Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 5225: late!

Finally, it ended with Xia Haochu's concession.


He turned his head to remind the disciples of the True Legend of the Beast God Sect behind him to follow.

Then, without saying a word, he led people out of the square!

Did not give Yuan Shuizhuo any look.

This scene made everyone onlookers stupid.

"This is too powerful!"

"Even Xia Haochu was quite jealous of him and retreated without a fight!"

"Where is he sacred!"

Even the brothers Jiang Yunxi and Que Yuanzhou showed surprise on their faces when they saw Xia Haochu lead people away.

Although they had heard about the process of each defeat from Chen Feng.

However, every one of the true disciples of the Beast God Sect who were chasing after them showed fear at the scene.

Such a strong front-to-back contrast still makes their hearts unable to calm for a long time.

At this time, Yuan Shuizhuo finally realized.

He kicked the iron!

The Chen Feng in front of him is not someone he can afford!

Yuan Shuizhuo was terrified, and he kept thinking about why he had fallen to this point.

It's Jiang Bihan!

Yuan Shuizhuo looked at Jiang Bihan fiercely, wishing to rush to strangle her directly.

"You bitch! If it weren't for you, how could I have fallen to this end!"

Half of Jiang Bihan's face was still swollen, and when he saw Yuan Shuizhuo's expression wishing her death, he was completely frightened.

However, Chen Feng didn't bother to watch them bite the dog.

Now that Xia Haochu had left, he turned around again and walked towards Yuan Shuizhuo.

In his hand, the broken knife was covered with a silver-white light.

It was this silver-white light that made Yuan Shuizhuo completely terrified.

Recalling that before I saw Xia Haochu, I was sure that Chen Feng didn't dare to kill him by my own provocative provocation.

Yuan Shuizhuo immediately thumped and knelt on the ground.

At this moment, he finally realized that Chen Feng wanted to kill him and would not care about Yuan Changfeng behind him!

"Master Chen, I was wrong!"

"Don't kill me! As long as you forgive me and leave me a way out, I, Yuan Shuizhuo, only your horse's head is a saddle, Mr. Chen please!"

He kept kowtow, his face was covered with blood.

However, Chen Feng has seen this picture countless times.

People like Yuan Shuizhuo can do anything to survive now.

If it were released, he would never remember the shame of today as he said just now.

Then, hate him to the bone, and find a way to get rid of him.

Chen Feng has never been a soft-hearted person!


He stopped in front of Yuan Shuizhuo and spoke lightly.

Yuan Shuizhuo was overjoyed and suddenly raised his head.

I saw a flash of silver-white light.

Two words came in my ears.


The broken knife stabbed into Yuan Shuizhuo's dantian world, approaching the gate of life, one blow would kill!

Yuan Shuizhuo, who knelt in front of Chen Feng, still had surprise on his face to death.

Then, his body slowly slid down from the broken knife and fell to the sky above the square.

Yuan Shuizhuo, die!

The audience was silent, looking at the scene in the square, only feeling dry and not knowing what to say.

However, everyone knows that after today, Chen Feng of the Galaxy Sword Sect will surely spread the name here quickly.

After Chen Feng killed Yuan Shuizhuo, he squinted at Jiang Bihan next to him.

Jiang Bihan's original glamorous face was completely ruined at this moment.

Hair is messy, half of his face is red and swollen, and his face is pale as paper.

She was trembling all over, unable to say even begging for mercy.

The scene just now scared her silly.

Yuan Shuizhuo is her greatest support!

Now, Chen Feng killed Yuan Shuizhuo directly!

No sloppiness, simply and neat!

And what kind of thing is she!

There was great fear in her heart, and her legs suddenly softened, she knelt on the ground and hugged Chen Feng's leg directly.

Jiang Bihan burst into tears, crying pears with rain.

"Master Chen, please, forgive me!"

"I really know I was wrong! Sister Yun Xi, I was wrong, please give my sister another chance."


Jiang Bihan begged Jiang Yunxi bitterly, fearing to the extreme.

Chen Feng just felt disgusted by sticking it softly on his leg, so he pulled his leg out.

This woman is not only mean and vicious, but also extremely bad.

From the beginning, she took the initiative to provoke, constantly attacking and insulting him and Jiang Yunxi.

At this time, I was still thinking of using Jiang Yunxi's kindness in exchange for her life.

Such a woman must never let go.

Jiang Bihan fell to the ground, embarrassed and miserable.

But Chen Feng didn't have a trace of pity in his eyes.

"kill you?"

He smiled coldly: "I'm afraid I will dirty my hands!"

When he heard this, Jiang Bihan trembled first and then rejoiced.

Does this mean that he won't kill her anymore?

Chen Feng saw the invisible surprise in Jiang Bihan's eyes.

Sure enough, this kind of **** has no shame.

How could he let it go!

If you just stay like this, I'm afraid there will be endless troubles.

Thinking of this, Chen Feng stretched out a palm towards Jiang Bihan.

In an instant, a tyrannical force surged out.

Jiang Bihan, who just thought that he was the rest of his life, suddenly felt the blood in his body boil!

She looked at Chen Feng in horror and screamed out of voice.

"Chen Feng, what did you do to me? What did you do to me!"

Chen Feng ignored her, still expressionlessly, snapped his fingers and snapped his fingers.

Suddenly, all the power in Jiang Bihan's body boiled to the extreme.

They burned crazily in her limbs, her dantian, and the star soul space.

In the blink of an eye, Jiang Bihan was completely unable to control his power!

Her pupils shrank sharply, her eyes showed great fear, and she suddenly realized what had happened.


A scream of screams sounded.

But, it's useless!

No one can stop it.

The next moment, with a "bang--" sound.

Jiang Bihan's dantian was directly broken into powder!

A powerful force swept from Jiang Bihan's body and outwards.

Then, the breath in her body dropped rapidly and disappeared without a trace in an instant.

Chen Feng did not kill her, but completely abolished her cultivation base!

Jiang Bihan knelt down there in despair, completely stupid.

For a cultivator, the abolition of her cultivation is more painful and desperate than killing her.

Chen Feng looked at her with no pity in his eyes.

In his opinion, Jiang Bihan's result is purely self-inflicted!

He turned his head to look at brothers Jiang Yunxi and Que Yuanzhou, with a gentle smile on his face again: "Let's go."

At this moment, an extremely powerful aura suddenly diffused from a very distant place.

In an instant, everyone around the entire square was suppressed by this terrifying mystery and stopped in place.

No matter how hard they struggle, they can't move a bit.

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