Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 5227: rebuke!

Before leaving, Zhai Changzun looked at Chen Feng and his party.

"You just arrived today, do you know where you live?"

Chen Feng turned around and looked at Jiang Yunxi.

Jiang Yunxi shook his head: "We are looking for it too."

Seeing their reaction, Zhai Changzun gave a "sure enough" response.

"The resting place of the Galaxy Sword Sect is among the mountains and pavilions."

As he said, he looked sideways at one of the Desolate God Guards under him: "You take them over."

The selected Arakawa Shenwei stepped out and nodded.

Then, looking at Chen Feng and others: "Follow me."

Behind the huge square are the rolling hills.

After experiencing the development of warriors, this relatively flat mountain range was shaped into a place for people to rest.

Because it was built on rolling hills, it was passed on from ear to ear by the people later, and it was gradually called the pavilion of mountains.

The mountains and pavilions are extremely large.

Although it is not comparable to the magnificent and magnificent above the fairy mountain next to it, its winding is also quite time-consuming and laborious.

Chen Feng and his party followed the Desolate Guard, and it took a lot of time to finally reach their foothold.

"The disciples of the Galaxy Sword Sect, rest here."

"I will be stationed on patrol nearby. If you have any problems, you can directly find me."

After the desolate guard, he turned and left, simply neat.

Chen Feng and the others looked at the facade where they settled.

The words "Galaxy Sword Sect" are engraved on it, which looks quite humane.

Walking inside, the vision is wide and bright.

Although not comparable to those luxurious and exquisite luxury residences, it is also considered clean and elegant.

Walk into the room, walk through the front hall, and go behind the screen wall.

You can see several independent wing houses in the mountains and forests behind.

These wing rooms are much the same, and they are intimately equipped with a spiritual gathering formation.

It is convenient for every practitioner to practice daily.

Chen Feng looked around and said casually: "It seems that we are a little bit earlier than the others in the Galaxy Sword Sect."

The entire foothold belonging to the Galaxy Sword Sect was empty, and no one had lived in it.

Brothers Chen Feng, Jiang Yunxi and Que Yuanzhou are not critical and extravagant people.

For such an arrangement, naturally there is no opinion.

Everyone chose a wing room and took a break.

In the evening, the sky outside had basically dimmed.

Just as Chen Feng and others were meditating and practicing in their respective rooms, noisy voices suddenly sounded outside.

"...Okay, choose the wing room to move in."

"Next, you can recharge your energy and prepare for the next Jade Breaking Conference."

The voice of the middle-aged man outside was quite strange.

When Chen Feng walked out of the wing, he saw another star elder of the Galaxy Sword Sect.

"Where is Elder Yuan?"

He opened his mouth and asked.

The star elder with a new face suddenly became extremely ugly when he saw Chen Feng's face.

His tone was very bad, and he blurted out: "Elder Yuan? You still have the face to ask?"

"If it weren't for you, something that caused trouble everywhere, how could Elder Yuan be attacked and seriously injured by the people of the Beast God Sect and had to return to the Galaxy Sword Sect!"

Hearing this news, Chen Feng's heart moved.

Unexpectedly, Elder Yuan would be seriously injured by Xia Haochu's sneak attack.

"Just relying on Xia Haochu's cultivation base strength, it shouldn't be..."

"Unless...some treasures are used."

"Yes, as a well-known true disciple of the Beast God Sect, Xia Haochu should have quite a few treasures in his hands."

Chen Feng thought to himself.

Chen Feng had a good impression of that elder Yuan.

After all, in the circumstances at that time, Elder Yuan did not choose to stand by indifferently like other disciples.

On the contrary, if he hadn't taken the initiative to entangle Xia Haochu.

I am afraid that Chen Feng and the others would not have the opportunity to escape at that time.

All the opportunities since then no longer exist.

Chen Feng breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that Elder Yuan was seriously injured, but his life was safe.

However, do not wait for him to speak again.

The newly-changed Elder Stars in front of him has already appeared in front of Chen Feng.

He looked at Chen Feng's face extremely ugly, as if he was looking at an enemy, he came up with a curse.

"Chen Feng, what else can you do besides knowing to cause trouble?"

"We came all the way just now, but we all heard what you did!"

"Tsk tusk, am I going to tell you something so awesome?"

"You are also a few hours earlier than us, and you actually killed one of the six princes, Yuan Changfeng's younger brother, Yuan Shuizhuo!"

"Now it's okay, just offend everyone."

"At that time, the entire Galaxy Sword Sect will have to pay for your actions!"

Looking at the furious elders in front of him, yelling at the stars.

Chen Feng turned his head and looked at Jiang Yunxi who also heard the movement.

"Who is he?"

The scene was silent for a moment.

The disciples of the Galaxy Sword Sect who stood behind the elder star didn't know how to react for a while.

Want to mock Chen Feng's attitude is too arrogant, not even the elders of the stars.

But thinking about it carefully, Chen Feng has always been like this.

I have never been polite to any elder.

However, the look they looked at Chen Feng was also quite unkind.

Along the way, as long as they know that they are from the Galaxy Sword Sect, all the eyes around will look at them.

Then, he mentioned that there was a disciple named Chen Feng, how he was.

But after asking questions, they learned that Chen Feng's four were only a few hours earlier than them.

As soon as I arrived at the welcoming square of the Broken Jade Conference, there was a direct cause for trouble.

This makes them quite unhappy.

On the one hand, he hated Chen Feng for making trouble for the Galaxy Sword Sect.

On the other hand, he was quite dissatisfied that all the limelight had been taken out by Chen Feng alone.

Now, everyone knows that Galaxy Sword sent a very powerful disciple named Chen Feng.

The three brothers Jiang Yunxi and Que Yuanzhou came to Chen Feng and looked at the disciples and elders of the Galaxy Sword School from the front hall.

"This is the apprentice of the Chief Elder of the Criminal Law Hall, Elder Peng Wujue."

Jiang Yunxi knew a lot of people, and when he saw the furious middle-aged man in front of him, he quickly revealed his identity.

Peng Wujue? A disciple of the Chief Elder of the Criminal Law Hall?

Chen Feng only felt that these two titles were familiar, and he didn't know where he had heard them.

Suddenly, he remembered.

"Who's yours for Feng endless?"

A fierce light burst out of Chen Feng's eyes, and he pierced directly at Elder Peng who was spitting in front of him.

Many people present had heard of the assessment that Chen Feng just started.

After all, those are very few disciples who have come to participate in the assessment.

Before he became an official disciple, he forced the deacons of the Galaxy Sword Sect to death, and forced the elders to sever themselves.

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