Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 5133: Jiang Yunxi’s invitation!

He laughed and patted Chen Feng's arm.

"I'm here to tell you one thing. You should have a quota for this broken jade conference."

Chen Feng nodded.

"Be sure to get first! There is a huge surprise!"

As soon as this remark came out, Chen Feng's heart moved slightly.

However, the old monster didn't mean to explain in detail.

Chen Feng knew that the old monster admired him very much.

Even he had to come in person, presumably the first reward he received was definitely a surprise.

Thinking of this, Chen Feng nodded.

"it is good."

"Sure to live up to the predecessors."

Seeing that Chen Feng responded without hesitation, the old monster was quite satisfied.

He laughed, turned and left.

Behind Chen Feng, all the disciples were shocked.

Just open your mouth and answer, how confident is this?

It is difficult to guarantee that there will be no peerless genius at the Broken Jade Conference, who dares to make a guarantee like Chen Feng.

At this time, many disciples suddenly understood why the old monster admired Chen Feng so much.

Chen Feng's strength is absolutely top-notch among the disciples who have started ten years ago.

What's more rare is that he has an invincible aura.

That is the place that is very different from the other disciples!

In this way, the farce in front of the Zongmen Hall was completely over.

After Elder Fang left, all the true disciples who maintained order also left.

Many disciples left one after another.

Just when Chen Feng was about to leave, a person called him.

"Master Chen, please stay."

In the next second, Chen Feng's heart suddenly jumped fiercely.

In fact, from the moment he entered the square, the power of blood in his body began to surge quietly.

At that time, he knew that the person was definitely on the scene.

But now, the blood pulse in the body has undoubtedly become more intense.

Chen Feng turned and looked.

Sure enough, it was Jiang Yunxi who hadn't seen each other for a long time!

At this moment, Jiang Yunxi is wearing the uniform costume of the Heavenly Jade Sword Sect.

Dressed in a snow-white shirt with star embroidery.

The allure posture amazed all the surrounding disciples.

On her rather elegant face, two **** traces like birthmarks in the corners of her eyes, quietly upwards, extending into the hair.

Compared with before, today's Jiang Yunxi has also improved a lot.

Many disciples who have not left have noticed here one after another.

Jiang Yunxi is a genius with a special bloodline, which is known to all.

What's more, she was valued by a powerful female elder of the Heavenly Jade Sword Sect very early, with noble support behind her, and her own profound background.

Among the five places in the Broken Jade Conference, she was the representative of the Heavenly Jade Sword Sect.

However, at this moment, Jiang Yunxi's complexion was slightly red, and her breathing was a little short.

She has tried her best to restrain the boiling blood in her body, and the feeling that she can hardly sustain herself almost made her gaffe on the spot.

"I wonder if Master Chen is free now?"

Jiang Yunxi calmed down and said softly.

Although he tried his best to restrain, the voice he uttered was still a bit lazy.

Fortunately, her voice is not loud.

The disciple in the distance never noticed anything strange.

Chen Feng could feel that as Jiang Yunxi approached, the blood in his body was quietly surging, a little stronger than before.

"It's okay now. Is something wrong with Miss Jiang?"

Jiang Yunxi nodded shyly.

"I don't know if Master Chen can move to my place and sit down. Next, I have important matters to discuss."

Chen Feng was very close to Jiang Yunxi, and he could naturally feel that the other party's face became more and more red.

Stay here again, I'm afraid I will lose my temper!

"it is good."

He nodded, and the two left the square together.

Many disciples who had never left showed jealousy and envy after seeing the two leaving behind.

Who is Jiang Yunxi!

What a noble status she is!

Not to mention her stunning face, her special status and identity alone are enough to attract countless powerful people!

Although, many disciples present knew it in their hearts.

Such a high-ranking woman, definitely cannot have any intersection with herself.

However, it does not prevent them from admiring their hearts.

And now, they see clearly.

Jiang Yunxi, who has always been cold and extremely dusty, not only took the initiative to meet Chen Feng, but also took the initiative to invite him to his residence as a little woman.

Since Jiang Yunxi entered the Galaxy Sword Sect, he has never shown such a posture!

No one has this honor!

This makes them not envious and jealous!

It was at the same moment that Chen Feng and the two went to the Heavenly Jade Sword Sect.

The city of stars outside the mountain, but ushered in a special team.

This team came across the void, and the momentum is not huge, but looking at its gorgeousness, you can also know that the people in the team are rich or expensive!

Upon closer inspection, you will find that these car wheels are actually made of extremely precious special materials!

Many people in the City of Stars saw this team from a distance.

Endless stars scattered from the team.

From a distance, it is as if the entire fleet is coming on the bright galaxy!

This avenue of stars goes straight ahead and leads straight to the highest point of the city of stars.

City Lord's Mansion!

"Which prince and nobleman is it, there is such a battle!"

Many people in the city talked about it.

Soon, some keen people discovered that things seemed not that simple!

"Look, is that the city lord?"

Someone shouted, and more and more eyes looked at the highest place outside the city lord's mansion.

When they saw the gate of the City Lord's Mansion, everyone couldn't help but widen their eyes.

It's really the city owner!

What is even more shocking is that the usually supreme City Lord actually waited respectfully at the door today.

"Who the **** can make the city lord have such a posture!"

Many people once again set their sights on the fleet that is getting closer and closer.

Finally, someone had sharp eyes and was shocked immediately.

"That...that is the banner of the Yi family!"

As soon as these words came out, the entire city of stars was shocked.

At the forefront of the caravan, two eighth-grade monsters, fire feathers and unicorn horses were pulling on an exquisite carriage, and there was a brilliant red flag exclusively for the Yi family!


Branch of the ancient family, a big family of the Yu clan!

Seeing the blazing red Yi family banner, everyone was relieved.

It turned out to be a member of the ancient family, so it's no wonder that the city owner will personally go out to meet him.

You know, a Yi family alone is not weaker than a Galaxy Sword Sect!

Even, in terms of the foundation, the Galaxy Sword School can hardly be compared with the ancient aristocratic family like the Yi family!

Not only do they have a profound background, but they also rely on the feather tribe and have an extremely strong background.

However, it is gratifying that the Yi family has always been friendly with the Galaxy Sword Sect.

The convoy quickly approached and steadily stopped outside the city lord's mansion.

In the first, and also the most magnificent car, two men soon came down.

The middle-aged man headed by him has a stalwart figure and a bronze complexion.

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