Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 5477: You just admit defeat!

"Or, in the eyes of Sect Master Zhongli, you are only allowed to dig people, and we are not allowed to follow suit?"

With such cynicism, many elders sneered on the platform.

The attitude of the three sword sects has been very clear.

They are deliberately taking advantage of the rules!

Not only that, but also to blame Chen Feng, who is the most proud of Tianshu Sword Sect, for being the first to start.

In this way, even if anyone is dissatisfied, it is difficult to refute with confidence.

The next game cannot be changed!

Luo Xingchen's complexion was indifferent and looked the same as usual.

However, He Tianyi, the special envoy of the sect master who was close to him, had already seen the anger that flashed in his eyes.

For a long time, he hadn't said anything about the four sword sects jointly oppressing Tianshu Sword Sect.

That's just because Zhong Li Yaoqin was always depressed.

After all, he still owes Zhong Li Changfeng his life, so how can he really remain indifferent.

But now, Tianshu Jianzong showed a strong posture and wanted to return.

The three major sword sects have joined forces to such an extent!

"The Sword School does not respect kendo, it only wants to eradicate dissidents..."

"If my Galaxy Sword Sect lets them go wild again, I'm afraid they will die!"

Luo Xingchen sighed in his heart.

But as the sect master who is in charge of the entire Galaxy Sword Sect, there are many things that he can't directly do if he wants to.

Although the three major sword sects took advantage of the rules, he couldn't stop it.

Otherwise, there will be a tongue that favors Tianshu Sword Sect!

However, he looked at Chen Feng in the martial arts field.

His face was as calm and calm as ever, completely confident.

The result of such a draw seems to have no effect on him.

"Perhaps this kid can really be eye-opening again."

Luo Xingchen's heart moved slightly, and the corners of his lips made a smile.

The next moment, his voice came to the ears of several Sect Masters lightly.

"If that's the case, let's read it."

I always feel that the kid's eyes are full of cunning.

"Game start!"

The huge voice resounded throughout the martial arts field.

Under the witness of countless people, Chen Feng took the lead to walk into the performance center.

The other participating disciples retreated outside the big array.

On the other side, in the seven-member team of Tianquan Sword Sect.

Gu Tianke and others squinted at Qi Junhao.

"No need to go up, just give in."

"Anyway, you were also beaten when you went up, and you lost the face of our Heavenly Power Sword Sect."

Qi Jun Hao, who originally opened Yang Jianzong, clenched his fists, his face flushed with anger.

If it hadn't been for this time, the Sect Master had spoken himself, he would definitely not join the Heavenly Power Sword Sect!

This atmosphere is really unbearable!

You know, with his strength, even though he is the weakest in front of these six people.

But after all, he is one of the ten true disciples of the entire Galaxy Sword Sect!

From the stands, who would dare to speak to him like this?

Qi Jun Hao's eyes were bloodshot, and he looked at Chen Feng, who was already waiting, full of unwillingness.

"No matter how strong Chen Feng is, if I don't even dare to fight, I will talk about how to cultivate immortals!"

The next moment, he flew forward and came to Chen Feng.

However, what Qijun Hao Wanwan did not expect was.

When he was on the court, all the disciples in the stands booed again and again.

"Just admit defeat!"

"You can't beat Chen Feng!"

"Hurry up and give up, we have to watch Yan Zimo fight Sikonghao!"


Such sounds are coming from all directions.

Even Kaiyang Jianzong's own disciple, this is also true!

At this time, Qi Junhao only felt that his life had never been so humiliated.

Everyone seems to have forgotten, he is one of the top ten true disciples!

Also has immense pride!

And the only one who didn't dismiss him like that, stood in front of him at this time.

Chen Feng stared at him earnestly and suddenly spoke.

"When the big match is over, do you want to come to Tianshu Sword Sect?"

Qi Jun Hao's heart jumped as soon as he said this.

Chen Feng is actually digging his corner!

"I deliberately shaken my will, is this your strategy?"

Hearing this, Chen Feng slowly shook his head.

"Although those sounds are harsh."

"But I have to say, you really can't beat me."

Qi Junhao finally broke out!

The game begins as soon as you enter the big team.

From his body, an extremely frenzied and powerful aura burst out immediately.

"If you can't win, you have to fight first!"

In the next moment, he directly used his biggest hole card without reservation.

The dazzling golden light from far to near, like a golden snake dancing wildly.


With a loud noise, all the disciples held their breath in the stands.

Could it be that Qi Junhao could really hurt Chen Feng?

Everyone wants to see this note and how it turns out.

The audience suddenly became quiet.

The crisp sound of kneeling, immediately sounded!

The brilliance faded.

I saw Qi Junhao kneeling stiffly a kilometer away from Chen Feng, unable to move at all.

There was an absolutely strong pressure, pressing him straight.

Desperate power gap...

From beginning to end, Chen Feng didn't even move a bit!

He calmly looked at Qi Junhao in front and spoke slowly.

"The title of Top Ten True Disciples is actually nothing."

"Next, you will suffer a lot of cold eyes and ridicule."

"But, at least, I appreciate you."

"Because you, like me, are fearless and never move forward!"

When Chen Feng said this, the audience was still quiet.

After speaking, the whole martial arts field is boiling!

Good you Chen Feng!

How dare to say that the title of the Top Ten True Disciples is nothing.

So many disciples present were extremely jealous of this title. But it seemed worthless in his mouth.

"Chen Feng is too mad!"

"Yes, and, extremely hypocritical!"

In everyone's eyes, Qi Junhao was simply embarrassed by himself.

It happened that Chen Feng had to say something nice.

Everyone looked at Qi Junhao in the field with disdain.

"This Qi Junhao, won't you be really moved by these nonsense?"

But only a few voices were mixed in these ridicules.

"However, to Chen Feng, the Ten True Disciples are really nothing remarkable."

"The only one who can fight him is probably only Yan Zimo."

It's just that these voices are too weak.

No one cares at all.

Outside the martial arts arena, the participating disciples of Tianquan Jianzong, except for Yan Zimo, all sneered.

Gu Tianke looked gloomy and looked extremely cold.

Others can't see it, but they are very clear.

As one of the top ten true disciples, when Chen Feng said those words, he was actually looking at them.

Chen Feng is completely provoking them!

As for Qi Junhao, in their eyes it is a waste!

"In the first competition, Tianshu Jianzong, Chen Feng won—"

Above the sky, a huge light curtain suddenly lit up.

Among them, the names of the five great sword sects appeared.

At this moment, beside the Tianshu Sword Sect, a point appeared!

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