Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 5185: Three years later, Xuexue's shame today!

At this moment, the disciples in the distance dared to ridicule and laugh at Chen Feng, all of them were afraid, and they did not dare to breathe.


On the high platform, Zhong Li Yaoqin finally shot.

She gently waved her sleeves, and a soft force flew to Chen Feng, instantly cutting off Gu Tianke's coercion.

Suddenly, the coercion disappeared suddenly.

Chen Feng was already bloodied!

He slowly got up from the ground, still unchanged, and met Gu Tianke's condescending gaze.

"Three years."

"In three years, I will find you today's shame."

After the four of Gu Tianke left, on the square in front of the Zongmen Hall, the disciples who were onlookers in the distance gradually gathered around.

Although Chen Feng was very embarrassed towards Gu Tianke in the end, no one showed any contempt or sarcasm towards him.

How long has Chen Feng entered the Galaxy Sword Sect? What is the current cultivation level?

And that's a bit higher than the ordinary star elders, one of the top ten true disciples!

On the square at this time, in addition to the disciples who originally planned to go to the Broken Jade Conference, there are more disciples of the Sword Sect who have been coming to watch from a while ago.

They gathered in the square, and when they faced Chen Feng, they no longer had the same attitude.

Chen Feng's performance today was really shocking!

He was able to defeat Yi Changkong at the peak of the eighth floor of the Star Soul Martial God Realm in one fell swoop, enough to shock the audience.

Many disciples kept looking at Chen Feng, trying to see what was special about him.

Otherwise, how could it be possible to defeat Yi Changkong with the strength of the sixth floor of the Star Soul Martial God Realm?

Chen Feng turned his head and nodded gently at Zhong Li Yaoqin in Gaotai Mountain.

The five suzerains left soon, and Chen Feng and others were about to start the journey of the Jade Smashing Conference.

Jiang Yunxi walked over pingtingly.

She looked at Chen Feng's eyes, so tenderly that she almost pinched the water.

Under everyone's gaze, Jiang Yunxi smiled.

"Young Master Chen is extremely powerful, and Yun Xi is embarrassed. For the team going to the Broken Jade Conference this time, I hope Young Master Chen can lead us all the way."

As soon as he said this, all the disciples around him heard the subtext.

Jiang Yunxi meant that he wanted to respect Chen Feng as the leader and asked him to sit in the first seat of the traveling team at the Jade Jade Conference.

But, too.

Everyone looked at the members who were scheduled to go on the square, and indeed they couldn't find anyone stronger than Chen Feng.

It is also natural to respect him.

Yin Haoran also appeared on the square without knowing when.

He still carried a long sword and looked at Chen Feng with admiration.

"In this retreat, Master Chen's strength has improved by leaps and bounds, congratulations."

After one or two people showed favor to Chen Feng, the surrounding disciples were all convinced, and immediately complimented Chen Feng.

Many of them, before the battle between Chen Feng and Yi Changkong today, even dismissed Chen Feng and even had a very bad attitude.

In a blink of an eye, it was as if the previous reactions and attitudes did not exist.

Chen Feng scanned the crowd around, and just sneered in his heart about this situation, without thinking about it.

Although there are only five places for the Galaxy Sword Sect in this Broken Jade Conference, the Broken Jade Conference is a rare event after all.

There, even if you can't compete, you can see the genius of his school, and maybe he will be famous.

Some people can challenge and compete on their own even if they are not qualified to compete in the competition.

That kind of place where all the heroes gather is the most suitable place to enhance strength and reputation.

Therefore, in addition to Chen Feng's five people on this trip, there are also some disciples in the faction who want to go together.

It also includes some familiar people.

The elders leading the team hadn't arrived yet, and Chen Feng was full of people here.

And Yi Changkong, whose cultivation base was abolished, had already been taken away. For a while, the entire square was filled with compliments to Chen Feng.

"Master Chen's current strength, it's not an exaggeration to say that he is the first person under the true disciple?"

"That is inevitable. The next batch of true disciple candidates will be named Master Chen."

Just as everyone bragged about this, a slightly lazy voice sounded abruptly not far from the crowd.

"Who is this Young Master Chen? What a big tone."

In this lazy voice, there is no concealment of arrogance and arrogance.

Suddenly, everyone turned their heads away, shocked that there are still people who dare to speak so loudly at this time.

"Brother, I think we two have been in retreat for too long, we have long been forgotten by the juniors."

Another joking young voice sounded immediately.

Chen Feng looked at the sound source.

Two young men in dark blue robes with wide sleeves walked slowly in his direction.

Their faces are very similar, equally handsome and mad.

The sword eyebrows and star eyes, the face like a sword and axe, also contained unconquerable arrogance.

When Chen Feng looked over, the eyes of the two opposite people were deep.

The corners of his lips made a mocking smile, and he also looked at Chen Feng with extremely disdainful eyes.

In the crowd, someone recognized them soon.

"It is the two brothers Que Yuanzhou and Que Yuanyi! The true disciple...the first person!"

The people who had been touting Chen Feng suddenly died down.

Que Yuanzhou and Que Yuanyi were the first people under Chen Feng's two authentic disciples recognized before today!

Chen Feng looked at the two of them and asked lightly.

"Who are they?"

The simple four words immediately caused the two opposing people to laugh out loud, and also shocked many disciples present.

Someone immediately introduced Chen Feng.

"Master Chen, these two are rare god-level alchemists in the Galaxy Sword Sect, and they have always been the first people under the recognized true disciples in the Galaxy Sword Sect."

Hearing this explanation, Chen Feng was puzzled.

"Since it is so powerful, why is it only a true disciple?"

When Chen Feng asked such a question, the two brothers on the opposite side apparently laughed disdainfully.

Someone quickly continued to explain: "That's because they themselves don't want to be true disciples."

"In fact, the strength of the two seniors is much stronger than the average true disciple."

"If they were willing, they would have been true disciples."

"But after becoming true disciples, many actions will be restricted, and they don't want to involve too much cause and effect, so they never become true disciples."

Someone else explained: "I remember that the two of them have been in retreat. Why did they leave today?"

When Que Yuanzhou heard this, he sneered.

"The Broken Jade Conference is about to begin, how can we brothers miss it."

Hearing this, the people suddenly realized.

Starting from a few moments ago, the disciples who were going to the Broken Jade Conference together arrived one after another.

It seems that these two are the last two, long overdue.

Chen Feng noticed that the same sect around him mentioned that these two are rare god-level alchemists.

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