Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 5127: Why is Chen Feng!

Because of this broken jade conference, he also suddenly had a consciousness.

Before, he thought that the Galaxy Sword Sect was the top sect of the Xuanhuang Zhongqian world.

However, it was only now that I realized that it was not the case.

Even the Galaxy Sword Sect is not one of the top Sword Sects.

Because, not to mention anything else, Yue Xinlan said just now that there are seven or eight sects of the same level as the Galaxy Sword Sect in the Eastern Wilderness alone.

Because of this, there are only five places for the Galaxy Sword Faction!

Chen Feng thought a lot.

For example, Xuanyin Fairy Gate, the master's daughter Jing Waner has that talent, and the best disciple is similar to him.

I believe there are more sects, and they also have top geniuses!

The more Chen Feng thought here, the deeper his mind.

On the square in front of the Zongmen Hall, Elder Fang had already spoken.

"There are five places for the Galaxy Sword Sect in this broken jade conference."

"According to previous regulations, each sword sect will have a quota."

"Furthermore, after the discussions of the major sect masters and the approval of the sect masters, all those who go this time will be disciples within ten years of the entry.

Hearing what Elder Fang said, many disciples who had been in the market for more than ten years suddenly showed extremely disappointed expressions.

What's more, immediately dissatisfied.

"Dare to ask Elder Fang, doesn't the Broken Jade Conference stipulate that disciples within 30 years of introductory education are eligible? Why has it been reduced to our Galaxy Sword Sect within ten years?"

Hearing this question, Elder Fang did not feel angry that his authority was challenged.

He just looked at the disciples lightly.

"The reason is simple."

"Because the Galaxy Sword Sect has absolute confidence!"

As soon as these words came out, the whole room was silent!

Only the voice of Elder Fang reverberated above the huge square.

"In this Broken Jade Conference, none of the true disciples and senior disciples of the Galaxy Sword Sect will go!"

"But even so, the elders, sect masters, and sect masters of our Galaxy Sword Sect."

"I also believe that in this broken jade conference, the disciples of the Galaxy Sword Sect can also explode with absolute strength!"

While Elder Fang was speaking, there were a few true disciples standing beside him.

They lined up with serious faces.

When he heard what Elder Fang said, many disciples on the field turned their attention to them.

Those true disciples are suppressing order, and it is precisely because of their existence that many disciples with irritable temperaments dare not act rashly.

All of them released a supreme aura.

That is absolute strength!

It is the strength that most disciples in the field do not have!

After a brief silence, finally, someone suddenly reacted to something.

Five sword sects, each sword sect has a quota?

Everyone's gaze suddenly fell on the position of Tianshu Sword Sect.

There, it is still empty at this moment, and there is no one!

Many envy and jealous eyes fell on the open space one after another.

The scene suddenly became noisy again.

Many people have been discussing, expressing their dissatisfaction and unwillingness.

"The Tianshu Sword Sect has declined and has fallen."

"According to what Elder Fang said, one sword sect was given a quota, and the pivot sword sect was so weak that day, it would be too cheap!"

Some people say that someone will agree.

Everyone knows that Tianshu Sword Sect has only one person in full swing.

Chen Feng!

The regulations mentioned by the elder Fang also meant that Chen Feng of the Tianshu Sword Sect would easily become one of these five places!

In Tianshu Sword Sect, no one can compete with him!

This result made everyone crazy with jealousy.

At this time, Elder Fang, regardless of what the disciples were thinking or feeling, directly began to announce these five places.

"Next, I will announce the candidates for these five places."

Elder Fang slowly said his name:

"Tianshu Jianzong, Chen Feng!"

"Heaven Sword Sect..."

I don't know if Elder Fang deliberately arranged it or what, Chen Feng of Tianshu Jianzong was the first to announce it.

Tianshu Sword Sect!

Chen Feng!

These short six words, like an invisible punch, slammed into the hearts of the disciples.

Just after the quota was announced.

Suddenly, someone chanted.

"I'm not convinced!"

The first person to shout, even roared.

With deep disdain and jealousy.

Everyone saw that he was an official disciple of Kaiyang Jianzong, Lu Tiancheng.

Lu Tiancheng was not selected this time, but his strength could indeed be considered among the disciples who had just started.

He stalked his neck and looked at the elder Fang with no fear in his expression.

"Elder Fang, I think the rule of one quota for each Sword Sect is biased!"

"As you just said, Chen Feng has a strength and status!"

"If he is not in Tianshu Sword Sect, how could he have this qualification?"

"Furthermore, I also heard that this Chen Feng did not pass the initial entrance examination, but just became a handyman disciple."

"He doesn't even have a fairy root, and he can't even pass the most basic entry assessment!"

"Such a person can be selected because he is in the Tianshu Sword Sect?"


Lu Tiancheng's words were quite straightforward.

His face was even more disdainful and contemptuous.

"With so many disciples present, I believe that most of the disciples are not convinced that Chen Feng has this place."

As he said, Lu Tiancheng suddenly shouted and roared.

"Chen Feng! Get out if you have a seed! Don't hide in any corner!"

"I am not satisfied with the selection of this place, I want to challenge Chen Feng!"

The disciples were in an uproar as soon as this remark came out.

Even many disciples were infected by Lu Tiancheng's roar.

In the eyes of many people, there was obvious unwillingness.

Following Lu Tiancheng's straightforward challenge, soon a man's voice sounded from the crowd.

Unlike Lu Tiancheng's ruggedness and domineering, this person spoke with gloomy feelings.

In the tone, a smile is not a smile, and it makes people feel cold.

"Master Lu, Chen Feng belongs to me."

"I'm afraid I can't give you this quota."

A cold voice suddenly came.

Hearing these words, many people followed the sound.

"It's You Honglang! You Honglang of Tianji Sword Sect!"

This time, Tianji Sword Sect chose the place, and it was not him.

However, this person, like Lu Tiancheng, is also a small well-known character.

I saw him wearing the uniform costume of Tianji Sword Sect, his figure was long and thin, and his eye sockets were sunken.

It seemed that he was always quite haggard.

He slowly walked out of the crowd and looked at Lu Tiancheng with a cold smile at the corner of his mouth.

"I also want to challenge Chen Feng."

Lu Tiancheng was very proud of his back and was tall. He was very upset when he suddenly saw You Honglang coming out to interrupt.

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