Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 5202: Too God and Demon Real Dragon! Jin Sanye wakes up!

Just hearing this name, Chen Feng could feel that his whole body began to tremble, and his emotions became unconsciously excited.

It must be some incredible boxing technique!

He felt a little impatient, and immediately interpret the message of the boxing technique that suddenly appeared.

According to the information given, after mastering the true dragon power of the Supreme God and Demon.

With one punch, you can hit the three dragons of the gods and monsters he absorbed!

Of course, it's not just that.

When accompanied by the three dragons of the gods and demons, they can also show the power of his blood.

Makes the power of this punch an instant increase of ten times!

Ten times!

When he saw this information, Chen Feng could hardly sit still.

What is the concept of ten times!

With his current strength, killing the eighth floor of the Star Soul Martial God Realm in seconds is no longer a problem.

The battle with the strong man in the ninth floor of the Star Soul Martial God Realm is not necessarily at a disadvantage.

But even though he could have the power to fight against the powerhouse of the ninth floor of the Star Soul Martial God Realm, it was not easy to kill them easily.

And ten times means that he can kill the power of the ninth building, and then increase ten times.

Such a powerful power is enough for him to easily kill the powerhouse of the tenth floor of the Star Soul Martial God Realm!

This sudden leap in strength shocked Chen Feng for a while.

He secretly cried out in his heart: "This will probably become my strongest hole card right now."

After the excitement, Chen Fengqiang resisted the excitement and continued to interpret.

If you can master such a powerful hole card as soon as possible.

Not to mention the true disciples of the Beast God Sect, even at the Broken Jade Conference, he will have a bigger hole card!

However, when seeing the follow-up costs, Chen Feng instantly calmed down.

"The price is, burning everything..."

This super god, demon, true dragon power needs his blood as a foundation to burn everything!

Among them, including his cultivation base, star soul, life span, sword soul, artifact fragments, etc. in the entire star soul space.

Only by burning all of this to the point of cultivating this super **** and devil true dragon power!

And, initially grasp this magical power!

This price is too great!

Chen Feng couldn't help laughing wryly.

"It deserves to be the Supreme God Demonizing Dragon Art."

He recalled the time when he had just practiced Taishang Demonized Dragon Art.

In his dantian world, except for the Great Witch Blood Pool, everything else was completely burned out.

But the burning at the time was still acceptable after all.

Who could have imagined that the next thing that the Supreme God Demonized Dragon Art would burn would be even more terrifying.

All his cultivation bases, he can risk burning and try, even if it is life span, it is not a problem.

But the Nine Yin Star Soul of the Candle, the Soul of Qingqiu Sword, the fragments of artifacts, etc., are all too precious!

This made him temporarily calm down and didn't dare to try directly.

Although the Supreme God Demon Zhenlong Jin had extremely powerful lethality, it was extremely tempting to Chen Feng.

But he really didn't know what a huge price it would pay if he really tried.

"It seems that this super god, demon, true dragon power, let's wait until later."

At least the current situation is absolutely impossible.

Although there is no one around and there is no enemy attack, there is no guarantee when Xia Haochu and others will appear again.

Chen Feng carefully checked the information in his mind again, and after confirming that there was no omission, he gradually withdrew from that mysterious and ethereal realm.

Then, slowly stopped the operation of the Supreme God Demonizing Dragon Art.

He opened his eyes and let out a suffocating breath.

Although it is temporarily impossible to grasp the true dragon power of the super **** and devil, Chen Feng has no regrets.

"Junior Brother Chen Feng, just waiting for you."

Que Yuanzhou's voice came from not far away.

Chen Feng heard the sound and looked around, only to see the Que Yuanzhou brothers ready to go.

The body of the Primordial Sunseeker King Snake that stood in front of them had only a huge skeleton left at this moment.

"How much time has passed?"

Chen Feng asked.

Que Yuanyi replied: "One day."

This answer surprised Chen Feng.

He just didn't have much time to enter that mysterious and ethereal state, and it's actually been a day.

Jiang Yunxi also opened his eyes and exited the cultivation state.

Chen Feng looked at the skeleton of the Taikoo Sun Chaser King Snake, which occupies an extremely large area, and was about to say something.

Suddenly, his face changed, and his expression suddenly became strange.

"what happened?"

Seeing Chen Feng's reaction, the three immediately became vigilant.

Without waiting for the words to fall, a strange quack suddenly sounded in the cabin.

The next moment, a fat three-legged golden crow flew out of Chen Feng's arms.

It was shaped like a big dark golden crow, staring with small black eyes.

Looking around, his head shook like a rattle.

"Quack, I'm suffocating our uncle to death!"

Chen Feng never expected that at this time, Jin Sanye actually woke up!

"Little gold!"

He was surprised and delighted, and looked at the fat golden crow in front of him.

Good guy, as the spirit of the monument of Sunfall, but like a cute three-legged fat golden crow.

Although I don't know how many years I have lived, my tone of speech always depends on the old.

But the voice is as usual, with a little immature.

Jin Sanye was the mysterious existence that Chen Feng had obtained from Xuanming Seven Seas Realm.

At the beginning, Chen Feng reached a cooperation with it.

He helped Xiaojin to devour the remaining six treasures of the Seven Great Treasures of the Xuanming Seven Seas Realm, and it helped Chen Feng open the entrance to the Valley of Fallen Stars.

Since then, the two have become friends.

Chen Feng promised him at the beginning that he would show him how big the world is and the firmament of the universe.

But after bringing it back to the Dragon Vein Continent, Xiao Jin fell asleep and became a dark golden oval egg!

Unexpectedly, today, it will suddenly wake up.

Xiaojin flew around in the cabin, then stopped on Chen Feng's shoulder, and patted him heavily with his wings.

"Haha, you guys are so strong. Our third master Jin really didn't misunderstand him."

As soon as Fatty Xiaojin came out, the style of painting was the same as before.

Although Chen Feng was delighted, he still couldn't help but joking: "Who is the third master Jin?"

Xiaojin had long been used to this and didn't care.

And the Jiang Yunxi and Que Yuanzhou brothers in the cabin, looking at Xiaojin who suddenly appeared, their faces couldn't help showing surprise.

Without waiting for Chen Feng's introduction, Xiao Jin's dark eyes on his shoulders rolled.

He stared straight at the huge corpse of the Primordial Sun King snake not far away.

"Wow! Are you sure we are going to wake up?"

"Entertain us so warmly? Then you're welcome!"

As he said, his black wings fluttered immediately, and he flew forward excitedly.

Gobbled up.

Brother Que Yuanzhou removed most of the parts that could be used for alchemy.

Chen Feng planned to throw this bone into the sea.

Unexpectedly, it became Xiaojin's ration.

I saw that Xiao Jin swallowed extremely fast, and the huge bones quickly disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye.

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