Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 5221: roll!

Chen Feng really hasn't seen many brazen people like him!

The anger that had been accumulated at this moment finally couldn't help it.

The faces of the Que Yuanzhou brothers next to them became extremely ugly, and they stepped forward one after another, preparing to take action with Chen Feng.

At this moment, one hand took his sleeve.


Chen Feng suddenly turned his head.

It's Jiang Yunxi!

I saw Jiang Yunxi biting her silver teeth tightly, her face full of resentment, but she was worried again.

She fixedly looked at Chen Feng and motioned him not to act rashly.

Jiang Yunxi knew Chen Feng's character, if he let it develop, Chen Feng would definitely fight Yuan Shuizhuo.

But she can't be so selfish!

Chen Feng may not know what Yuan Shuizhuo means, but she does.

Behind Yuan Shuizhuo is Yuan Changfeng, the six princes!

Originally, these six princes were born for the Galaxy Sword Sect.

Each is the most outstanding genius of their respective sect.

They are now lacking a reason to wantonly suppress the disciples of the Galaxy Sword Sect.

Now confronting them, Chen Feng is probably in danger.

Jiang Yunxi has always been very sensible. In this case, she didn't want Chen Feng to make trouble for her.

She stretched out her hand to hold Chen Feng's wrist, and said solemnly: "Leave them alone, let's go."

With that, he turned and left.

"Jiang Yunxi, Chen Feng, you are so brave! You dare to ignore Young Master Yuan in person."

Looking at their gestures, Jiang Bihan couldn't help but smile, deliberately shouted.

Yuan Shuizhuo, who was next to her, also gave her a lot of face, and stopped in front of them.

He deliberately looked at Chen Feng, raised his chin, with a condescending attitude, his eyes were full of jokes.

"Little bastard, let me ask you something, do you want to sell it or not, make a price."

As he said, his eyeballs were all glued to Jiang Yunxi's body, and the corners of his lips made an evil smile.

"In my capacity, it's not that I cannot afford it."


Chen Feng opened his mouth and scolded, unbearable.

Hearing this "roll", everyone around was shocked, and said in their hearts that there will be a good show to watch next.

Especially Jiang Bihan, the moment he saw Chen Feng say "get off" to Yuan Shuizhuo, his heart was happy!

No one dared to yell at Yuan Shuizhuo!

Did not dare to let him go!

This Chen Feng is dead!

Sure enough, Yuan Shuizhuo laughed instead of anger when he heard Chen Feng's "roll".

"You kid, kind! Shameless, right?"

He took two steps back seemingly at random and raised his right hand.

He turned his head to look at the men behind him, and then gently waved his fingers.

In an instant, those disciples moved towards Chen Feng and killed them quickly!

As soon as the contradiction escalated, many disciples of various sects who were onlookers all retreated for the first time.

Brother Que Yuanzhou subconsciously prepared to help, but was stopped by Chen Feng.

He turned to look at the three Jiang Yunxi: "I'll do it."

Before the words fell, Chen Feng disappeared in front of the three of them and took the initiative to respond.

On the narrow and cramped steps, he couldn't let go of his hands and feet.

He flashed away and came to the square not far away.

Just now Gao Mufeng, Jiang Bihan and Yuan Shuizhuo appeared in front of Chen Feng one after another, and they had already attracted the attention of most people on the square.

At this moment, everyone avoided even more, for fear that they would be involved in this storm if they were one step late.

It can be said that in a blink of an eye, on the originally lively square, only Chen Feng and the few Yuan Shuizhuo men stood opposite each other.

Someone watched the whole process, naturally they knew the identities of the subordinates opposite Chen Feng at this moment.

Yuan Shuizhuo and Jiang Bihan stood on the edge of the square and watched.

There was silence in the middle of the field, but there was a loud voice around the square.

Many people are discussing the sudden battle fiercely.

The sunset's Xiahui shone on Chen Feng head-on, quite a bit of blood-stained shock.

"What's the background of this person? He actually provoke Yuan Changfeng's men?"

"What Yuan Changfeng's subordinate, that is Yuan Shuizhuo's disciple."

"What do you know, the few people standing opposite the boy are all disciples sent by Yuan Changfeng to his younger brother."

"Is that so?"

"Young Master Yuan accepts his disciples himself, here, the dark green dress on the far right is his own."


Chen Feng's ears are very good, and naturally he can hear all the sounds around him clearly.

Yuan Changfeng really cherished his younger brother, and personally sent a few disciples with fairly good strength to him.

It's just, it's just that!

Chen Feng looked at the four Yuan Shuizhuo men on the opposite side with cold eyes, and his eyes were cold.

"Dare to offend our little Yuan, one word, death!"

After speaking, the four people on the opposite side rushed towards Chen Feng at the same time.

The four with the worst cultivation strength is at the peak of the seventh floor of the Star Soul Martial God Realm.

The tallest is Dacheng, the eighth floor of the Star Soul Martial God Realm.

Many people on the sidelines saw that the moment the four rushed towards Chen Feng, they had an expectation in their hearts.

"The one with the worst strength can crush him. What is this person's background?"

"Listening to them, it seems to be a disciple of the Galaxy Sword Sect."

"Galactic Sword School? Oh, that's no wonder."

"It's actually a disciple of the Galaxy Sword Sect, and he provokes the younger brother of Yuan Changfeng, one of the six princes, when he came up. I really don't know how death was written."

Many onlookers all around laughed.

Yuan Shuizhuo and Jiang Bihan were even more proud.

Jiang Bihan turned his face sideways, his face full of viciousness and resentment:

"Jiang Yunxi, just watch your beloved lover become dead and dead!"

Jiang Yunxi almost broke her silver teeth, but with the reminder of brother Que Yuanzhou, she endured it.

Her beautiful eyes fixed on Chen Feng on the court.

The four did not leave any action, all of them exploded with their full strength.

They will never show mercy to those who offend Yuan Shuizhuo.

Four terrifying coercions came out, and they smashed in Chen Feng's direction instantly!

It was like a copper wall and an iron wall, pushing it horizontally.

What they meant was that they wanted Chen Feng to not even have a chance to make a move, and was directly crushed on the stone slabs of the square, embarrassed like a dog!

However, beyond everyone's expectations.

When the four powerful pressures struck, Chen Feng not only didn't evade, but suddenly rushed to face him, speeding up instantly.

An afterimage was left on the spot, even if it was the coercion of the Eighth Floor Dacheng of the Star Soul Martial God Realm, it was nothing to him!

Not at all affected!

The scene was in an uproar.

Except for the three of Jiang Yunxi, almost everyone present at the beginning believed that this would be a unilateral massacre without any suspense.

Unexpectedly, Chen Feng gave them unexpected joy.

"It seems that the Galaxy Sword Sect this time is still somewhat level."

However, as soon as these words were spoken, several arrogant disciples sneered.

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