Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 5208: The sneak attack failed!

Almost no one in the Beast God Sect cares about their life and death.

In this way, Xia Haochu waited for a while, but the instructions on the Wanli Tracking Heart Disk were still ten directions.

There are still ten breaths belonging to Chen Feng, and they have not changed!

At this time, in Xia Haochu's calm complexion, his brows finally frowned.


There must be something wrong, it's almost two hours.

According to the Wanli Tracking Survey, even the worst disciple can catch up with him in one hour.

How could it be possible that two hours have passed, or there is no movement at all?

"There must be something wrong."

Xia Haochu muttered to himself in a low voice, and suddenly lowered his head after looking down and thinking for a moment.

In the next moment, he mobilized his cultivation base to start fully operating the Wanli Tracking Heart Disk in his hand.

After a large amount of star power was poured into the heart disk of Wanli Tracking, which is not too big or small, it gradually released a bright red light.

"Since Chen Feng's breath is hard to tell, the few who are chasing him will not be so."

He secretly said in his heart, and then stared at the Wanli tracking heart disk in his hand.

Soon, the pointer that kept changing its position suddenly stopped.

This time, the pointer pointed to one direction very clearly.

To the northwest.

It was the location where one of the true disciples left to track.

Since Wanli Tracking Heart Disk can accurately point out the location, it at least means that the person is still on the track, at least still alive.

After confirming this, Xia Haochu again began to determine the location of the second true disciple.

As long as the Wanli Tracking Heart Disk in hand can clearly point out the direction, at least it can be sure that the person is alive.

That's it, the third true disciple, the fourth...

When he searched the breath of the fourth true disciple, something different happened.

The Wanli Tracking Heart Disk in his hand was working normally, but the pointer in the middle stopped.

It won't move!

Even if Xia Haochu turned around, it still remained unchanged.

Seeing this scene, Xia Haochu's face finally turned gloomy.

With a wave of his hand, he continued to search for the fifth and sixth...

Every time I see a pointer that is motionless, the anger accumulated in Xia Haochu's body becomes more terrifying.

Under this circumstance, the sudden disappearance of the breath also means that people die!

The breath of the three disciples has completely disappeared.

Moreover, these three disciples are exactly three adjacent directions to the east.

Xia Haochu turned his hands and put away the Wanli Tracking Heart Disk, looking at the two adjacent directions in front of him.

For a time, it is difficult to determine which of these two directions the next breath will disappear.

at the same time.

Among the layers of clouds, another golden feather crow was hiding in it, quietly monitoring the disciple of the fourth Beast God Sect.

In its eyes, there is already a seed of the Devil Heart filled with black light.

Everything went on in an orderly manner like the previous three disciples.

The surroundings are terribly quiet.

The man with purple robe and hair had the embroidery of the magic ape on his chest.

His appearance is a bit different from ordinary people.

Generally, cultivators who reach their level of cultivation level are not too bad in appearance.

But this person is not.

He is not tall and thin, his skin is rough and dark with fine lines.

Furthermore, lush hair can even be seen on the arms.

Even the face is almost the same, the dark red hair is messy, draped randomly behind his head.

And in those deeply recessed eye sockets, there were actually a pair of light gray eyes.

What's more prominent is that his arms are much longer than ordinary people.

From the perspective of Jinyu Crow, Chen Feng vaguely guessed.

The embroideries on the chest of the disciples of the True Legend of the Beast God Sect can tell which beast they are guarding.

Embroidered on this person's chest looks like a bloodthirsty ape.

"It seems that in order to defend the beast, he has assimilated to a large extent with the beast he is defending."

Chen Feng thought secretly, without thinking much.

Just as he did before, suddenly revolving heaven and earth to reincarnate heaven and earth.

When using the eyes of the Golden Feather Crow to show the devil's heart to that person, an accident happened!

"Chen Feng?"

The man's hoarse voice suddenly sounded.

Then, the Demon Heart sent out suddenly seemed to be blocked by a barrier!

This accident was unexpected by Chen Feng.

He could see clearly through the perspective of Jinyu Crow.

It was the moment that the man's body was close to the devil's heart, and a brilliant light suddenly shined, helping him resist for a moment!

There must be a treasure in this person!

And it was this moment that this strange treasure resisted that caused the form to be reversed immediately!


A vigorous beast shadow appeared in front of the man instantly.

It is about fifty meters tall and covered with blood-red hair.

Open mouth, full of sharp fangs!

It really is the bloodthirsty nine apes!

This bloodthirsty nine contending ape is rare, tall and strong!

What's even more strange is that it has four arms, full of explosive muscle power!

At the same time, its deep eyes are also light gray.

A pair of eyes gave out two rays of light, like cold electricity!

Shoot straight at the golden feather crow hiding in the clouds.

Even across the layer of Golden Feather Crow, Chen Feng could feel the coldness of those two rays of light!

Immediately afterwards, a sharp ape cry sounded.

In the next moment, Chen Feng lost the connection with Jinyu Crow.

The Golden Feather Crow didn't have much combat effectiveness. After being discovered, it dissipated directly!

However, all of this only happened in an instant.

In the next second, Chen Feng suddenly appeared, and the silver-white ray of broken knife in his hand appeared.

He directly squeezed the broken knife with both hands and slashed towards the opposite side unceremoniously.

In the boundless void, the surrounding clouds disappeared instantly.

The Bloodthirsty Nine Struggle Ape screamed again, and there was a faint blood mist around his body.

The moment the silver-white light flashed, it seemed very strange!

However, just as the terrifying sword intent advanced forward, the tall figure greeted him like a mountain.

The extremely long claws directly moved forward, and after colliding frontally with the sword intent, they made a sonorous sound.

Then, a bunch of sparks shot out from its arms!

Chen Feng was immediately shocked.

This bloodthirsty Nine Contesting Ape is not only infinitely powerful, but can survive his full strength with a single blow, but it will not move!

Moreover, the physical strength is also extremely abnormal!

With this blow alone, his heart sank.

This blood-colored giant ape is absolutely difficult to deal with, its speed, strength, and strength are above the standard!

For a while, Chen Feng was in trouble instead.

I saw the disciple of the Beast God Sect behind the bloodthirsty Jiuzheng ape smile coldly:

"Chen Feng, Chen Feng, are you disappointed that the attack failed?"

He didn't know that before that, Chen Feng had quietly hunted down three of his disciples.

I only thought that Chen Feng had been hiding in this direction, lying in wait for a sneak attack.

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