Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 5126: News of the Broken Jade Conference!

Upon hearing Chen Feng's solemn promise, Yun Wan'er laughed.

She waved.

"No, Brother Chen, why are you polite with me?"

"Originally, this stellar primordial stone vein has already been occupied by the heavenly demon. Without you, I would not only be unable to absorb it, but would even lose my life."

Now that the purpose of the two people's trip has been achieved, they immediately stopped staying in place.

Soon, they returned to the Galaxy Sword Sect.

Just when the two of them had just returned to the sect, a figure suddenly appeared in an extremely hidden place far away.

His eyes flickered, his eyes filled with fierce light.

"Boy, I finally found you!"

The speaker is the black robe young man who has not seen each other for a long time!

The person of Taiyi Xianzong!

As soon as he appeared, the surrounding space seemed to be frozen.

The terrifying chill instantly spread!

Compared to the last time Chen Feng was killed, the black robe youth now has a more terrifying aura!

He looked at the direction of Chen Feng's disappearance from a distance, and the corners of his lips couldn't help but evoke a smile of sinister birds.

"So you actually went to the Galaxy Sword Sect, but you would find a place to hide."

As for the picture here, Chen Feng, who had returned to the Galaxy Sword Sect, had no idea.

At this moment, Chen Feng had just returned to the Galaxy Sword Sect and had separated from Yun Wan'er.

As soon as the front foot entered the Tianshu Sword Sect, the back foot met Yue Xinlan.

Yue Xinlan greeted Chen Feng as soon as she saw Chen Feng.

"Chen Feng, I..."

Just about to speak, suddenly, a huge voice spread throughout the Galaxy Sword Sect.

"All the disciples who have been in the market for less than 30 years, immediately gather outside the Zongmen Hall!"

The vigorous, magnificent voice constantly echoed above the sky of the five sword sects.

After this huge voice spread to every corner, all the disciples who met immediately set out from within their respective sects.

Immediately go to the wide square outside the Zongmen Hall.

Soon, thousands of disciples gathered on the square.

After hearing this, Chen Feng and Yue Xinlan raised their heads together, and then looked at the galaxy sword school sect hall in the distance.

"It must be a matter of the Broken Jade Conference."

What Yue Xinlan wanted to say originally, she said without mentioning it.

Chen Feng looked at her.

"What is the Broken Jade Conference?"

Yue Xinlan suddenly said, "Yeah, you don't know the Broken Jade Conference."

Then, I will introduce Chen Feng about the related matters of this broken jade conference.

At the same time, on the square outside the main hall of the Zongmen, the disciples of each sword sect had already stood in their respective positions.

Tianquan Sword Sect has the largest number of disciples, with a total of more than 100 people.

The Tianji Sword Sect, the Heavenly Jade Sword Sect, and the Kaiyang Sword Sect nearby are also quite a few.

Looking around, there are hundreds of people.

Only the disciples of Tianshu Sword Sect, none of them arrived!

Most of the disciples of the Four Great Sword Sects showed contempt when seeing the empty space belonging to the Tianshu Sword Sect.

"The Tianshu Sword Sect is gone, and none of the disciples who received it came."

"Is it because I gave up?"

I don't know who said this suddenly, which immediately caused a roar of laughter.

"Didn't you hear that Chen Feng, who is in full swing, went to Tianshu Sword Sect? Why, he didn't dare to show up?"

"I'm afraid it's not ashamed of Tianshu Jianzong."

The disciples laughed unceremoniously.

At this moment, an elder wearing a star robe appeared at the front of the square.

The person here has a childlike face and a superb temperament.

He was wearing a dark green robe.

The dark green robe was dotted with silver-white Tianhe.

He looks like an elder Tianhe!

The disciples standing on the square immediately lit up when they saw his appearance.

Many disciples exclaimed again and again.

"It's Elder Fang Anping!"

Elder Fang turned to look at the people on the square, and slowly spoke.

"I am calling you here today to tell you one thing."

When he spoke, there was no sound in the square that was originally excited and noisy.

All the disciples listened attentively.

"One year later, it will be the Broken Jade Conference!"

Upon hearing Elder Fang's words, two reactions immediately appeared on the square.

Some disciples showed clear expressions, but most disciples were at a loss.

"Elder Fang, what is the Broken Jade Conference?"

One of the disciples opened his mouth and raised such a question.

This also represents the meaning of most of the disciples present.

Elder Fang scanned the audience lightly.

"You young talents are just pieces of jade."

"This Broken Jade Conference is a conference that you young talents can only attend."

"You must find this explanation very strange. Since it is a raw jade, why should it be broken again?"

Elder Fang smiled slightly.

However, his aura suddenly changed, becoming extremely fierce.

"Because all the unbroken jade will not stand if it is broken! Only the one who breaks and stands up can become the ultimate winner of this broken jade conference!"

"The winners of this broken jade conference will ultimately benefit greatly."

After hearing this introduction and explanation from Elder Fang, everyone understood.

Their faces and hearts were excited by the saying that "do not break or stand, break and then stand".

The vast majority of people reacted immediately.

The Galaxy Sword Sect summoned these formal disciples, who had been in the market for no more than 30 years, to give them a chance!

Otherwise, most of the early beginners, even true disciples, will take over most of the resources.

This is actually very detrimental to these new disciples.

Sure enough, after seeing the excitement of all the disciples on the court, Elder Fang spoke again.

"However, since it is the Broken Jade Conference, it is only aimed at all the sword sects and disciples in the sect who have been in the sect for less than 30 years.

"Disciples over 30 years will not have the right to participate."

"In addition, if it meets the 30-year entry limit, but the cultivation level has exceeded the tenth floor of the Star Soul Martial God Realm, the disciple cannot participate."

As soon as this remark came out, all the disciples on the court exploded.

At this moment, Chen Feng happened to listen to Yue Xinlan's explanation about the Broken Jade Conference.

About the Broken Jade Conference, Yue Xinlan explained in more detail than Elder Fang.

However, she hurriedly explained, before she even had time to say what she wanted to say, she heard Zhong Li Yaoqin calling her from a distance.

The two of them hurriedly left as if something was going on.

And Chen Feng, who watched the two of them go away, went to the Zongmen Hall and recalled what Yue Xinlan had just explained to him.

Many other top sect disciples will come to participate in this broken jade conference.

The Galaxy Sword Sect has only five places!

"The Galaxy Sword Sect belongs to the Eastern Desolation..."

Chen Feng suddenly realized that, for a long time, this world might be far larger and more complicated than he thought.

What he knew before was probably just the tip of the iceberg.

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