhongqian World.

But after all, I haven't really seen it before, and I am a little bit uncertain.

He kindly reminded.

"Brother, the space here is very unstable..."

Before the words fell, I saw dazzling eyes.

The body instantly lost weight and then stopped instantly.


In the last second, there were endless and deafening roars and thunder in my ears.

At this moment, there was silence for thousands of miles.

As if everything before was just an illusion.

They really came to this fourth-grade fairy mountain!

Chen Feng lowered his head and looked at the golden reincarnation jade medallion on his waist.

I don't know if it was his illusion. Just when he was running the first stage of the Jade Qing Nine Shou Zhen tactics, the samsara jade medal seemed to change.

It seems that there is a ray of green breath flowing out of it.

In that endless storm, a certain connection was created.

However, these are temporarily unknown.

The Tiancun Beast Slave couldn't believe it.

"Are we... here?"

"It's that simple?"

He immediately climbed out of the great Xiu Luohong furnace, turned over and looked around.

Looking around, the sights are all mountains and forests.

It is completely different from Beidou Fudi!

The owners of different fairy mountains can make some changes to their own fairy mountains.

Just like the Blessed Land, it is like a paradise.

And this four-pin fairy mountain, a large area of ​​deep mountains and old forests, huge towering ancient trees.

Even the sun above his head was groggy.

It seems to be covered with a thick layer of cloth, which makes people feel more depressed.

Looking at it as a whole, it has nothing to do with "Xianshan".

It's completely like a ghost!

The only thing worth paying attention to is the power of countless stars above the sky!

Chen Feng quickly counted it.

As a Seven-Rank Immortal Mountain, Beidou Fudi has a radius of hundreds of miles, including five or six hundred stars.

And this Four-Rank Immortal Mountain of True Man Qingyan, with a radius of thousands of miles, has the power of four to five thousand stars!

No matter how depressed and silent here.

I have to say that the power of the stars here is quite strong.

Even experts like Chen Feng and Zhong Li Yaoqin at their cultivation bases seem to feel like spring breeze.

The cultivation base that runs inside the body is even more enjoyable.

However, the celestial beast slave is used to seeing the fairy mountain environment like Beidou Fudi.

Although he felt comfortable as well, he still had difficulty adapting to the lifeless environment here.

"This is the fourth-grade fairy mountain? It's not as good as the seventh-grade fairy mountain in Beidou Fudi."

Chen Feng couldn't help laughing when he heard this.

He walked over and patted the Celestial Beast Slave on the shoulder.

"Have you forgotten the past of Real Qing Yan?"

Hearing this, Tiancun Beast Slave suddenly remembered.

True person Qingyan was originally born in a poor family in Longmai Continent. When he was grazing cattle in the mountains after the age of seven, he ran into an immortal.

After being instructed by the fairy, he embarked on the road of martial arts.

It's just that he is withdrawn, doesn't like to associate with people, and loves to be with those evil spirits in the mountains and forests.

Therefore, the reputation of Longmai Continent is not obvious, and there are not many legends left.

The Tiancun Beast Slave couldn't help being deeply moved.

"It doesn't matter if you are withdrawn. He was so ambitious before and wanted to resurrect."

"After so many years, it is still so gloomy."

Chen Feng couldn't help but sigh.

In order to track down the trace of the immortal who pointed him, Master Qingyan came to the top of the sky by accident.

At the top of the sky, he stayed for a hundred years.

In these hundred years, he not only possessed extremely strong strength himself, but also established a huge martial art!

I thought it would be so magnificent and growing.

Unexpectedly, it was still gloomy as always.

He looked far above the mountains and forests.

There are palaces with countless mountains.

It's just that with such a casual glance, you can see which palaces are ruined.

It seems that after the death of Master Qing Yan, some changes have occurred here.

At this moment, Zhongli Yaoqin came over.

She didn't know anything about True Person Qingyan, and came here with her own ideas.

However, this idea is somewhat impractical at the moment.

Fortunately, she came here to try first.


She spoke softly.

When Chen Feng heard this, he turned his head and waved his hand.

"What are you polite."

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