Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 5207: What is your background?

Jin Sanye's plump and round head came out of his arms again.

Its jet-black eyes rolled around, looking at the corpse in front of him with interest.

The golden feather crow also hovered above Chen Feng for a moment.

Then, he dropped and stopped on Chen Feng's shoulder.

The little guy was like an ordinary bird at the moment, turning his head obediently.

He can also gently comb Chen Feng's hair with his sharp beak.

Chen Feng turned his face, looked at this funny little helper, and patted his head with satisfaction.

Then, his attention was focused on the disciple of the True Legend of the Beast God Sect in his hand.

"Since he is a true disciple of the Beast God Sect, I must have gained a lot this time."

With that said, Chen Feng quickly checked it again.

Then, his smile gradually disappeared.

"Isn't it? Poor and white? Nothing?"

Chen Feng searched again from start to finish, and indeed found nothing.

This Qiu Minmin only wore a ring on his hand.

Chen Feng was somewhat impressed with this ring.

If he remembered correctly, when Xia Haochu showed up with everyone, everyone wore such a ring in their hands.

This ring is very different from the general storage ring.

Its whole body presents the material of dark red blood jade, and its shape is quite strange.

Vaguely, many animal outlines can be seen.

Chen Feng can almost guess what the purpose of this ring is.

He took off this blood jade ring and ran through his mental power briefly, as expected.

There is a small two-winged flying dragon inside!

This is a royal beast ring specially used by disciples of the **** of beasts to house their own beasts.

Chen Feng looked at the double-winged flying dragon in the Royal Beast Ring, and became more and more strange.

"Is this two-winged flying dragon still in its juvenile state?"

He patted Sanye Jin on the head directly, reminding it to pay attention too.

Although Chen Feng had never seen the double-winged flying dragon, he had seen quite a few monsters.

There are many differences between the juvenile state of a monster beast or the adult state.

The two-winged flying dragon in front of him is obviously a young dragon in its juvenile state.

Jin Sanye was slapped on the head and also leaned over to take a look.

After just one glance, it flicked its wings:

"The transitional state from juvenile to adult."

After abandoning such a lot of thoughts, in the end, he only got an imperial beast that was not an adult.

Chen Feng was suddenly dissatisfied.

He probably guessed the situation.

This person should have just become a true disciple, so he used all his wealth to get such an imperial beast.

However, who would have thought that he would suddenly encounter Chen Feng's hunt today.

Poor Qiu Minmin was directly killed by Chen Feng before he even had time to use Yu Beast.

Such an outcome can be described as quite useless.

However, these are not what Chen Feng needs to care about now.

There is already a master's beast, but I don't know if it will work.

Chen Feng was about to throw the Royal Beast Ring into the storage ring.

Jin Sanye, who was poking his head in his arms, suddenly spoke at this moment.

"You can keep this thing, it works."

When Xiao Jin suddenly said this, the movements in Chen Feng's hand stopped temporarily.

He lowered his head and looked at the plump Third Master Jin who was in his arms.

"Do you know other uses for this thing?"

Chen Feng threw away Qiu Minmin's body and grabbed Jin Sanye, who was about to retract his neck.

As soon as he tried hard, Jin Sanye was forced to look face to face with Chen Feng.

Seeing Chen Feng's reaction, Jin Sanye had to continue to say a few more words.

"Quack, this thing is a hard currency in Donghuang."

"You keep it, and you can change a lot on some special occasions."

Chen Feng never expected that such an imperial beast ring would have little-known uses.

He once again looked closely at the dark red blood jade imperial beast ring in his hand.

Suddenly, he raised his head again, and met the thief eyes of the third master Jin.

"Xiaojin, I'm really curious."

"What is your background?"

Things like this kind of transaction with imperial beast ring as hard currency shouldn't be something most people know.

But Sanye Jin, but he just knew.

And it seems to understand.

Therefore, Chen Feng still couldn't help asking this question.

However, after hearing this question, Jin Sanye did not answer directly.

Its jet-black eyes looked at Chen Feng gruntingly, spinning around, then opened its beak and quacked.

The whole looks like he is smiling.

See it this reaction.

Chen Feng knew that this guy still didn't plan to say anything.

"Forget it."

Chen Feng sighed and gave up the questioning.

I believe that at some point in the future, Jin Sanye will tell him.

He turned his head and looked in the direction where the other golden feather crow flew.

"Let's go, quickly solve them one by one."

Put away the broken knife, grabbing the soul of the knife.

Chen Feng turned his mind and quickly switched to the nearest direction to the left.

In that direction, there was also a true disciple of the Beast God Sect who had a weak cultivation base.

"You are the one."

Through the eyes of the Golden Feather Crow, hiding in the clouds, he spied the disciple's whereabouts.

Chen Feng let the Golden Feather Crow on his shoulders continue to stop in place, releasing his breath.

But he condensed all his breath and quietly dived to the next goal.

After getting a little closer, he once again ran the heavens and the earth to reincarnate magic, once again creating a fist-sized black magic heart seed.

After that, when the disciple of the True Legend of the Beast God Sect had just discovered the Golden Feather Crow hidden in the clouds.

Jin Yu Crow suddenly opened his black eyes, and met the man's sight!

Heaven and Earth’s repeated reincarnation magic power suddenly started, the devil heart smoothly took root and entered the spiritual world, and began to contain it!

In this way, he successfully hunted down two disciples of the True Legend of the Beast God Sect.

At the same time, Xia Haochu, who was guarding in place, gradually felt an unpleasant feeling in his heart.

He looked up and looked around.

Looking near and far away, there was no one except the clouds in the distance.

Nothing happened.

He lowered his head and looked at Wanli Tracking Heart Disk in his hand again.

Wanli Tracking Heart Disk still maintained the state after coming here, pointing ten directions in turn.

"In other words, no one has caught up with any breath yet."

"A group of garbage!"

Xia Haochu cursed in a low voice without mercy.

With one hand on his hips, his heart burst into flames, and he raised his head and twisted his neck casually to make a crackling bone sound.

He looked completely impatient.

The spirit of the Beast God Sect has always been this way, whoever has the strength can surpass everything.

Therefore, in the eyes of others, the other disciples are his fellow students.

In fact, in Xia Haochu's heart, they can only be regarded as subordinates at best.

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