Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 5123: breakthrough! The fifth floor of the Star Soul Martial God Realm!

The only thing that can be clearly felt is that as the stars move, the power of the stars absorbed in the star chart is getting more and more vast!

Even the naked eye can see the power of some stars, and a little outline appears in the star chart.

"This is... the fifth floor of the Star Soul Martial God Realm!"

For a long time, the Star Soul Martial God Realm has been divided into three realms: the sky is full of stars, the moon rises from the fairy mountain, and the sun shines on the world.

And each realm occupies four major buildings, a total of twelve buildings!

Now, the fifth building that Chen Feng has entered is also called Dian Yuejing.

Corresponding to stepping into the first small realm of the bright moon out of the fairy mountain realm: point the moon!

At this moment, he closed his eyes tightly, looking inwardly at the world of dantian.

In the star soul space, above the huge star map, the movement of those stars finally slowly stopped.

At the same time, there is still a surging force of stars that is constantly being absorbed from outside.

The power of the stars and the breath of the stars in the mineral veins of the stars are still pouring into Chen Feng's star soul space.

The power of the stars is too strong, lingering between some bright stars.

They echoed each other, and some ghosts appeared faintly.

Just when Chen Feng didn't know where Mingyue was, he suddenly realized.

Just as he watched the stars moving around, looking at the vast star map, a big moon had already appeared slowly!

The movement of those stars, especially dazzling, moves toward the middle, and slightly dim, moves outside.

Coupled with the power of the endless stars, a circle in the center of the star chart is enveloped.

What is it if it's not a big moon!

"Here is... Point Moon Realm!"

Seeing the phantom of the big moon in front of him, an extremely strong emotion gushed out of Chen Feng's heart.

It was as if it was the Soul of the Nine Yin Stars of Candle, infecting its emotions into Chen Feng's heart.

"Dianyue, it turns out that it's just like this, it's a month!"

He whispered.

At this moment, a voice in Chen Feng's heart was shouting.

He officially entered the fifth floor of the Star Soul Martial God Realm!

The bright moon rises from the realm of fairy mountains!

It's just that the big moon in front of me is just a phantom.

There is no substance.

However, despite this, after the appearance of this big moon, all the stars in the vast star map seem to be connected with it!

When the majestic star power enters Chen Feng's star soul space, it will be guided into this big moon first.

After entering the big moon, Chen Feng could feel it immediately.

His strength has almost doubled!

And all the above performances are the characteristics of truly entering the fifth floor of the Star Soul Martial God Realm!

At this moment, Chen Feng was very happy!

In his mind, there seemed to be two hands, and suddenly opened a door that had been closed.

At this moment, he realized a lot of the cultivation mystery of the Star Soul Martial God Realm.

The big moon in the star chart is a ghost, which is normal.

Under normal circumstances, only after the official breakthrough into the sixth building, this round of big moon can become condensed.

And when it came to the seventh floor of the Star Soul Martial God Realm, another round of the phantom of the big moon was condensed, and when it reached the eighth floor, the second round of the phantom of the big moon also condensed.

However, at this moment, Chen Feng felt that his situation was a little special.

In the star soul space, that huge phantom of the bright moon is clearly far from being saturated!

He quickly controlled it in his heart, and continued to absorb the star essence stone!

The surging star power and star soul aura continued to rush into that round of phantom frantically.

Soon, he discovered that the extremely illusory Great Moon phantom was rapidly condensing substantial brilliance at a speed visible to the naked eye!

Even after just ten breaths, that big moon was completely formed!

The realm that ordinary cultivators can reach only at the sixth floor, just after he broke through, he has completed it!

Chen Feng was extremely happy, but he could feel it, but he was not satisfied!

Haven't reached the limit yet!

He can still absorb it!

Forcibly suppressing the excitement in his heart, Chen Feng frantically absorbed it.

Soon, on the vast star chart, the power of the stars condensed like a cloud of clouds quickly rotated, and the surrounding stars continued to move seemingly irregular.

The second round of the big moon phantom, appeared!

Moreover, the speed of condensing and forming this time has been even faster by three points!

But this is not over yet!

The ghost of the third round of the big moon also appeared immediately!

It wasn't until these three rounds of the great moon were all condensed and formed that the star soul space gradually calmed down.

This is Chen Feng's fifth building!

Normal cultivators can only condense two rounds of the Great Moon until the eighth floor of the Star Soul Martial God Realm.

At this moment, Chen Feng had reached a level beyond the eighth building when he was in the fifth building!

Not only that, but he could feel that although he stopped, it did not mean that his fifth floor had reached its limit.

On the contrary, although he is at this moment, his whole body strength is almost exploded.

But it is far from the feeling of breaking through again!

"My Star Soul Martial God Realm fifth floor, there is still a long way to go!"

Chen Feng was extremely happy.

This is a good thing for him!

Every time he breaks through a building, the more he surpasses other immortal cultivators, it means that when he encounters a stronger enemy, his ability to protect himself is stronger!

Thinking of this, Chen Feng opened his eyes, his long hair was windless, and his clothes were hunting.

The mineral veins of the stars in front of him had almost been absorbed by him.

At this moment, the nine-yin star soul of the candle has returned to his star soul space.

Chen Feng slammed a fist, and the horror aura instantly shook!

The earth trembled violently, and even the void in the distance began to vibrate continuously.

far away.

Yun Wan'er and Jing Wan'er were shocked.

"This... is the fifth floor of Brother Chen's Star Soul Martial God Realm..."

Looking at the more terrifying aura, Yun Wan'er even had an unreal feeling.

She pinched her own flesh, confirming that she was not dreaming.

"This is too bad!"

Compared to Yun Wan'er, Jing Wan'er next to her looked much calmer.

It's just that her eyes are burning at this time, and her big eyes are constantly shining.

"It's really amazing. My father's most outstanding disciple is probably at his level."

Although Jing Wan'er's voice was not loud, Chen Feng at this moment could hear him clearly.

I saw him take a step forward, and in an instant, he came to Jing Wan'er.

He looked at Jing Waner.

"Can you tell me about the power distribution of the Star Soul Martial God Realm?"

Since Chen Feng entered the Star Soul Martial God Realm, a lot of information has come from the explanations of surrounding people and monsters.

At this time, even though he has stepped into the fifth floor, he has no idea what realm his power is in.

Jing Wan'er is the youngest daughter of the master of Xuanyin Fairy Gate.

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