Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 5476: Zongmen Grand Competition begins!

However, it seemed that he wanted to slap him in the face.

Before the words fell, a male duck's voice suddenly sounded behind Tuoba Hongxin's head.

"What big array can trap him?"

"The surnamed Tuoba, don't think that you can trap that kid with a little trick."

"Old man, I'm here to see who can play tricks!"

Upon hearing this, several suzerains turned their eyes.

A figure came quickly from far to near.

It is the weird Elder Wu!

After him, five people from Chen Feng strode forward.

They all smile and are extremely confident.

Even after seeing the team of Tianquan Sword Sect, his face remained unchanged.

When Gu Tianke saw Chen Feng's smile, his nameless anger was full.

He stepped forward and gave a cold snort.

"Chen Feng, you guys are really pompous."

"You elders, sect masters, and even sect masters have to wait for you."

While talking, the five Chen Feng had already appeared on the martial arts field.

He raised his eyebrows slightly, with a slight smile.

"The strongest has to make the last appearance."

"We dare to be the last, it means we have this confidence."

After all, his gaze crossed Gu Tianke and fell on a face-to-face person.

The young man was dressed in the exclusive costume of a true disciple of the Tianquan Sword Sect, with a long body and a handsome face.

Jianmei, star eyes, and a pair of natural smiling eyes.

Unlike anyone else, this person just stood there quietly, but ordinary people did not dare to look directly.

It seems that he noticed Chen Feng's gaze, and the man turned his eyes sideways.

Then, he smiled and nodded.

Only with this small move, Chen Feng can be sure in his heart.

This person is undoubtedly Yan Zimo!

He is completely different from other disciples of the Sword Sect of Heavenly Power.

The martial arts field is as big as a hundred miles.

There is a large formation guardian at the edge to ensure that the disciples in the stands are not involved.

Five teams with varying numbers.

Among them, there is no doubt that the characters of Tianshu Sword Sect are right.

Only five people!

Not a single substitute!

"The Tianshu Sword Sect is still shabby, and can only come up with five people."

"So bleak, dare to win the crown?"

"I think it is better to abstain as soon as possible to avoid the suffering of flesh and blood."

Among the Sword Sect of Heavenly Power, Gu Tianke, Ji Lingxiao and others continued to ridicule.

In their view, Chen Feng's only thing worthy of vigilance was the two of them.

Chen Feng and Si Konghao!

The breath of the other three people seemed to have just broken through the Shifang Dongtian realm.

Qi Junhao, the weakest member of the Heavenly Power Sword Sect team, might be able to solve one.

It is not worthy of their eyes.

After listening to these words, Chen Feng finally spoke.

His voice is not loud, but everyone can hear him clearly in the huge martial arts arena.

"Five people are enough for a sect competition."

"Believe it or not, just the five of us can get the full score of this sect competition."

When these words came out, the crowd was in an uproar!

Chen Feng, too crazy!

Where does he have so much confidence to let out such wild words!

For a time, the boos kept on, almost overturning the sky.

At this moment, a faint voice instantly spread to every corner of the martial arts field.

"be quiet!"

Door master, speak!

The originally boiling martial arts field was silent for an instant.

Luo Xingchen stepped forward, looking at everyone from the high platform.

"This time is the annual sect competition of our Galaxy Sword Sect."

"As for some news, you must have heard of it."

"I won't bother to speak anymore."

He spoke slowly.

The Zongmen Grand Competition is the same as usual.

The first day is an individual match, and the draw decides who will play against whom.

Whoever wins, the Jianzong gets a point.

The second, third and two days are team games.

Each team will send at least five people to compete with the other four teams.

Which team wins, the Jianzong scores two points.

On the fourth day, it was a challenge.

Each person cannot be challenged by ten consecutive people at most.

Whoever wins, the Jianzong gets a point.

After the three rounds of the competition, Jianzong with the highest points became the first in the competition.

"In other words, Chen Feng and the others must guarantee a complete victory to get full marks!"

"There is a good show!"

Many disciples in the stands were very excited.

Soon, the results of the lottery on stage were out.

However, unexpected things also happened.

The first game is the Heavenly Power Sword Sect vs. the Heavenly Sword Sword Sect!

Among them, Chen Feng played against Qi Junhao!

And Si Konghao, the one who was fighting against Yan Zimo!

The result of this draw left the audience silent for a breath of time.

Then, it boils again.

Behind Yan Zimo, all the participating disciples of Tianquan Jianzong were laughing wildly.

"Chen Feng, Chen Feng, you were still arrogantly talking last second, what cruel words were you."

"I'll be slapped in the face in the next second."

"How does it taste?"

I have been suppressed enough by Chen Feng, and now everyone is very happy as long as they can see Chen Feng deflated.

However, facing countless cynicism.

Chen Feng turned his head and looked at Si Konghao.

"Can you?"

Si Konghao nodded vigorously.

"Don't worry, leave it to me!"

"it is good!"

Chen Feng turned to look at everyone, his expression still indifferent as usual.

He is still so confident.

"I still said that."

"Only the five of us can get the full score of this sect competition."

When Chen Feng said this, the audience was in an uproar again.

From the stands, everyone looked at the result of the draw, completely unable to believe it.

They talk loudly and are not afraid of being heard.

"Chen Feng is extremely strong. This is well known, and we all recognize it."

"But how dare he talk like this!"

"Don't take Yan Zimo too much!"

Especially the disciples of Tianquan Sword Sect, their faces flushed with anger.

"It's not just that Senior Brother Yan Zimo is not in his eyes, he simply doesn't put our Tianquan Sword Sect in his eyes!"

"According to the draw result."

"Except for his point against Qi Junhao, it is impossible for the other four to get another point!"

In addition to Sikonghao's dealing with Yan Zimo, Que Yuanzhou is about to face Guang Wanluo, the first cave of the Shifang Dongtian realm.

Que Yuanyi will play against Ji Lingxiao who is Xiaocheng in the second cave of the Shifang Cave.

And Yin Haoran also has to fight Xue Jingchen, who is in the second cave of the Shifang Dongtian realm!

Every opponent looks like a stabilizer of Tianshu Jianzong!

It is really hard not to doubt whether there is a black box operation in it!

On the high platform, Zhong Li Yaoqin's beautiful eyes were withdrawn from the draw result of the light curtain.

She looked at the doormaster behind her slowly.

"Dare to ask the sect master, and temporarily put the three strongest true biography disciples of the Sword Sect under the same sect, just to deal with our Tianshu Sword Sect."

"Is this reasonable?"

Upon hearing this, the three sect masters looked at each other, and then laughed.

Their eyes were full of provocation and pride, and Qi Qi looked over.

Sect Master Tuoba spoke even more proudly.

"What did Sect Master Zhong Li say?"

"Since your Tianshu Sword Sect can dig in other Sword Sects, why can't we?"

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