Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 5184: How dare you do this, don't know how to praise!

"Wanjing Ice Jade Knife!"

A crystal clear ice jade knife of about two meters, like a crescent moon.

The back of the knife is dazzling with the galaxy, and at first glance it is the best baby!

Placed in any sword sect of the Galaxy Sword Sect, it can become a superb magic weapon with a thousand essence ice jade sword.

It was so easily taken out as a meeting gift to solicit Chen Feng.

At this moment, many disciples have red eyes.

Chen Feng's performance was so amazing that these real masters could not sit still.

Gu Tianke turned around and looked at the magical artifact in Qiu Luolan's hand, his face a little ugly.

He is one of the ten true disciples from the Heavenly Power Sword Sect, so he naturally wants to protect Yi Changkong.

Qiu Luolan directly solicits with top magical weapons, which is equivalent to directly confronting him.

At this moment, Ji Lingxiao laughed loudly.

The laugh from far and near just came from his mouth.

"Qiu Luolan, you have such a big hand."

He glanced at Chen Feng: "This son is really talented. He has some magical skills, maybe more than one or two."

"But, is it worth your solicitation?"

Before Ji Lingxiao finished speaking, Guang Wanluo sneered, and the silver-gray folding fan in his hand was lightly beautiful.

"Ji Lingxiao, if you say that, you mean you don't intend to grab people from us?"

He said slowly.

These words directly blocked Ji Lingxiao's mouth, causing his face to change suddenly.

"But I also have a Wanjing Ice Jade Knife."

Ji Lingxiao immediately took out an ancient scroll.

As soon as this scroll appeared, it instantly exuded a terrifying aura.

Simple, majestic and vast!

You don't even have to guess what's inside. Just this breath is enough to prove its preciousness.

Absolutely Fanpin!

Ji Lingxiao looked at Chen Feng.

"The broken knife is useless. You followed me. I will give you this Hong-rank fifth-rank supernatural power. How about?"

Hong-level five!

More and more disciples in the distance were almost unable to breathe.

In order to attract Chen Feng, even this kind of treasure was taken out!

I really don't know whether I should envy Chen Feng or admire Ji Lingxiao these ten true disciples.

Seeing that he was like this, Guang Wanluo took out something casually.

"Qiu Luolan, Ji Lingxiao, I have a golden flame mirror."

"Look at this junior Chen Feng, who of us will choose."

When the scorching golden flame mirror appeared in the eyes of everyone, many disciples were even somewhat calm.

These things, one more than the top, one rarer for each match, but they were randomly used as a meeting ceremony.

Gu Tianke gave Qiu Luolan, Ji Lingxiao and Guang Wanluo a cold glance.

Standing with his hand, a cold snort.

He turned his head and stared at Chen Feng, invisibly spreading a noble deterrent again.

"No matter how much they give you, they can't catch up with me."

"My Star Soul Martial Ancestor Realm second floor, they all only have the first floor. You can figure it out clearly."

Hearing this, Qiu Luolan was not happy.

"Gu Tianke, since you want to mention the cultivation base, why don't you continue to mention how long you have been in the second floor of the Martial Ancestor Realm?"

"How many years did it take to break through from the first building to the second building?"

She sneered: "It only took me twenty years to break through the Martial Ancestor Realm."

"It is much more promising than breaking through the Martial Ancestral Realm in 50 years and breaking through the first building in 120 years."

Gu Tianke was tit-for-tat, and didn't let it go: "There is a future, and it depends on whether there is life at that time."

When Ji Lingxiao heard this, he immediately laughed.

"Gu Tianke, it sounds like you have a life to live until then."

He looked at Chen Feng and said boldly: "You follow me, I promise you can walk sideways if you can't die."

As he said, Ji Lingxiao laughed even more.

"Boy, I am very optimistic about you! It looks like me back then."

"Don't worry about those people, just follow me. When you break through the Star Soul Martial Ancestor Realm, we will be brothers."

This is extremely awkward.

Without Chen Feng speaking, Guang Wanluo laughed.

"Ji Lingxiao, don't you think this sounds awkward?"

But Ji Lingxiao didn't think there was a problem with what he said.

"If he can't even break through the Star Soul Martial Ancestor Realm, why should I treat him as a brother?"


Seeing that the four top real-life disciples in front of him, in order to recruit him, did not hesitate to brag about their methods, trump cards and cultivation bases in various ways, Chen Feng couldn't help but want to laugh.

They quarreled at themselves, as if he had decided to follow one of them.

At this moment, Gu Tianke turned his head and looked at Chen Feng, with quite obvious impatience on his face.

"Why don't you surrender?"

"Kneel down and kowtow to apologize, this matter is over."

The other three also stopped temporarily, and all their eyes focused on Chen Feng again.

The disciples in the distance suddenly felt a little nervous.

Even Yuexinlan of Gaotaishan is worried.

Based on her understanding of Chen Feng, I am afraid...

"Me, what's wrong?"

On the square, Chen Feng heard five words that were calm but loud.


Seeing Chen Feng's calm and unhurried appearance, many people subconsciously took it for granted.

When they realized this, they were sluggish for a moment.

I don't know when, in their hearts, Chen Feng is already such a strong generation?

After hearing Chen Feng's reply, Gu Tianke stared at him for a long time.

The breath of horror instantly rose to the sky, rushing towards Chen Feng overwhelmingly.

However, it was intercepted midway.

Qiu Luolan, Ji Lingxiao and Guang Wanluo shot at the same time, blocking his coercion in front of Chen Feng.

"Gu Tianke, people don't want to follow you, so why should you force it."

"Yes, the twisted fruits are not sweet, kid, come with me."

"Say it first, no matter what choice he makes, none of you are allowed to interfere."

The three had just finished speaking, only to hear Chen Feng next to them speak again.

"I will not follow any of you."

As soon as this remark came out, the three smiling faces showed a short-lived stagnation.

Ji Lingxiao turned back abruptly, and instantly withdrew the breath that protected him.

"Are you sure you want to choose this way?"

In the next instant, the breath of the other two also disappeared.

Guang Wanluo even put away the golden flame mirror in his hand, shaking the fan and whispering: "I don't know how to promote it!"

The three breaths were all removed, and the breath of Gu Tianke's Wuzu realm instantly crushed Chen Feng.

No matter how strong the physical body was against the sky, no matter how strong the cultivation base was, it was far beyond his peers, at this moment, Chen Feng had no resistance!

The bones all over his body were crackling and making a loud noise, and his body was like a thousand mountains pressed down.

Chen Feng's skin suddenly oozes and bleeding, his knees "pups" uncontrollably, and he knelt on the ground, making it difficult to turn over!

This sudden change instantly spread murderous aura all over the square.

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