Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 5132: If you want to fight, I will fight!

Ji Xingyuan, who fell on the ground, seemed to have suddenly seen some savior.

"Brother Yi!"

This loud shout immediately attracted everyone.

The coercion was removed, and everyone looked at the incoming people.

It was Yi Changkong!

Unexpectedly, today's convening will also attract Yi Changkong!

The audience was in an uproar.

Yi Changkong is not only the top disciple of the Heavenly Power Sword Sect, but also one of the most outstanding true disciples in the entire Galaxy Sword Sect.

When Ji Xingyuan saw Yi Changkong, he smiled triumphantly.

He looked at Chen Feng.

"Chen Feng, aren't you very arrogant? You haven't been stepped on by our senior brother Yi!"

"No matter how crazy you are! In front of Brother Yi, where can you go crazy!"

However, his harsh words did not attract Chen Feng's attention at all.

At this moment, Chen Feng's eyes were extremely cold.

Yi Changkong came quickly from a distance and fell directly in front of Chen Feng.

Xin Chang's body is a special disciple costume exclusively for the three hundred and sixty true disciples!

Mo Fa moved slightly behind him, Yi Changkong's posture was leisurely and elegant, looking at Chen Feng's eyes, he gathered the supreme aura!

He has a dull complexion and an invincible posture!

"Chen Feng, who gives you the courage to deal with the disciples of my Heavenly Power Sword Sect!"

This is just a reason.

All the disciples present knew it well.

The March agreement between Yi Changkong and Chen Feng has spread to every corner of the Galaxy Sword Sect.

Yi Changkong sneered and said.

"Last time, the elder Yue Xinlan of the Sword Sect Sect of your day, in order to save you, he did not hesitate to violate the rules and went to the battlefield outside the territory to rescue you."

"But today, don't count on them."

"The sect master of your Tianshu Sword Sect has already taken her, and has been invited to participate in something."

"I'm afraid, they will all get into trouble, and they won't be able to save you again."

As soon as this word came out, everyone could not help being shocked.

Yi Changkong is really prepared!

It seems that today he intends to directly put Chen Feng to death?

Even if everyone admits, Chen Feng is extremely strong.

However, that was only for those disciples who were present within 30 years of starting.

No one would feel that he could survive with Yi Changkong's full force.

Today, Chen Feng will definitely die!

Facing Yi Changkong's provocation, Chen Feng looked gloomy.

He will never forget the shame of that day!

Although the March agreement was not full, he now has the power of an enemy from the eighth floor of the Star Soul Martial God Realm.

If you play all the cards and try your best, there may not be only death!

Chen Feng hadn't thought about those roundabout and slow-moving tactics!

He Chen Feng has never been a cowardly person.

It can even be said that the last thing he lacks is courage!

Because he has an invincible brave heart!

Even if you work hard, never fear!

Under the eyes of everyone, Chen Feng made black hair, without wind.

"If you want to fight, I will fight!"

As he spoke, an aura of terror also broke out.

It was even stronger than the aura leaked when dealing with those disciples before!

"Oh my God!"

"Chen Feng was still hiding just now!"

"Is this his real strength?"

Around, many disciples stared straight.

Everybody knows how powerful Yi Changkong is.

After all, as one of the three hundred and sixty true disciples, there is no doubt that he is strong.

But how long did Chen Feng enter the Galaxy Sword Sect?

How many realms did he break through in such a short period of time!

so horrible!

For a moment, many disciples present even hoped that Chen Feng would survive.

They also want to know how to achieve his terrifying breakthrough speed.

However, Yi Changkong couldn't let him go.

Thinking of this, the disciples couldn't help but feel sorry.

"What a pity……"

With that said, they still avoided it for the first time.

Yi Changkong laughed wildly.

"I think this time, who else would dare to save you!"

As he spoke, he turned his hand and sacrificed a long arrow with a blue and white arc.

This long arrow had appeared, and the surrounding space began to vibrate slightly.

"Heaven Power Cang Lei Arrow!"

The disciples exclaimed.

One of the top magical instruments of the Heavenly Power Sword Sect

When he came up, he sacrificed the Heavenly Power Cang Lei Arrow. This is really a plan to kill!

Chen Feng is dead!

At this moment, from Chen Feng's body, a more terrifying force suddenly appeared.

He appeared inexplicably, but he hit the opposite Yi Changkong with a straight shot.

This force appeared too inexplicable!

Even Chen Feng didn't react.

The Yi Changkong in front of him reacted immediately and retreated frantically.

However, it was still a step too late.


A violent palm was slapped from the top of his head, and it was easy to shoot Yi Changkong into the ground of the square!

"I want to save Chen Feng, what do you want?"

A vicissitudes, but rather rogue old man's voice sounded from behind Chen Feng.

Chen Feng was taken aback, reacted, and turned to look.

The hair is messy and gray, with few sparse hairs.

He was lean and only reached Chen Feng's shoulders.

However, he was dressed in a star robe exclusive to Elder Tianhe!

It really is an old monster, old man Wu!

Don't know when he came, strode forward and slapped Yi Changkong on the ground again.

"What's the matter with you here? Go back to your Heavenly Power Sword Sect!"

As the old monster raised his hand, an enlarged transparent giant hand suddenly appeared in the air.

This giant hand is formed by the gathering of countless hurricanes, and the pressure is far above Yi Changkong.

Yi Changkong did not dare to resist with a slap.

For the first time, he made a decisive decision, turned and left!

Even if you run away like this, he will lose face.

But no one dares to fight the old monster!

Not ashamed!

That Chen Feng is cheaper again!

Chen Feng's eyes were deep, watching Yi Changkong escape in embarrassment from a distance.

A thought slowly rose in his mind.

Next time we meet again, he will kill Yi Changkong himself!

No need to rely on anyone!

All the disciples on the square were dumbfounded.

This change was too sudden, and seeing Chen Feng was bound to die, there was a savior at the critical moment.

No one thought that the old monster would actually appear here.

Moreover, looking at this posture, it is obvious that Chen Feng is to be protected.

For a time, many disciples were jealous and awed.

"Chen Feng's luck is too good."

"Yes, I thought I was going to be killed by Yi Changkong, but I didn't expect to have an honorable person to help me."


Many disciples talked about it.

Chen Feng heard a lot.

Everyone thought that although his strength was strong, he was far from being able to compare with Yi Changkong.

However, Chen Feng didn't care what they thought.

He turned his head and looked at Old Man Wu.

"Elder Wu, why are you here?"

The old monster looked at Chen Feng and looked carefully from top to bottom.

Then, suddenly laughed wildly.


"I was right, old man!"

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