Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 5203: evolution! Swire three-eyed golden crow!

Not even the bones let go.

Looking at this scene, Chen Feng suddenly thought.

The crow eats rotting, this little gold is really alive like a crow becomes a fine.

Xiaojin's swallowing ability is extremely amazing, even Chen Feng was stunned by its speed.

However, with the effort of a cup of tea, the huge bones of the Taikoo Sun-seeker King Snake were eaten up by it!

Not at all left!


The full little golden belly bulged slightly, making the whole golden crow more like a ball.

Shaking left and right twice, naive and lovely.

Its small, black eyes narrowed slightly into a line, and it looked content.

"Chen Feng, you are so awesome."

"This meal...hiccup, I was quite satisfied."

Three-legged da da came towards Chen Feng, staggering like he was drunk.

"If you have this kind of thing in the future, you must keep it for us."

"Some meat is best, but not too much meat! We are not good at that bite."

In the end, there was another long hiccup.

Xiaojin has a funny appearance, which is really interesting.

Everyone couldn't help but feel amused when they looked at it like this.

"Junior Brother Chen Feng, where did you bump into this baby again?"

Que Yuanyi looked at Xiaojin, and the more he watched, the more interesting he became.

But at the same time, all three of them were surprised.

This three-legged Golden Crow is obviously very extraordinary, and I don't know what it came from.

I don't even know how Chen Feng can subdue it.

Just as Chen Feng was about to introduce, suddenly the entire Xianzhou was shocked.

Everyone's complexion changed, but they quickly realized that this abnormal change came from inside the cabin.

The golden crow in front of them suddenly changed!

It was originally small, only one foot in size, and suddenly a brilliant golden light burst out of the blackness.

The cabin was shaking constantly.

Only heard Jin Sanye quack, his tone seemed very comfortable and painful.

In Chen Feng's mind, it quacked constantly:

"Oh, it hurts us to death, it hurts us to death! It's going to split!"

"Ah! But why is it so comfortable? It's so difficult for us to evolve this time."

Chen Feng was speechless for a while.

"Chen Feng, what's wrong with it?"

Jiang Yunxi frowned slightly, looking worriedly at Xiaojin who was constantly rolling on the ground.

Chen Feng waved his hand: "It has eaten too much, evolve, don't worry."

As soon as the voice fell, I heard Xiao Jin quack screaming, and his black wings pointed at Chen Feng as if accusing him.

"Can you guys be a little caring? We are suffering now!"

While talking, Xiaojin really "cracked"!

It began to grow bigger.

In the golden light, among the jet-black feathers, more than ten pure golden feathers grew unexpectedly!

The most obvious change is that an eye gradually appeared on its forehead!

Jin Sanye kept flapping his wings and rolling back and forth on the ground.

It used to be like a plump golden crow, but now it looks like a plump chicken!

After confirming that it was not dangerous, Chen Feng laughed unceremoniously.

"Screw you!"

The cabin stopped and trembled, and the golden light slowly dissipated.

Xiao Jin got up from the ground and rolled his eyes when he watched Chen Feng.

"Fortunately, we are evolving fast, otherwise, the feeling of tossing people to death would be undesirable."

After completing the evolution, Xiao Jin raised his head proudly, unlucky.

Jiang Yunxi smiled and said, "Speaking as if you are a human being."

Xiaojin's strange eyes rolled: "How do we think you scold us again?"

Not joking, Chen Feng looked at it and thought of a voice inexplicably.

"Swire Three-eyed Golden Crow."

He called out the name softly.

Suddenly, Jin Sanye, who was pacing proudly, suddenly stopped and turned around.

"Hey, how do you guys know our name?"

"Swire Three-eyed Golden Crow?"

When the other three heard this name, their expressions changed slightly.

The word "Tai Koo" in the name is enough to show that this little golden backing is definitely not small.

For a while, Que Yuanzhou's eyes looked at Chen Feng, and they admired even more.

"Okay, okay, you all give us a concession."

Jin Sanye shook his body and began to direct a few people to move away.

Upon hearing this, the three Jiang Yunxi all stepped aside and made room for Jin Sanye to play.

Chen Feng looked at it: "What do you want to do?"

"Hey, let you see the ability of our third eye."

As Xiao Jin said, the third eye on his forehead suddenly trembled.

This was the first time it opened the third eye on its forehead.

For a moment, everyone subconsciously held their breath!

A red light suddenly appeared in the cabin, instantly lighting up the entire cabin.

Under everyone's gaze, the third eye on Jin Sanye's forehead finally slowly opened.

As the eyelids gradually opened, the red light bursting from the eyes gradually became stronger.

Then, focus on Chen Feng's body.

This red light showed a crystal clear and translucent state, and as soon as it shone on Chen Feng, he immediately felt a tremor all over his body.

In the next moment, he seemed to have fallen into an inexplicable situation.

This feeling is very strange, even indescribable.

His body lost control for a moment, and the line of sight in front of him suddenly changed.

The original normal and clear pictures and lights suddenly began to distort quickly, and then became blurred.

Chen Feng only felt that his eyes were not very comfortable, and they were very dry.

He closed his eyes subconsciously.

But then, Chen Feng quickly felt that a strange, burning touch came from his forehead.

However, when he reached out to touch it subconsciously, he found that his forehead was as smooth as new, nothing unusual.

How is this going?

what happened?

In the chaos, Chen Feng was a little nervous and at a loss.

But it was certain that the red light did not have any murderous or destructive power.

It is more like the opening and construction of a certain channel.

It's just that he didn't notice where the change happened.

"Junior Brother Chen Feng!"

"Master Chen!"

I heard the calls of friends around me.

At this moment, these sounds seemed to come from outside the horizon.

Chen Feng consciously wanted to respond, but this strange and inexplicable state lasted for a while.

I don't know how long it has passed. When he opened his eyes again, he could see the concerned look of Jiang Yunxi and Que Yuanzhou brothers.

His vision returned to normal.

He turned his head and looked around, no longer knowing when he actually fell on the collapse behind him.

Seeing Chen Feng awakening, the other three were greatly relieved.

"Fortunately, I was surprised."

"Yes, Junior Brother Chen Feng, you suddenly fainted, Junior Brother Jiang Yunxi almost wanted to do something with that bird."

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