Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 5228: If I don't go, what can you do to me?

It was the disciple of the chief elder of the Criminal Law Hall who stumbled Chen Feng deliberately at that time.

Seeing that Chen Feng thought of the connection between them so quickly, Elder Peng Wujue also revealed his true colors.

"I am his junior, what do you want?"

Seeing Elder Peng Dao Ming's identity, Jiang Yunxi stepped forward and sneered.

"You still have a face!"

"The disciples of the Divine Beast Sect before, all stepped on the face of our Galaxy Sword Sect, what did you do?"

"One by one is like a tortoise with a bowed head, and dare not say a word."

I remembered the other disciples who had been on the road before facing the attack from the disciples of the Beast God Sect.

Indifferently choosing to look on the sidelines, cowering, and looking forward and backward, Jiang Yunxi was not angry.

This immediately caused dissatisfaction among many disciples.

"Obviously Chen Feng provokes the right and wrong, why should the entire Galaxy Sword faction pay for him?"

"Yes! Jiang Yunxi, you like Chen Feng yourself. It is your business to help him."

"Why do we force us to help? We don't owe him anything."

"Furthermore, we are here to participate in the Broken Jade Conference!"

"Only when you get good results at the Broken Jade Conference, can you win glory for the Galaxy Sword Sect."

"If it is to help Chen Feng and we are killed or injured by the disciples of the Beast God Sect, then how will the face of the Galaxy Sword Sect be saved!"

One after another disciples spoke out, blaming Jiang Yunxi's remarks.

Watching them one by one whitewashed their cowardice, selfishness, and indifference with all kinds of hypocritical reasons.

Not only Jiang Yunxi, but also Que Yuanzhou's brother next to him frowned and felt very unhappy.

"Jiang Yunxi!"

Elder Peng glared straight, stretched out his hand to her, and then to Chen Feng.

"As the elder dispatched by the Galaxy Sword to lead the team, I now officially inform you two!"

"You guys, you are disqualified! Now, let me go from where the Galaxy Sword Sect is staying!"

Upon hearing Elder Peng's words, Chen Feng suddenly laughed.

He squinted his eyes, raised his chin slightly, and came to Peng Wujue's face.

The tall body directly formed a strong sense of oppression in front of the medium-sized Peng Wujue.

Elder Peng had a great alarm in his heart, but still relying on his identity, he still arrogantly said: "You, what do you want?"

Chen Feng suddenly laughed contemptuously.

"I didn't want to be so."

"I'm just thinking, your disciples of the Chief Elder of the Criminal Law Hall, really are exactly the same."

"Previously, the elder Feng asked Qiu Ruhai to come to the assessment site in an attempt to directly deprive me of the qualification to participate in the assessment."

"Now, it's you again, dare to say that Miss Jiang and I have lost the qualifications to participate in the Broken Jade Conference."

He seemed to have heard some joke, and the corners of his mouth widened.

At the same time, looking at Peng Wujue and the disciples behind him, his eyes became increasingly fierce and cold.

"Elder Peng, I really want to see, if we don't leave, what can you do with me?"

After speaking, Chen Feng took a step closer to Peng Wujue in front of him.

The terrifying coercion erupted directly from Chen Feng's body, and instantly swept the entire area.

Including Elder Peng, all the new disciples changed on the spot!

Everyone was suppressed by Chen Feng's coercion and could not move at all!

This is horrible!

Obviously not long ago, on the square in front of the Zongmen Hall.

At that time, Chen Feng was far from the current level when he played against Yi Changkong.

His cultivation speed is too enviable!

For a while, even Elder Peng was suppressed by Chen Feng.

His face became ugly, and his originally yellowish face gradually became bloodshot and red.

It looked like he was doing his best to resist Chen Feng's coercion.

However, no matter how he resisted, Chen Feng still stood with his hand, looking relaxed and comfortable.

And all of them can feel that the coercion covering them is getting stronger and stronger.

As a result, some of them even bent down in embarrassment.

Can't even stand straight!

Such an obvious difference in strength does not require Chen Feng to say anything more.

It was like a slap in the face, slapped fiercely on the face of every disciple who had previously stood by indifferently.

Chen Feng suddenly withdrew his pressure, and said faintly: "Go away."

Return the original words!

The pressure on Elder Peng suddenly disappeared.

After hearing Chen Feng's words, it was as if he was being slapped madly, his face was red and white.

"Okay, Chen Feng, no matter how powerful you are, you are no more than a disciple, so you dare not put me as an elder in your eyes!"

"Today, I will replace the Galaxy Sword Sect and teach you a wicked child!"

Before he finished his words, he saw Elder Peng flipped his hand and took out a wooden whip more than one meter long.

There are 21 sections of the wooden whip, and each section is engraved with complicated patterns and patterns.

Jiang Yunxi recognized this, and his expression changed instantly when he saw Elder Peng take it out.

"It's Xinghe hitting the whip!"

This is what the Galaxy Sword Sect has always used to punish the children of the faction who have made mistakes.

The biggest feature of Xinghe's magic whip is that when the whip is blown, not only will the skin become ragged, but even the mental power will be greatly traumatized.

Worthy of being a disciple of the chief elder of the Criminal Law Hall, he actually used public tools privately!

When the surrounding disciples heard Jiang Yunxi's exclamation, they came to their senses and realized what Chen Feng was about to face.

However, most of them are gloating.

Chen Feng's suffering has nothing to do with them.

Not only was it irrelevant, they even wanted Chen Feng to leave in embarrassment and no longer qualify for the competition.

Elder Peng smiled coldly, and slammed Chen Feng directly.

Although he is only the elder of the stars, his cultivation base is not high.

Even more than Chen Feng's heyday.

However, with the special magic weapon in his hand, even if he faces opponents stronger than him, he has enough confidence to make them suffer.

Seeing the rapid attack of Xinghe's whip, Chen Feng was reminded by Jiang Yunxi, and dodged for the first time.

The disciples around quickly scattered around, for fear that they would be affected.

In the space of several hundred meters between the front hall and several independent wing rooms, only two elders Chen Feng and Peng remained.

However, just when Chen Feng avoided the galaxy and hit the first whip.

The original one suddenly changed its direction and quickly struck towards his location again.

Faced with such a change, although Chen Feng was a little unexpected, he quickly recovered his composure.

Since blind dodge is useless, you can only face resistance directly.

The silver-white light in Chen Feng's hand lit up instantly.

A broken knife appeared in his hand, and he was directly waved with one hand, facing the direction of the whip attack, and swung a knife!


The two attacks fought together in an instant, and the void between Chen Feng and Elder Peng exploded.

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