Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 5180: The appointment of the day! Fight, Yi Changkong!

Looking high down at the disciples in front of him.

Elder Fang, who had previously announced the news, stood in front of the five suzerains and presided over the farewell meeting.

Chen Feng glanced far away and caught Zhong Li Yaoqin's eye-catching red dress.

And his appearance completely destroyed the original atmosphere of the scene.

"The disciple is late."

Chen Feng soon came to the position that belonged to the disciple of Tianshu Sword Sect and stood still, holding his fist towards Zhongli Yaoqin.

Zhong Li Yaoqin glanced over, then nodded invisibly.

Not far away, Jiang Yunxi of the Heavenly Jade Sword Sect looked sideways, looking at Chen Feng, two red spots appeared on her face.

Of course, there were also many disdainful and angry eyes that followed him closely.

Yue Xinlan led the person and quickly came behind Zhongli Yaoqin.


Elder Fang coughed twice, temporarily pulling everyone's attention back.

He looked at Chen Feng and continued on the topic he hadn't said before: "This time you go to the Broken Jade Conference, there will be someone walking with you."

"Three months ago, I already lived in the city lord's mansion..."

However, since Chen Feng arrived, the attention of most of the disciples in the square has not been on him.

Because there is a figure walking towards Chen Feng in stride.

The figure is very long, and he is wearing special disciple costumes for the three hundred and sixty true disciples!

He is as black as ink, with a leisurely and elegant posture, but his face is awkward, and his eyes are above the top. This is an invincible posture!

Yi Changkong!

He came to Chen Feng, stood still, then turned around and frankly looked at the five Sect Masters of the Galaxy Sword Sect.

There is an edge in the eyes!

"Sorry, interrupt, Elder Fang."

Although Yi Changkong said "sorry", his expression was not apologetic at all.

His face was full of arrogance.

He simply clasped his fists, and his voice came to the ears of everyone present.

"Chen Feng of Tianshu Sword Sect, I am afraid that he is not qualified to go to the Jade Breaking Conference anymore."

Hearing Yi Changkong's straightforward and provocative words, Zhong Li Yaoqin looked at him indifferently.

However, this does not make any difference.

"As everyone knows, a few months ago, the disciple had a three-month appointment with Chen Feng."

"Now, March has long passed. Since Chen Feng's retreat is over, the battle owed should be made up immediately."

"The disciple believes that before making up for that battle, Chen Feng is not qualified to be the representative disciple of the Broken Jade Conference!"

Speaking of this, Yi Changkong looked at the masters, clasped his fists and said, "The disciple wants to challenge Chen Feng here!"

"If Chen Feng loses, the disciple is willing to go to the Jade Breaking Conference on behalf of Chen Feng."

As soon as this remark came out, all the disciples were in an uproar.

"Yi Changkong wants to challenge Chen Feng!"

"Is this still a challenge? What is his cultivation base, what is Chen Feng's cultivation base!"

Many disciples started to discuss.

Moreover, many disciples recalled the origin of the grudge between Yi Changkong and Chen Feng.

They looked at Chen Feng, joking and mocking already in their eyes.

What's more, he deliberately said in that small voice.

"I saw the scene on that day with my own eyes. Brother Yi easily overpowered the kid."

"Yeah! You don't have to show off any real skills."

"Just the pressure released from him made Chen Feng lie on the ground, hahahaha..."

"real or fake?"

"Then there can be fakes? What kind of strength is Yi Changkong, the eighth floor of the Star Soul Martial God Realm! The true disciples are considered top-notch."

"I still remember that Senior Brother Yi stepped on that kid's face and crushed it hard."


The ears were full of sarcasm and ridicule.

Chen Feng's complexion was quite calm.

Some fellow students deliberately revisit the old things for fear that he would forget the humiliation he suffered.

But I don't know that from beginning to end, Chen Feng has never forgotten the humiliation that day.

On the way here just now, he was thinking about the three-month appointment!

Unexpectedly, Yi Changkong was so uncomfortable that he came forward to die.

For a time, the hustle and bustle of the square rose.

All public opinion is one-sided-not optimistic about Chen Feng.

"I heard that Brother Yi has improved his cultivation level in these three months."

"As expected to be one of the 360 ​​true disciples of the Galaxy Sword Sect!"

"Yes, you can still progress so fast when you reach the eighth floor of the Star Soul Martial God Realm."

Many people have complimented Yi Changkong, selectively ignoring Chen Feng's strength improvement.

From their point of view, although Chen Feng's level of improvement was fairly fast, so what?

On one side is the eighth floor of the Star Soul Martial God Realm, and maybe even a true disciple of the ninth floor.

On the other side, he was just a disciple who had just broken through the sixth floor of the Star Soul Martial God Realm.

Before the Zongmen Hall, almost no one was optimistic about Chen Feng.

Even the five masters of the Sword Sect, except for Zhong Li Yaoqin, the eyes of the other four looking at Chen Feng were similar.

They didn't want to see the strangeness of the Tianshu Sword Sect, but Yi Changkong turned his head and they were happy to see it.

Especially the Sect Master of Tianquan Sword Sect, even more smilingly looked at Zhong Li Yaoqin next to him.

"Sect Master Zhong Li, look, since it's a previously scheduled battle, you shouldn't stop it, right?"

Yue Xinlan was standing behind Zhong Li Yaoqin. Hearing this, seeing the other party's sarcasm and face, she was furious.

But she can't get ahead.

Zhong Li Yaoqin couldn't even stand out.

After all, it is indeed a pre-planned battle, and there is no reason for anyone to intervene.

Zhong Li Yaoqin's silence made Yi Changkong's lips curled up on the court.

He turned around with his hand and looked at Chen Feng provocatively.

"However, if you know you are invincible and surrender directly, I can accept it."

Hearing this, many disciples around laughed.

What Yi Changkong said was too cruel!

As a cultivator, it is even more embarrassing than defeat in a battle to surrender to a pre-arranged appointment without a fight!

Soon someone spoke up and said to Chen Feng, "Chen Feng, or you should just surrender."

"Yeah, I can't beat it anyway, so why bother to humiliate yourself."

"A person who knows the current affairs is a Junjie, and now it's a bit ugly to surrender, but at least it doesn't need to be seriously injured."


Faced with more and more voices persuading him to surrender, Chen Feng's expression was calm and there were no waves.

He turned his head and swept away slowly.

In the sound of persuading to surrender almost the whole audience, even Jiang Yunxi's eyes looked at him with worry.

Chen Feng retracted his gaze, and calmly met Yi Changkong's gaze.

"I challenge."

The three short words were not loud, but they clearly reached the ears of everyone present.

The scene was like a pan fried, everyone showed an expression waiting for a good show.

Even Yue Xinlan's expression changed.

As soon as the voice fell, Chen Feng heard Yue Xinlan's secret transmission.

"Are you crazy? Now everyone knows that you are definitely not his opponent with your current strength!"

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