Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 5119: Daughter of the Master of Xuanyin Fairy Gate

Chen Feng and Chen Feng knew that the little girl had an extraordinary origin, but they were still a little curious at the moment.

He paused, still opening his mouth to ask.

"Little sister, haven't you asked what your name is?"

The little girl looked at Chen Feng and pouted, seemingly dissatisfied.

"My dad said, you can't just tell people who I am."

"Otherwise, you talk first, what is your name?"

"When I know who you are, you won't count as others."

Seeing the little girl's innocent, smart and cute appearance, Chen Feng couldn't help but smile.

"My name is Chen Feng and this is Yun Wan'er. We are disciples of the Galaxy Sword Sect."

"Chen Feng, Yun Wan'er."

The little girl repeated their names, then lifted her face and looked at Yun Wan'er.

"Okay, we are pretty destined."

"Your name is Yun Wan'er, and my name is Jing Wan'er."

Upon hearing this name, Yun Wan'er next to her suddenly thought of something!

In an instant, his eyes widened uncontrollably, and he exclaimed.

"Are you Jing Wan'er? Who is the master of Xuanyin Fairy Gate?"

Chen Feng and Jing Wan'er looked at her subconsciously when they saw her excited reaction.

Jing Wan'er blinked his eyes and grinned with a sweet smile.

"Do you know my dad?"

Xuanyin Fairy Gate!

The little girl in front of me turned out to be the biological daughter of the master of Xuanyin Fairy Gate!

Yun Wan'er looked at Chen Feng.

"I heard the name Jing Waner once."

"The youngest daughter of the sect master of Xuanyin Fairy Gate is exactly that name.

Chen Feng asked: "I don't know Xuanyin Fairy Sect very well, what kind of school is that?"

Jing Waner, who was next to him, heard Chen Feng's words, and immediately puffed up, with a very dissatisfied expression.

"You don't even know our Xuanyin Fairy Gate!"

Yun Wan'er quickly comforted her and introduced to Chen Feng.

"Xuanyin fairy gate is also a first-grade fairy gate, although it is a little bit worse than our Galaxy Sword Sect, but not much worse."

Upon hearing the introduction, Chen Feng looked at Jing Wan'er again, his eyes were even more puzzled and shocked.

"Are you really the little daughter of the master of Xuanyin Fairy Gate?"

Jing Waner lifted her chin triumphantly, and patted her belly.

"Replace it like a fake!"

"How old are you? Does your father rest assured that he will let you come to the outer battlefield alone?"

Hearing Chen Feng's question, the originally triumphant little girl turned her **** eyes.

It seemed to be a little frustrating.

"Oh, I ran out secretly."

"Blame my father and them, they didn't let me go here and there, they never took me with me in such a fun place outside the field."

"They always say that I am too young to come. Huh, I don't care!"

"So, when they were not paying attention, I pulled away the uncle on the teleportation circle, and slipped to the outer battlefield alone."

Watching Jing Wan'er happily and proudly recounted the process of sneaking out of the Xuanyin Fairy Gate and coming to the outer battlefield alone.

Chen Feng and Yun Wan'er looked at each other, but they were a little bit dumbfounded.

What a spoiled little princess, she is so bold!

What a dangerous place the battlefield outside the territory is, she actually sneaked over.

Yun Wan'er looked at the little girl in front of her.

"Little Wan Er, this is an extraterritorial battlefield, very dangerous. You should go back quickly."

Jing Wan'er's eyes widened immediately upon hearing Yun Wan'er's kind advice.

"I won't go back!"

Her big eyes seemed to be accusing Chen Feng and the other two.

"I have a magic weapon in my body, and I am stronger than you."

"Why can you come to the outer battlefield, but I can't come?"

"Is it because I still look like a kid? It's not fair!"

Jing Wan'er's remarks really blocked Chen Feng's mouth.

She really made some sense.

Chen Feng groaned: "Your parents didn't know that you came here secretly, so they will definitely be worried, or you should tell them."

Unexpectedly, the little girl asked him back.

"Then what are you doing here?"


Chen Feng smiled and said, "We are here to find the Star Yuanshi."

"You have also seen that, my strength is enough, to prepare for breakthrough, I must have a star yuan stone."

Upon hearing Chen Feng's answer, the little girl was thoughtful.

Suddenly, her eyes lit up.


With that said, I saw her flipping her hands and directly offering a pagoda!

As soon as this Ding Pagoda appeared, the surrounding area was instantly lit by bright light!

The powerful and vast supreme breath, almost like a tide.

In an instant, they quickly wrapped Chen Feng and Yun Wan'er around them.

There is no murderous aura in this breath, wrapped in the two of them, they can only feel extremely gentle and comfortable.

In this dazzling light, Chen Feng saw the appearance of the pagoda.

"this is……"

The moment he saw the appearance of the pagoda, his heart was shocked, as if a stormy sea was set off!

"Five-fang Tiandi Tower!"

The Wufang Tiandi Pagoda is the most famous treasure in the world of Xuanhuang.

Not long after Chen Feng came here, he also heard of this name.

As soon as the voice fell, Jing Waner interrupted his surprise.

"It's an imitation."

Hearing this, Chen Feng was slightly relieved.

However, even imitations can be regarded as top magic weapons!

There are a few people in the world who can refine the imitation of the five-sided Tiandi Pagoda!

It's just that Jing Waner in front of him was so careless that he showed the imitation of the Five Heavenly Emperor Pagoda.

"This is the magic weapon my father refined for me."

"I heard from my father that when he was refining, he used a whole star core to refining."

"So, there must be a surviving star soul in it."

As she said, she gave away the imitation of the Wufang Tiandi Pagoda that she was holding in her hands in Chen Feng's direction.

"Here, let me lend it to you."

Upon hearing these amazing words, Chen Feng and Yun Wan'er couldn't help looking at each other again.

This child is pure and good in nature, and really has no intentions at all!

Such a precious, cherished, and rare top-level magic weapon can be taken out so easily and loaned to a stranger to break through!

Fortunately, I met Chen Feng. If I saw someone with a bad heart, the consequences would be disastrous.

Chen Feng's divine consciousness subconsciously penetrated into the imitation of the five-sided Tiandi Pagoda that was handed up.

The vigorous, surging, and vast aura quickly dipped into his mind like a long drought and a spring rain.

Obviously, the remaining Star Soul inside is very powerful!

At this juncture when desperate to break through, even Chen Feng was subconsciously moved.

If he absorbs the star soul from the imitations of the five heavenly emperor towers, he can guarantee that he will be able to successfully break through to the fifth floor of the star soul martial **** realm!

However, this thought only flashed in my heart.

He quickly realized that the Star Soul in there was very compatible with Jing Waner!

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