Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 5124: Lei Sha Kuang fights the big demon projection!

Since childhood, he has been fascinated and blessed by nature, and he naturally understands more things than him.

It can be said that Chen Feng has never treated her as a naive child.

Jing Wan'er didn't hide her personal information, so she gave a generous introduction.

"My father first told me that the entire power system of the Star Soul Martial God Realm actually forms a galaxy."

"When you arrive at the twelfth floor of the Star Soul Martial God Realm, you can use the power of this entire galaxy."

Upon hearing this, both Chen Feng and Yun Wan'er were in a daze.

An entire galaxy!

There are stars in the sky and the moon, and after the big sun appears, it will indeed happen to be a complete galaxy!

"However, the galaxies formed by everyone are large and small, strong and weak."

"The weakest galaxy, three stars, February, 1st."

Chen Feng immediately understood that this is the minimum standard: three stars, two big moons, and one big sun.

Because of this, the Star Soul Martial God Realm was divided into three realms.

The corresponding ones are Pointing the Star, Condensing the Moon, and Refining the Sun!

In Chen Feng's mind, he had a general grasp of his own strength.

He now has only the fifth floor of the Star Soul Martial God Realm, but he already has the strength of the eighth floor.

Even the average cultivator of the eighth building may not be able to beat him!

At this moment, the billowing devil energy has crazily surged!

A figure of a demon with a height of 100 meters has appeared!


Accompanied by a deafening roar, it shook the void and turmoil!

Many meteorites and broken stars floating in the void were directly shattered into dust in this roar!

The momentum is terrifying!

The originally blue-grey void has almost been completely swept by the black magic energy at this moment!

The surrounding is like a purgatory instantly!

And in this purgatory, two blood-red rays of light burst out.

Compared with the previous leader, this Lei Sha Kuang Zhan Great Demon looked even more hideous.

Its mouth full of fangs almost took up the general face!

The gray-black corpse water continuously released an extremely foul smell.

The stench is also extremely dangerous!

Seeing this scene, even Jing Waner's expression changed slightly.

"Oh, you can talk about this later. You go and deal with that big monster first."

Chen Feng looked at Yun Wan'er, who had a pale face, and looked like a child, but concealed his nervous Jing Wan'er.

Turning back, looked at the black figure that was 100 meters high.

The corners of his lips rose slightly.

"Is it just a projection? I'm too underestimated."

In the next second, Chen Feng's figure disappeared in front of the two women, and rushed straight up.

Actually want to defeat that big magic projection head-on!

Yun Wan'er felt her heart startled.

"Although it is only a projection, it is after all the breath of the eighth floor of the Star Soul Martial God Realm!"

However, her worries did not last long.

I saw that Chen Feng was like a silver-white shooting star, and it was actually fearlessly rushing toward the big demon projection that was 100 meters high!


After a loud noise, the projection of the Lei Sha Kuangzhan Great Demon that came with great momentum was actually beaten back by Chen Feng!

Yun Wan'er looked at the Hundred Meters Demon flying upside down, her mouth widened in surprise.

"This is too..."

"So enjoyable!"

Jing Waner, who was beside him, threw a small fist excitedly.

"Fight! Kill it!"

It's milky, but it's cruel to watch the battle.

Chen Feng in the distance heard Jing Waner's cheers, and his lips curled up.

"I want to deal with me with a touch of projection. It's too small for me!"

Before he finished his words, he condensed a 100-meter black and white long knife in his hand!

After breaking through to the fifth floor of the Star Soul Martial God Realm, once again using the Supreme Heavenly Swordsman Formation, he also gained a brand new power!

Black and white rays of light flashed out at the same time, unexpectedly tearing out two gaps in the sky enveloped by the devilish energy!

The supreme sword intent was accompanied by murderous intent, instantly cut out.

Seven seven forty-nine knives, instant kill!

There is hardly any suspense.

The Lei Sha Kuangzhan Great Demon Projection on the eighth floor of the Star Soul Martial God Realm is not Chen Feng's opponent at all!

It came violently, but was strangled and killed instantly in Chen Feng's Heavenly Swordsman Formation!

The projection of the great demon with a height of one hundred meters is transformed into nothingness in the forty-nine supreme sword intent!

However, before Jing Waner cheered.

Chen Feng's expression gradually turned serious.

The demonic energy around has not dissipated!

On the contrary, it became more and more rich!

Even Chen Feng felt a trace of depression at this moment.

"How is this going?"

Yun Wan'er took Jing Waner back again and again.

At this moment, the three of them all understood one thing.

The projection of the great demon just now is just a cover for the real great demon to delay time!

Although Chen Feng did not spend much time, he solved it.

But after all, it still delayed their speed!

"Jie Jie Jie Jie..."

The devilish energy in all directions approached more and more, even wrapping towards Chen Feng.

Amidst the billowing devilish air, hoarse and unpleasant laughter continued.

It has nowhere to hide, it seems to ring in every corner, but it is unpredictable.

At the same time, accompanied by the appearance of the devilish energy, there is an increasingly powerful pressure!

This coercion continued to increase, like an invisible giant hand, easily pinching Chen Feng.

Then, slowly and hard!

Chen Feng only felt that his figure was getting heavier and heavier!

Soon, it was as if a huge mountain range stretching for thousands of miles was pressing on him!

His body was scary enough, but even so, his whole body was quickly suppressed and turned red, almost oozing blood.

At this time, a layer of ripples suddenly appeared in the void.

The real Hundred Mille Killing Crazy Fighting Demon actually stepped out of the void and appeared in front of Chen Feng.

At the same time, the breath rushing over is even more terrifying!

Absolutely above the ninth floor of the Star Soul Martial God Realm!

There are even tenth and eleventh floors!

Two blood-red lights immediately stared at Chen Feng viciously.

"It's you, who snatched my star yuan stone vein!"

A deafening hoarse voice, accompanied by a sharp voice.

At this moment, Chen Feng even had a sense of suffocation that he had been strangling his neck.

Even if he breaks through to the fifth floor of the Star Soul Martial God Realm, no matter how good his talent is, he still won't be able to resist it at all!

Chen Feng was unwilling to face him, and stared directly at this real Thunder Killer Fighting Demon.

In the space of repeated cycles of heaven and earth, three huge eyeballs have begun to brew three-color dazzling light.

Going desperately!

Never die here!

At this moment, Chen Feng even thought of using the Immortal Seal of Tianquan Town.

All the hole cards that can be used, don't use it at this time, but when will you wait!

The 100-meter-high Lei Sha madly fought against the great demon, and saw Chen Feng's appearance, that kind of unwilling and angry appearance.

His eyes were extremely indifferent, even with contemptuous ridicule.

"Poor and sad ants, no matter how hard they struggle, they still die here!"

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