Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 5220: You make a price, I bought this girl!

"We are saying that although Jiang Yunxi and I came from the same family, they are really different lives."

"Although my younger sister has better talents than me, it is really embarrassing in terms of marriage!"

As he said, Jiang Bihan stretched out his slender hand, twirled his fingers around Yuan Shuizhuo's chest, and said with a low smile:

"Bihan is fortunate to be able to meet a distinguished and powerful son like Young Master Yuan."

"Look at the man next to my sister again, tusk... it's unsightly."

She spoke at the corner of her mouth, putting on a smug smile.

The look in Jiang Yunxi's eyes seemed to have won.

When talking about Chen Feng, Jiang Yunxi's face was even more ugly, and Jiang Bihan just wanted to see her with such an expression.


She suddenly turned around, all the vicious expressions on her face disappeared without a trace, replaced by the ultimate flattery.

"Young Master Yuan, you have a noble background, and your strength is even stronger. You have reached the ninth floor of the Star Soul Martial God Realm."

"I have a deep relationship with my sisters and sisters, and I really can't bear to give her to that kind of stuff."

As he said, he even lowered his eyes and shed a few tears.

Even if it was Chen Feng, he almost felt nauseous when he looked around.

However, it is more vigilant and contemptuous.

This Yuan Shuizhuo and Jiang Bihan are really a natural pair!

Yuan Shuizhuo stared at Jiang Yunxi as soon as he came up, his eyes full of greed.

Like a poisonous snake, I can't wait to disassemble Jiang Yunxi into his abdomen on the spot.

And this Jiang Bihan should have been with him for a long time, naturally he knew that this person was lustful by nature.

No matter how unhappy she is, she can quickly adjust her state and make the best choice for her.

At the same time, Jiang Yunxi can still feel sick.

Yuan Shuizhuo saw Meigu in his arms weeping, and naturally stretched out his hand to cherish.

Then, he walked towards Jiang Yunxi, his face even more greedy.

When he came to Jiang Yunxi, he suddenly stopped.

The expression on his face also followed, and then exclaimed.

"You blood!"

Yuan Shuizhuo stepped forward abruptly, his eyes burst into light instantly.

"Your blood is very useful to me."

"If I can refine you, I will..."

Thinking of this, he couldn't help laughing with joy.

When Yuan Shuizhuo mentioned blood, Chen Feng's heart was alarming!

Immediately stepped forward and protected Jiang Yunxi behind him.

What Yuan Shuizhuo said was to refine Jiang Yunxi into his cauldron!

Chen Feng sneered in his heart, despising Yuan Shuizhuo and Jiang Bihan behind him even more.

A bunch of raccoon dogs are embarrassed, nothing more than that!

When Jiang Bihan saw Yuan Shuizhuo's reaction, his heart was more full of jealousy and resentment.

In her opinion, it was Jiang Yunxi's fault!

From small to large, she has been trampled underfoot.

Finally thought that she could turn over, but Yuan Shuizhuo, whom she was attached to, was fascinated by that Hu Meizi again!

However, Jiang Bihan did not dare to reveal anything to Yuan Shuizhuo.

She is now Yuan Shuizhuo's cauldron and can only survive by relying on him.

Taking 10,000 steps back, even if it wasn't Yuan Shuizhuo's cauldron, Jiang Bihan still didn't dare to make any expressions to him.

Yuan Shuizhuo is the younger brother of Yuan Changfeng, one of the six most recognized sons of the Jade Smashing Conference!

Whether it is Yuan Changfeng or Yuan Shuizhuo, they are all existences that everyone present can't afford to provoke!

Suddenly, an idea flashed in Jiang Bihan's mind, and his eyes lit up.

"Young Master Yuan, you may not have heard of it, my sister, but a talented woman who is in the limelight."

"She is not only unique in blood, but also attractive, she is the baby that Jiang family holds in the palm of her hand."

"I heard that there are countless sons who want to pursue her."

"And she herself refused the marriage of Gao Mufeng and Gao's family even more.

Hearing Jiang Bihan's words, Yuan Shuizhuo looked at Jiang Yunxi's eyes with a bit of meaning.

It seems that this feminine-hearted woman understands Yuan Shuizhuo's mind well and knows how to provoke the greatest desire in his heart.

He won the women that others couldn't get. This sense of accomplishment is the instinct of any man.

"Is it."

Sure enough, Yuan Shuizhuo's eyes had a hint of licentiousness:

"In other words, Miss Yun Xi has not been married yet?"

Jiang Bihan smiled and said, "That's natural."

"But, Young Master Yuan, you have seen it too, she already has a lover by her side."

Jiang Yunxi's face was frosty, her jade hands suddenly clenched.

"Jiang Bihan, since you and I both came from the Jiang family, I will warn you one last time!"

"Don't be so rude to Master Chen Feng, otherwise, don't blame me for being rude to you!"

Seeing such a big reaction from Jiang Yunxi, Yuan Shuizhuo's eyes immediately darkened.

On the contrary, it was Jiang Bihan, not only fearless, but also sneered.

"I'm so scared, my good sister, do you think it was before? I still can suppress it if you want to suppress it!"

She was full of disdain: "You actually protect your lover well enough."

"Is it called Chen Feng? Is he that powerful? I'm rude to him. What can you do with me?"

Jiang Bihan put one hand on Yuan Shuizhuo's body, and looked down at both of them contemptuously.

"You, a Star Soul Martial God Realm sixth floor, a Star Soul Martial God Realm seventh floor."

"His strength is not even as good as you! It's almost laughable."

"In normal times, maybe you can still show off in front of some weak people."

"But now, you had better think about where you stand now."

She pointed to the square behind her, and pointed to the huge floating fairy mountain in the distance.

"This is the venue for the Broken Jade Conference!"

"At this Broken Jade Conference, all the young and powerful people from the nine major forces of the Eastern Wilderness gathered together. What's the matter with you?"

"What's more, what is standing in front of you now is Young Master Yuan who you can't afford to provoke!"

"I advise you to be more acquainted, kick this soft meal quickly, and follow Young Master Yuan, you might be able to take off in the future."

Seeing Jiang Bihan's unbridled ridicule and banter, a strong murderous intent gradually rose in Chen Feng's eyes and heart.

He doesn't hurt or itch at all to say that he is trash.

However, Chen Feng could not bear to use him in front of him to humiliate Jiang Yunxi's innocence and reputation!

Many people around had already seen the situation here and gathered to watch.

Behind Yuan Shuizhuo, a few disciples followed closely, watching the play with his arms folded over his chest.

At this moment, Yuan Shuizhuo suddenly laughed.

He put his hand on Jiang Bihan's and stroked it pretendingly.

"It doesn't have to be so straightforward."

Yuan Shuizhuo looked at Chen Feng with a false smile on his face.

"Your name is Chen Feng, right? Gentlemen don't take advantage of others. Since you have taken Miss Yun Xi, I will naturally not grab it."

After that, his words suddenly changed.

"Well, you make a price, I bought this girl."

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