Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 5118: Star Soul! Star Soul!

Their leaders are dead, and their survival instinct allows them to make judgments for the first time-escape!

But how could Chen Feng give them another chance!

Pushing the magic finger, the rolling magic energy is accompanied by the supreme terrifying power, and at the same time it envelopes all the Jiuyou true demons who are ready to flee!

At the same time, Chen Feng's Supreme Swordsman Formation has also arrived!


Nothing is spared!

It can even be said that killing is easy!

After solving these hidden dangers, Chen Feng relaxed a little.

At this time, he once again focused his attention on that special magic finger.

Just now, while controlling this cut of magic finger.

Chen Feng was able to perceive sensitively that the nine Nether True Demons had little resistance.

Even if it is not as strong as a fraction of the others, there are still a few Nine Nether True Demons, and the weakest one has the strength of the sixth floor of the Star Soul Martial God Realm.

But under the power of the magic finger, it could not exert the strength of the sixth floor at all!

"Perhaps it's the same reason as the great demon."

Chen Feng secretly guessed in his heart.

This devil finger can not only absorb their magic energy, but also exert a certain degree of coercion on them!

In other words, this cut of magic finger is simply suitable to be used on this kind of outer battlefield full of demons!

Thinking of this, Chen Feng couldn't help but smile again.

He turned his head and quickly took the corpses of those Jiuyou True Demons.

Then began to absorb the power of the stars in their bodies.

After absorbing all the power of the stars, a lot of star pill appeared quietly in his hand!

One hundred and fifty!

One hundred and fifty sparkling star pills appeared quietly!

Just the Nine Nether True Demons in the Eighth Floor of the Star Soul Martial God Realm had condensed seventy Star Pills!

Each star pill contains the purest star power!

This is a surprise.

Originally, they came to the extraterritorial battlefield, mainly wanting to obtain the Star Yuan Stone to break through.

But the star pill also contains a lot of star power.

Maybe you can break through directly!

Chen Feng didn't hide his personal information, and directly divided a part to Yun Wan'er.

Yun Wan'er's injury was much heavier than him, and she was no longer polite on the spot, and directly absorbed it.

The two absorbed them on the spot.

Soon, Chen Feng clearly felt it.

With the continuous absorption of the power of the stars, all the stars are lit up on the vast star map in his star soul space.

He has a feeling that he can break through and enter the fifth floor of the Star Soul Martial God Realm at any time!

This feeling of full power is really exciting.

Chen Feng forcibly suppressed the excitement in his heart, controlled his mind, and prepared to attack the fifth floor of the Star Soul Martial God Realm in one fell swoop!

After absorbing the blood of the gods and demons, Chen Feng's star map has undergone two consecutive expansions.

Now, the power of the stars he has absorbed is just enough to completely light up this new vast star map.

The surging breath continued to gush out.

But soon, Chen Feng's face became ugly.

He kept absorbing one star after another, supplementing a lot of star power.

Above the vast star map, it has also reached saturation.

But for some reason, no matter how he tried to break through, he couldn't break into the fifth floor of the Star Soul Martial God Realm!

How is this going!

Chen Feng couldn't help feeling a little impatient.

He opened his eyes, puzzled.

Obviously the strength is saturated, but I just don't know what went wrong.

At this moment, a voice with milky voice suddenly came from the side.

"Your star soul is not strong enough, naturally you can't break through."

Hearing this, Chen Feng was taken aback.

He turned his head and looked aside.

It was the little girl who was besieged by the Jiuyou True Demons before.

This little girl, seven or eight years old, was sitting in the air with her **** ass.

Those **** shiny eyes flickered and looked at him grinningly.

Seeing Chen Feng's surprised look, the little girl giggled.

"You are so stupid, I don't know this."

With that, she assumed the appearance of a small adult and explained it pretentiously.

"The way of cultivation, the star soul is the foundation."

"Although you have enough strength now, the star soul is not strong enough."

"So, no matter how much the power of the stars is absorbed, it won't help."

The little girl shook her head and talked, her hair dangling, she was really cute.

Chen Feng couldn't help being a little dumbfounded when she heard the little girl speak so eloquently.

He did not expect that these words would come out of a little girl's mouth.

However, he soon realized.

This little girl, I'm afraid it has a great background!

Since she dared to come to the extraterritorial battlefield alone, she still has many top magic weapons on her body.

Knowing more than him is not surprising.

Chen Feng straightened his attitude immediately and asked the little girl seriously and modestly.

"so what should I do now?"

"It's very simple, just increase the strength of the star soul."

The little girl spread her hands and continued: "You should know the Xingchen Yuanshi."

Chen Feng nodded.

"This is the biggest difference between Xingchen Yuanshi and Xingdan."

"Although there is also a large amount of star power in the star elemental stone, it is not the star power that really works."

"Otherwise, like you, you can do it just by absorbing the star pill."

After the little girl pointed out this time, Chen Feng suddenly realized.


He hadn't noticed this before.

If the star elemental stone only contains a lot of star power, what is the difference with the star pill?

So why are so many big sects so obsessed with the mineral veins of the stars, and have to monopolize them?

The little girl continued.

"The Star Primal Stone is formed by the condensation of stars after they have exploded. Therefore, it also contains the Star Soul inside."

"This is where the Xingchen Yuanshi really works."

Hearing this, Chen Feng's heart shook suddenly.

At this moment, Yun Wan'er, who was recovering from her injury, also opened her eyes.

She also heard everything the little girl had said before.

"Thank you little girl for answering our questions."

Like Chen Feng, she was not at all random because the girl looked only seven or eight years old.

The little girl's eyes turned around on them.

Then she flattened her mouth.

"Of course, there are other things that are helpful to the star soul, except for the Xingchen Yuanshi."

"But I guess you won't get it. Even my dad and them treat those things as treasures."

Upon hearing this, both Chen Feng and Yun Wan'er were shocked.

The two looked at each other, and they could see the same meaning in each other's eyes.

Just now, in the little girl's words, a message was revealed.

Things that are helpful to the Star Soul are extremely difficult to get!

Even with Chen Feng's current strength, there is no hope.

But, in the hands of this little girl's father and some of her elders, there are!

And, there are many more!

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