Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 5173: Cub of Demon Saint!


Fu Haocang nodded repeatedly.

"It's true!"

No wonder the people of Shenzong will appear here.

You know, the Beast God Sect is quite far from here, and it rarely appears in the Qingqiu Mountain Range on weekdays.

It's just that everything happened too suddenly, so everyone didn't go into it.

Thinking about it now, it makes sense.

After all, anyone who can conquer a demon saint will have an unlimited future!

Both Fu Haocang and Yuan Qishen noticed Chen Feng's changes.

The two of them breathed a sigh of relief when they saw his expression of movement.

At least, this little life should be saved.

Fu Haocang continued.

"That cub should have just been born, and has the level of a demon saint, it is hard to imagine how far it will grow."

The demon saint is a big level higher than the demon god.

Even among the human races, they are comparable to the powerhouses of the Shifang Dongtian realm.

You know, the Shifangdongtian realm is the realm above the star soul martial **** realm, also known as the martial ancestor realm.

Chen Feng lowered his eyes and met Fu Haocang's gaze.

Just listen to Fu Haocang continuing: "However, that demon saint cub should not be particularly strong."

"Don't subdue it now, wait for it to grow up after a while, and it will be more difficult to tame it again."

"Originally, we came here this time mainly to subdue it."

"To this day, we are willing to dedicate all the clues of this demon saint cub to the son, and hope that the son will spare us our lives."

Chen Feng was indeed moved.

He carefully looked at the expressions and reactions of these two people. At this time, it was a matter of life and death for them.

The long silver-white ray of sword in his hand disappeared quickly.

Chen Feng looked at Fu Haocang.

"Tell me the clue."


Fu Haocang was held by Yuan Qishen and left.

With such defeats, Chen Feng didn't care if they would get revenge in the future.

Originally, Chen Feng had almost mined the Xingchen Yuanshi vein, and was about to leave.

Now, based on the clues he got from Fu Haocang, he continued to walk towards the depths of the abyss.

The abyss under the Sword God Desolate Hill is really big.

Chen Feng went forward an hour before the picture gradually changed.

Going further, there was an uphill road with no end in sight.

When he reached the end of the uphill road, Chen Feng even suspected that he had stepped out of the abyss.

It was no longer as dim as before, and an open woodland appeared in front of him.

However, there is no trace of monsters here.

Chen Feng continued to walk forward and soon came to the end of the woodland.

In front of him lies a huge stone wall, which is more than hundreds of meters high.

This is where Fu Haocang said.

The nearby forests have become denser, and every ancient tree has not known how many years it has survived here. It is towering, even as high as the rock wall.

According to Fu Haocang, one had to go around the dense forest to discover the entrance to the stone wall.

Chen Feng patiently arrived in front of the stone wall.

It was only tens of meters left from the huge rock wall that he suddenly discovered the entrance.

There are gaps in the middle of this huge stone wall.

It's not so much a gap, it's more like two stone walls put together.

And this gap is difficult to detect by divine consciousness, and only when you walk in can you discover it.

The gap just can accommodate about one person.

Chen Feng took a deep breath and walked in.

Passing through this long and narrow stone wall corridor, the front suddenly opened up.

What Chen Feng presented to him was a completely different world.

Large tracts of sunlight fell in this very different deep valley.

Waterfalls in the distance, streams nearby, mountain springs ding-dong, towering giant trees, lush mountains, and mountains in the distance.

What a paradise like a paradise!

When Chen Feng stepped into it, he felt as if he had stepped into a completely strange new world.

The dense forest not far away is lush, and the vegetation is extremely rich.

Many ancient woods are intertwined, old vines are entwined, and Zhilin is luxuriant, and they can cover the sky and the sun.

And just after he came here, for the first time, a few breaths appeared from the depths of the dense forest staring at him.

They are all demons!

Chen Feng couldn't help laughing bitterly.

He probably knew that because of his special blood, he attracted the attention of the demon god.

They all wanted to swallow the blood of the gods and demons in his body.

Chen Feng kicked into the dense forest.

Countless birds flew up in surprise, and Wuyangyang hovered over the dense forest, making various calls.

Suddenly, this silent valley suddenly boiled.


When the first roar of the monster beast sounded, a great battle was inevitable.

A fierce phantom saber-toothed tiger roared and rushed towards Chen Feng.

It was in the shape of a ghost, disappearing instantly and then appearing closer, showing its fangs at Chen Feng.

However, Chen Feng did not panic in the face of this ordinary demon **** of more than ten meters.

He sinks his heart, seizes the opportunity to turn around, shake his leg, and kick out abruptly.

After that, dozens of punches in one breath directly swept the vicious phantom saber-toothed tiger to the ground!

However, before Chen Feng had a little room to breathe, another beast roar came from another direction not far away.

The next moment, an eight-armed violent ape about 15 meters high rushed out of the dense forest.

It walks upright like a person, and it looks more powerful than the previous one.

The tall demon body, Hessen's hair almost covered the whole body of the eight-armed violent ape.

There are four thick arms on each side, looking extremely fierce.

The earth trembles constantly as it approaches.

Chen Feng coldly curled his lips, and his whole body suddenly expressed a bitter meaning of killing.

He slammed his hands on the ground and rushed directly in the direction of the eight-armed violent ape.


The dull impact sounded immediately, echoing in this empty valley.

The eight-armed violent ape with its mouth full of fangs and fierce eyes instantly lost its vitality.

A large part of the chest was sunken, and the internal organs had been shaken to pieces, and there was no way to recover!

"Tsk, it's worthy of being the eight-armed violent ape who is famous for his physical strength..."

Chen Feng glanced at the fallen body.

If it is an ordinary cultivator, even a demon **** with a lesser physical body strength, just the continuous punching he just now is enough to penetrate the body.

In an instant, he killed two demon gods with good strength.

For a while, the unbridled aura around him also became convergent at this moment.

At this moment, Chen Feng suddenly felt that among the countless or jealous or tyrannical gazes, a few hidden gazes were watching.

Demon saint?

As soon as this thought appeared in his mind, a special figure jumped out in front of him.

When this figure appeared, the demon gods who had been hiding in the deep forest converged their auras, and soon dispersed.

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