Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 5224: Xia Haochu, if you want to fight, I will accompany you!

Although there are not as many people as before, there are hundreds of people.

Moreover, there are a lot of people from the major forces who have just arrived.

Everyone saw this scene with shocked expressions on their faces and low voices of comments.

Yuan Shuizhuo's face was already pale.

He was shaky and almost unsteady.

The roaring inside his head was almost fainted by the boundless sense of shame.

Yuan Shuizhuo shook his body and stood up, Jiang Bihan hurriedly stepped forward to support him, with some resentment on his face.

It seemed as if he wanted to complain that his strength was not as good as the peak of the sixth floor of the Star Soul Martial God Realm!

But now is obviously not the time to turn his face.

Jiang Bihan is busy supporting the spring breeze

"Let's stay in the green hills without worrying about no firewood, Young Master Yuan, let's not be afraid, let's go!"

However, this time Chen Feng stopped them again.

"I said you can go now?"

Hearing Chen Feng's words, not only Yuan Shuizhuo and Jiang Bihan showed incredible expressions in their eyes.

Even the onlookers were surprised again.

Is he still planning to kill people directly?

That's Yuan Changfeng's younger brother!

However, Chen Feng didn't care what they thought, reaching out to Jiang Yunxi.

"Jiang Yunxi was slandered and insulted by you for no reason, kowtow to her and apologize!"

Not far away, Jiang Yunxi's complexion changed slightly, meeting Chen Feng's gaze, as if a warm current suddenly poured into her heart.

Before that, no one cared how she felt.

All the ugly words and the slanderous slander were suppressed by her forcibly.

She is always sensible, always taking care of the overall situation and not dragging down others, so it doesn't matter if she feels wronged.

However, Chen Feng wrote down all the grievances for her.

She looked at the tall, upright man above the square, full of spirit and sonorous words.

"Kow your head and apologize!"

Yuan Shuizhuo was crazy.

Inferior to others, he has been forced to kneel and kowtow three times.

This is already a great shame in his life!

But Chen Feng didn't plan to let him go, and asked him to apologize to a woman by kowtow!

"Chen Feng! You really think of me as a soft persimmon, do you pinch it as you want!"

Beside, Jiang Bihan reminded in a low voice: "Little Yuan Gongzi, you can bear it."

"Looking back for Master Yuan Yuan, and then to Chen Feng and the others, and humiliated them."

But at this time, Yuan Shuizhuo's eyes were red, and he slapped Jiang Bihan's face severely.

Jiang Bihan was beaten with a scream, and half of his face was swollen.

He staggered a few steps and fell to the ground in the square with blood on his mouth.

Yuan Shuizhuo's face was full of fierceness: "Forbearance!"

"When did Yuan Shuizhuo have been so useless! How can I bear it! I can't bear it!"

Chen Feng said lightly: "If you don't kneel, kill."

There is no room for bargaining.

Yuan Shuizhuo was stagnant for a while, then snarled frantically at him:

"Really? You dare not kill me! Come on, kill me!"

At this moment, Yuan Shuizhuo's line of sight suddenly passed through Chen Feng and saw the distance behind him.

His furious but fearful eyes suddenly lit up.

Chen Feng released his spiritual knowledge and leaned back.

"Xia Gongzi!"

The people who came were the people of the Beast God Sect, and the one who took the lead was Xia Haochu who had hunted down Chen Feng for a long time!

Seeing Xia Haochu leading several disciples of the Beast God Sect approaching, Yuan Shuizhuo was ecstatic.

With blood on his face, he shouted at Xia Haochu.

"Master Xia, do you still know me? I am Yuan Shuizhuo, Yuan Changfeng's younger brother."

"When you pointed my brother, I was right there."

Yuan Shuizhuo has never been so excited!

At this moment, Xia Haochu is his savior!

He knew that his elder brother Yuan Changfeng and Xia Haochu had a good relationship. It can be said that Xia Haochu is here now, like a rescuer from heaven.

Seeing Yuan Shuizhuo's reaction, the crowd onlookers became excited again.

Unexpectedly, when things reached the current situation, there was actually a trend of reversal.

Listening to what Yuan Shuizhuo said, the young son Xia who was now close in the distance had pointed out Yuan Changfeng, one of the six great sons before!

This statement contains a potential message.

That is, at least in Yuan Shuizhuo's eyes, the strength of Young Master Xia should be higher than Yuan Changfeng!

Amidst the heated discussions, Xia Haochu led several disciples of the Beast God Sect to the square.

Yuan Shuizhuo was very excited: "Master Xia, now someone wants to kill me."

"Please also my son's help, my Yuan family will thank you again in the future!"

Seeing him desperately calling for help, Chen Feng turned around and calmly looked at the rugged man approaching behind him.

Xia Haochu's footsteps stopped.

Suddenly, Chen Feng sneered.

"Xia Haochu, if you want to fight, I will accompany you."

When this remark came out, the whole room was shocked.

This Chen Feng is too domineering!

It is not difficult for everyone to see that this Xia Haochu is strong, and his cultivation is even higher than the ninth floor of the Star Soul Martial God Realm.

Of course, the most striking thing is their costumes.

The uniform animal-shaped pattern on the chest is the uniform costume of the true biography of the Beast God Sect!

Although the Beast God Sect was only the upper-middle sect among the many forces in the Eastern Desolation.

But many people still know that the true disciple of the Beast God Sect has twice or even three times the same level in every cultivation base!

It is also the ninth building of the Star Soul Martial God Realm, Yuan Shuizhuo is just a fancy.

But the Xia Haochu in front of him was obviously a stubborn situation.

But with such a nasty existence, Chen Feng not only didn't avoid it cautiously, but provoked extremely arrogantly.

"Who is this Chen Feng?"

"When did the Galaxy Sword Sect have such a brazen disciple!"


When everyone was discussing fiercely, Xia Haochu met Chen Feng's sight, but he had other plans in his heart.

He didn't do it!

Seeing his reaction, Yuan Shuizhuo slammed in his heart and said in his heart that it would not be possible.

However, at this time, many people have noticed a detail.

The true disciples behind Xia Haochu all changed their expressions after seeing Chen Feng.

It is not difficult to see that they not only know Chen Feng, but also... fear him!

When he noticed this scene, the discussion suddenly dropped.

Many people who originally just watched the excitement suddenly realized.

From the beginning, Chen Feng, who was pointed out by them, might be extremely powerful!

Even the true disciples of the Beast God Sect who are one enemy against three, seem to have suffered a lot under his hands.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for the collective to react like that when seeing Chen Feng.

this is too scary!

And this point was also noticed by Yuan Shuizhuo after a while.

The ecstasy on his face suddenly froze.

Xia Haochu looked at Chen Feng, and the atmosphere between them went from grim, to solemn, to stalemate!

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