Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 5172: I buy my life with a big secret!

Countless earth and rocks are disguised, pretending to be a demon and god.

In fact, it was just Fu Haocang's star soul!

But all this has been understood a step too late.

At this moment, Chen Feng, the only thing that can be done is to resort to the God of Death!

The long knife of silver-white light drew a devastating light in the air.


With a loud noise, the endless murderous, sword-intent rushed towards the swallowing maniac star soul.

But, it's useless!

After this slash, the Sky Swallowing Python Star Soul was not affected at all.

They were instantly broken up, and then gathered together.

This is the advantage of Star Soul!

As long as Fu Haocang himself is unharmed, this kind of direct attack is almost ineffective to Star Soul.

At this moment, Fu Haocang, who was not far away, finally gave a gloomy smile.

"Boy, what else do you have, take it out now."

"If not, there is no chance!"

He looked up to the sky and laughed.

In this battle of life and death, it seems that he won the victory in the end!

Fu Haocang's face couldn't help showing madness and bloodthirsty.

He stared at Chen Feng, his expression grim.

"You struggle again, struggle! I like to look at people like you, slowly falling into despair!"


The laughter kept echoing under the abyss.

In the distance, everyone heard Fu Hao's arrogant and confident laugh, and a ray of despair appeared on their faces.

Could it be that even Chen Feng couldn't beat Fu Haocang?

At this moment, Chen Feng had another feeling in his body.

As the swallowing python star soul continued to attack, he felt more and more that the candle nine-yin star soul in the star soul space was extremely excited at this moment.

At this moment, his heart suddenly understood, and the long knife in his hand was a pillar in the void.


He also laughed, Mofa dancing wildly behind his head.

I saw Chen Feng smiling and looking at Fu Haocang.

"Do you have a star soul?"

With this sound, Zhu Jiu Yin Star Soul appeared in front of him instantly.

The supreme coercion and the breath that seemed to have gone through the ancients instantly made the originally extremely arrogant Sky Swallowing Python Star Soul tremble.

It's like seeing a natural enemy!

The eyes of Zhu Jiu Yin Star Soul burst out with two rays of light, and then his back figure flashed.

In the next moment, the huge swallowing python star soul was directly swallowed by the candle nine yin star soul!

The Sky-Swallowing Maniac Star Soul didn't even dare to struggle a bit, and she lay down in the void, letting the Nine Yin Star Soul of Candle to swallow it in one bite.

Everything happened so fast!

When the thunder was too fast to hide his ears, his star soul was gone.

Fu Haocang was stupid.

He dullly watched Zhu Jiu Yin Star Soul return to Chen Feng, and then disappear.

The situation suddenly reversed!

After returning to Chen Feng's body, Zhu Nine Yin Star Soul fell into deep sleep, and it seemed that he had to digest it for a while.

But this is enough!

The next moment, he waved the long knife in his hand again, took advantage of the victory, and directly struck Fu Haocang with three consecutive blows.

Fu Haocang, who had lost the Star Soul, lost his greatest support.

His strength fell instantly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

These three strikes were too powerful to kill God Slash, which was activated when Chen Feng had consumed a large amount of cultivation base, and the power was not as good as before.

However, it was enough to beat Fu Haocang to the point of death!

Fu Haocang smashed to the ground fiercely and appeared in front of the onlookers.

Above the void, Chen Feng quickly landed and stepped on Fu Haocang's body, making it difficult for him to be arrogant.

Yuan Qishen, who was next to him, was completely stupid as he watched this scene.

Is this still the aloof, rich brother?

Now he, covered in blood, ragged and haggard, is still bleeding.

Moreover, he was trampled under his feet...


The silver-white long knife suddenly crossed less than an inch in front of Yuan Qishen.

A strand of long hair fell slowly.

I don't know if Chen Feng's aura is too strong, or Yuan Qishen was completely frightened by the scene in front of him.

He turned pale and fell to the ground.

"Don't kill me! Don't kill me! Forgive me son!"

Yuan Qishen panicked completely.

Chen Feng's murderous eyes are really shocking.

A glance was enough to scare him.

He completely regretted it!

I knew that this kid from the Galaxy Sword Sect looked like an unknown person on loan.

In fact, he is such a terrifying strong man, he will not appear here for anything he said!

Even more will not hit the sect reward on his head.

At this time, Yuan Qishen knew that he had to do something now.

He didn't care about his face or face, as long as he could survive, he could do anything.


Yuan Qishen knelt on the ground in embarrassment, and kept kowtow to Chen Feng apologizing.

"It's because we don't know Taishan, who offended the son, and ask the son to treat us as farts!"

"The son's great kindness, we are not unforgettable!"

Chen Feng was condescending, looking down at Yuan Qishen in front of him.

Above the long knife, the cold light cut through the dark abyss, illuminating the killing intent in his eyes.

At this moment, even Fu Haocang, who was trampled under his feet, finally realized his situation.

If you don't beg for mercy at this time, their life will really be lost!

But from just now, it can be seen that Chen Feng can be shaken by a few simple words of begging for mercy and apology.

Fu Haocang thought for a while, his face was extremely ugly.

But in the end, he still spoke with difficulty.

"I... I have a great secret and I am willing to use it to buy my life."

Hearing this, Chen Feng's heart moved slightly.

He released Fu Haocang's foot and looked down at him.

"What secret, let's hear it."

With that said, Chen Feng glanced at the cultivators around him casually.

Everyone reacted immediately.

"Thank you, son, for saving my life. I will leave first."

Many people clasped fists and bowed towards Chen Feng, and then quickly left under the abyss.

After everyone was gone, Chen Feng looked at Fu Haocang and Yuan Qishen again.

"You can tell me, if it's worth buying your life, I don't mind letting you go."

This sentence is actually extremely unfair.

If you encounter a rude and unreasonable person, after learning the secret, if you insist that it is not worth your life, or kill them, then the secret will be for nothing.

However, at this time, Fu Haocang had no choice.

He can only grit his teeth and say.

"The reason why we came here is because a demon saint cub appeared here."

Hearing this news, even Chen Feng couldn't help but feel shocked.

Demon saint!

That is a higher level of existence than the demon god!

Their talents and strength are far above the demon gods, extremely rare!

Unexpectedly, I could learn such a heavy news here.

And it's still a cub.

Chen Feng's eyes couldn't help showing excitement.

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