Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 5181: Just want to slap you in the face!

"You can bear it for a while, it really won't be too shameful!"

"In this situation, neither Sect Master nor I can help you refuse this engagement, but you can refuse to meet! No problem!"

Yue Xinlan was afraid that Chen Feng would have a good face, so she couldn't refute her face, and even talked a lot.

The tone is extremely anxious.

Chen Feng listened to these words, then raised his head and showed a casual smile at Yue Xinlan.

Seeing this reaction, Yue Xinlan's heart sank.

Yes, the oil and salt don't get in, it's for nothing.

Several suzerains are naturally aware of Yue Xinlan's small movements.

Noting Chen Feng's reaction, several of them relaxed even more.

That kid must fight for face himself, that's great!

Sect Master Tianquan Sword Sect waved his sleeves, and said to Yi Changkong on the field: "Well, if that's the case, let's fight quickly."

Yi Changkong nodded.

At this moment, he also had a proud smile on his face.

He was sure that Chen Feng would never surrender without a fight.

Saying this deliberately, but just to suppress it.

From the very beginning, he never planned to let Chen Feng go!

The disciples around quickly dispersed, and there was no third person around Chen Feng within a radius of more than ten miles.

There are several suzerains fighting in the front, and the aftermath of this engagement can also be well controlled.

Yi Changkong raised his chin arrogantly and stretched out a hand behind him.

"Since you have challenged, in front of everyone, I will not bully you."

"Next, I will only hit you with one hand."

These words are already crazy!

Said it was "not bullying", but in fact it was absolutely mocking and contemptuous, and looked down upon him at all!

The people in the distance also looked good at the show, waiting for Chen Feng to be stepped on by Yi Changkong again.

Seeing Yi Changkong's pretentious appearance, Chen Feng couldn't help but sneered.

He suddenly disappeared in place.

Yi Changkong's arrogant expression was frozen for a moment.

A purple-white light flashed before his eyes.

The next moment, Chen Feng suddenly appeared in front of him, and a huge purple-white lion's head flashed, opening a mouthful of blood at him.

Buddha's angry eyes and roaring power!


The billowing sound waves pierced through the air like a cracked rock, and the entire void couldn't help but shake.

Yi Changkong's expression changed, and his aura instantly adjusted to a state of heyday.

The peak of the eighth floor of the Star Soul Martial God Realm!

Only one step away from breaking through to the ninth building.

Such a powerful coercion blasted out of his body in an instant, and instantly suppressed the rolling sound waves.

However, just as Yi Changkong was about to move, suddenly there was another loud noise in his ear.

Chen Feng did not know when, unexpectedly appeared in front of him, and fisted towards his facade.

What a quick shenfa!

Without waiting for Yi Changkong to have enough time to react, in Chen Feng's space of repetitive reincarnation, the dark blue light has illuminated the entire space.


At this moment, Yi Changkong only felt a tingling pain in his brain, and his spiritual world was immediately violently shocked.

Such an overwhelming mental attack hit, and coupled with the fist rushing towards his front door, his body responded subconsciously.

Yi Changkong quickly blocked him with both hands, and at the same time, counterattacked back without reservation.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The two glued figures retreated in two opposite directions at the same time.

At this moment, there was no sound around the huge square.

Those voices that were disdainful, mocking, contemptuous, and sarcasm!

Those who watch the jokes, sulky, jealous sights!

At this moment, all have disappeared!

Because everything happened so fast!

It really complied with what the Sect Master of Heavenly Power Sword Sect had said-a quick battle and a quick decision.

As soon as Yi Changkong spoke using only one hand, after a few breaths, he was beaten in the face by the speed of light!

And this point, Yi Changkong in the field, the most clear.

Chen Feng came up with a strong attack like a gust of wind and rain, and his stunts were displayed one by one.

The purpose is to force him to fight back with both hands!

Just to slap him in the face!

What's even worse is that Chen Feng actually did it!

Yi Changkong was standing in the field at this time, staring at Chen Feng in the distance.

Although he hadn't been hit by Chen Feng's fist just now, his face is still hot.

Too embarrassing!

But Chen Feng, who was in a remote place, murmured another word.

"Heh, didn't you mean a hand?"

Contemptuously sneered, reversed contemptuous eyes, looked at him as if condescending!

Yi Changkong almost gritted his teeth, with only one thought in his mind.

how is this possible!

From the first time Chen Feng took the shot, he realized that something was wrong.

"When did he become so strong?"

Yi Changkong asked secretly, his hatred for Chen Feng became more and more severe.

No one has ever made him so embarrassed!

At the next moment, only an angry shout was heard in the court, and Yi Changkong ignored the previous "one hand" agreement.

He stood up straight, stretched out his hand, the space around him blossomed, and a long arrow appeared out of thin air!

This long arrow carries a blue-white arc throughout.

As soon as Fang appeared, the surrounding space quickly began to tremble.

Compared with Chen Feng's previous Buddha's angry eyes and lion roar, it is even more terrifying.

The blue-and-white arc kept flashing, and there was a constant piercing electric current crashing sound.

Yi Chang somersault took out a long bow, and instantly pulled the bow full.

This arrow contains extremely terrifying destructive power!

Heavenly Power Cang Thunder Arrow!

Chen Feng is no stranger to this.

When I first saw Yi Changkong, he was using one of the top magic weapons of the Heavenly Power Sword Sect.

Across the red-eyed demon, quietly aimed at him.

The people in the distance exclaimed, looking at Yi Changkong, who was dancing wildly in the field, excited again.

At this moment, Yi Changkong was so bold as to reach the sky!


Yi Changkong let go of his fingers full of bow.

The dazzling light made everyone close their eyes subconsciously.


A sky thunder suddenly fell from above the nine heavens and hit the long arrow.

The destructive power burst out instantly!

I saw the Tianquan Cang Lei Arrow full of blue and white electric arcs, instantly piercing the void and appeared in front of Chen Feng.

Very far apart, but instantly there!

The crackling Tianquan Cang Lei Arrow flashing with electric arcs was about to penetrate Chen Feng.

Between the electric light and flint, the people in the distance suddenly saw a dazzling silver-white light rising into the sky.


The violent bang of the metal hit immediately.

The sect masters who stood in the front and watched the battle finally changed their complexions, staring at the silver-white light.

I saw the Tianquan Cang Lei arrow filled with blue and white electric arcs pierced through the air, stabbing fiercely on the ground beside Yi Changkong.

In response, Yi Changkong couldn't hold back the fishy sweetness of his throat, and he spit out blood.

On the square, everyone was shocked.

At this moment, no one paid attention to what Yi Changkong was doing right now.

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