Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 5111: Extraterritorial battlefield! Star Yuanshi!

"Young Master Chen...pardon your sins..."

Even the most powerful disciple surnamed Ji kowtowed to admit his mistake, and the two next to him were busy kowtowing to admit his mistake.

Chen Feng looked at them with contempt.

After removing the coercion, he turned his head and left.

This time, I dare not stop him!

Chen Feng successfully exchanged three hundred sect great merits all the way, and entered a copper-green exquisite small tower.

One day later, Chen Feng's closed eyes suddenly opened.

"Completely restored!"

He could feel that all the injuries left in his body were completely healed!

Now he can clearly feel the huge power that fills every corner of his body!

There is still some time before the healing tower, Chen Feng calmly checked the blood of the gods and demons deprived of Duan Muxi's body.

It was really in a hurry at that time, he had only time to strip and put it in the Dantian world in a hurry.

However, in the end, Chen Feng still did not touch the blood of this sixth-level inferior **** and demon.

"If I absorb refining now, then, the blood of the gods and demons I want to absorb must be above the sixth-level low-grade."

"With my current strength, it is basically impossible to do it!"

He quickly figured it out.

Since the absorbed blood of the gods and demons can in turn replenish the damaged body of life origin at the critical moment.

Then, he could first absorb the blood of some eighth rank gods and demons.

Going down the Avenue of Gods and Demons is destined to be very difficult and dangerous.

Too many is a matter of life and death.

At that time, there will be a high-level blood of the gods and demons, and just replace them.

Thinking about this, Chen Feng stood up and prepared to leave.

"and many more."

As soon as he was about to leave the healing tower, Chen Feng seemed to remember something suddenly, and he had another meal.

He lowered his head, flipped his hands and took out a dark object.

It is the magic finger of the Great Compassionate King Kong Demon!

It is said that with this cut of the magic finger, the projection of the King Kong Demon of Great Compassion and Joy can be summoned.

Chen Feng turned to look at it and suddenly thought whether it would be like the human emperor's hand bone, or could it be swallowed by the human emperor's hand bone.

During the previous assessment of entering the Galaxy Sword Sect, the human emperor's hand bones were cut out of a crack and went dormant.

This was originally his hole card, but it hasn't been used for a long time now.

This piece of magic means that if it can be swallowed by the human emperor's hand bones to resuscitate it, that would be great.

However, he rubbed it twice, and even took out the human hand bones.


Nothing happened.

"Well, it seems I still can't rush."

This result was within Chen Feng's expectations, and he was not too disappointed.

He put away the objects and broke through directly.

At this moment, his strength has completely reached its heyday!

An unprecedented peak moment!

Under the eighth floor of the Star Soul Martial God Realm, everything can be crushed!

Even he could feel that his body was already full of thirst for breakthrough.

As long as there is an opportunity, a complete breakthrough can be achieved.

Formally reached the cultivation level of the fifth floor of the Star Soul Martial God Realm.

At the same time, you can fight against the powerhouse of the eighth floor of the Star Soul Martial God Realm!

Just as Chen Feng left the bronze-green healing tower, he happened to meet Elder Yue head-on.

Seeing Yue Xinlan, Chen Feng was a little surprised.

"The older the elder, are you hurt?"

Wearing the star robe of the elders, Yue Xinlan came directly to Chen Feng.

"No, I heard from the Sect Master that your cultivation base is also diligent, and I want to come and take a look."

Yue Xinlan said, already looking at Chen Feng.

After that, the face that was always cold and expressionless showed a little surprise unconsciously.

"Your breath..."

How long hasn't it been!

Chen Feng did not hide his strength from her, so she could clearly perceive the changes in his body!

"You kid, you surprise me every time."

Seeing Yue Xinlan's reaction, Chen Feng smiled.

However, he soon thought of one thing.

"The more elder, I just want to know something about it."

"What's the matter?"

"I am going to break through."

Chen Feng's voice was calm, and he was obviously ready.

After the horror, Yue Xinlan gradually recovered her calm.

However, a pair of beautiful eyes continued to circulate on Chen Feng, as if to find out the reason for his soaring strength.

"The breakthrough of the fifth floor of the Star Soul Martial God Realm is not difficult, but it requires a lot of star power."

Yue Xinlan said, pointing out a new path to Chen Feng.

"Your progress is amazing."

"Seeing this change of yours, I think, maybe you can go to the battlefield outside the territory."

"Exterior battlefield?"

Chen Feng frowned, and then understood.

Although the extraterritorial battlefield is dangerous, it is indeed filled with the power of stars.

For those with sufficient strength, breaking through there is obviously the best choice.

Yue Xinlan nodded.

"The more the follow-up cultivation base breaks through, the greater the power of the stars is needed. After you go to the outer battlefield, you can find enough stars to help you break through."

"Star Yuanshi?"

Chen Feng had never heard of this name.

Yue Xinlan introduced.

"The star elementary stone is actually the core fragment of the star. Every star has a lifespan."

"When they reach the end of their lifespan, they will explode."

"When it explodes, the stars will burst into the last high temperature!"

"In the extreme high temperature and the icy cold of the ten thousand-year universe, this kind of celestial essence stone will be formed in the inner core of the stars."

"Each star element contains a large amount of star power!"

After hearing Yue Xinlan's introduction, Chen Feng naturally understood.

This "large amount" is definitely bigger than imagined.

I am afraid that most of the power of the last star of a dying star is contained in it.

Thinking of this, Chen Feng couldn't help but frowned.

"But when I went to the extraterritorial battlefield last time, I didn't seem to see anything similar to the Star Yuanshi."

According to Yue Xinlan, the Xingchen Yuanshi is the product of the starry explosion.

But he used to constantly shuttle between different abandoned stars.

It seems that I have never seen it before.

Yue Xinlan nodded.

"That's because these stars are extremely attractive to the stars!"

"If a star is killed and there are stars nearby, it is very likely that the nearby stars will absorb those stars."

Hearing this, Chen Feng couldn't help but slap his tongue.

"That is to say, if I go to the outer battlefield this time, not only will I have to grab the celestial essence stone from others, but also one by one?"

This is too incredible.

Hearing Chen Feng's words, Yue Xinlan put a smile on her eyes.

"Don't worry, just listen to me."

"It is naturally a bit embarrassing for you to **** the Star Yuan Stone from the stars yourself."

"But over the years, among the stars that have swallowed the celestial gemstone, if they swallow them to a certain extent, the celestial gemstone veins will be produced!"

Chen Feng understood instantly.

It is obviously much simpler and more straightforward to dig the veins of the stars directly than to **** the stars from the stars.

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