Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 5110: Give you an explanation? Are you worthy?

There seemed to be countless little hands in the surrounding air, softly wrapping every inch of his skin.

The skin wounds and superficial injuries left over after the war are getting better!

"Is this the foundation of the Galaxy Sword Sect?"

Chen Feng whispered and looked forward.

Towers of small copper-green exquisite towers stand.

And around them, light green fluorescence lingers.

Think about it, that is the breath of Yuqing returning the spirit formation.

Even if they were far apart, Chen Feng could clearly feel the majestic healing spirit!

"Really good!"

Chen Feng walked forward.

Suddenly, his brows frowned.

At almost the same time, Chen Feng suddenly slid two sword auras in front of him.

Jian Qi had no intention to kill, and the main purpose was to stop him.

However, those who come are by no means kind!

Chen Feng turned around and looked at the person coming.

"Isn't this the famous Chen Feng?"

"Master Chen, I heard that you have finally become an official disciple? Congratulations!"

"Yes, it was hard to enter the Tianshu Sword Sect, Master Chen really lives up to his reputation."

Walking towards Chen Feng were three men in white clothes.

Chen Feng noticed that they were wearing the uniform clothing of the Sword Sect of Heaven, and there were embroidered stars on their chests.

It seems that they are all true disciples.

It was the two people who just spoke.

The man in the middle glanced at Chen Feng contemptuously, then looked to both sides.

"It's nothing more than a **** crushed by our big brother, and it's worth your attention."

Upon hearing this, the two left and right nodded and said yes.

At the same time, in Chen Feng's eyes, he did not hide his contempt and mockery.

"Senior Brother Ji is right."

"We just thought that after three months, this kid would have to challenge Senior Brother Yi. It felt ridiculous."

When the disciple surnamed Ji in the middle heard this, he simply sneered.

"An ant is ignorant and fearless. If we take him seriously, we will have no brains."

The three sang a harmony, taunting Chen Feng in different ways.

Tianquan Jianzong has always had a deep grudge against Tianshu Jianzong.

Ever since Chen Feng entered the Galaxy Sword Sect, there have been many conflicts with the people of the Tianquan Sword Sect.

Seeing the cynicism of these true disciples, Chen Feng didn't feel pain or itching in his heart.

Even thought it was ridiculous.

At the moment when he turned to look at them, Chen Feng discovered his spiritual knowledge and found out the cultivation base of the three.

Two Star Soul Martial God Realm fourth floor, the one in the middle, the Star Soul Martial God Realm fifth floor.

While speaking, the three disciples of Tianquan Sword Sect had already arrived in front of Chen Feng.

"Who are you?"

Chen Feng looked at the three indifferently.

Hearing Chen Feng's icy words, the expressions of the three who were triumphant at first became ugly.

They ridiculed them for a while, but they didn't even know who they were.

It's just hitting them in the face!

It was the disciple Ji in the middle who reacted first.

His face was extremely ugly, and he looked at Chen Feng coldly: "Who do you think you are? What qualifications do you have to know our identity."

Chen Feng rolled his eyes on the spot.

I have seen arrogant people, never seen such a mindless arrogant.

"No matter, the disciples of the Heavenly Power Sword Sect are all the same anyway."

Having said that, he turned around and planned to continue to the healing tower.

Just about to leave, he was stopped by two sword lights.

"Young Master Chen, what are you anxious for? I heard that you humiliated Ji Xingyuan from our Heavenly Power Sword Sect!"

"This matter, shouldn't we give us an explanation from the Heavenly Power Sword Sect!"

Chen Feng was taken aback and remembered what happened before returning to the top of the sky last time.

At that time, he was also anxious to contribute to the hall, but was stopped by Ji Xingyuan, who had no eyesight.

Thinking about it this way, the three in front of him are exactly the same as Ji Xingyuan.

He smiled slightly: "Give you an explanation? Are you worthy?"

When the voice fell, the three of them instantly changed their colors.

"Boy, you are looking for death!"

"I'm looking for death?"

Chen Feng flicked his fingers and his face was carefree:

"Why? You Tianquan Sword Sect, there is not enough kneeling and kowtow. Will you rush to kneel and kowtow for me?"

Hearing this, the three were completely irritated.

"Chen Feng! No matter how sharp your teeth are, you still haven't been stepped on by Brother Yi!"

The disciple surnamed Ji looked at the healing tower in front of him.

"I don't think you will use it to heal your wounds. Anyway, if you don't heal your wounds, you will still have to be crushed on the ground by our senior brother Yi!"

As he said, he laughed sullenly.

"If you want me to say, why let Senior Brother Yi do it yourself, I can just hit you on your knees and give me a kowtow right now!"

Hearing these words, Chen Feng couldn't help laughing.

"The Heavenly Power Sword Sect is afraid that it is going to decline, and all the disciples who received it are stupid."

He stared at the three with cold eyes, and the coercion gradually released from his body.

"I am injured. But even so, ten of you who are in full bloom, I can make you kneel down and kowtow to me!"

When the words fell, the three disciples of the Heavenly Power Sword Sect in front of them suddenly became furious.

It's crazy!

Who does he think he is!

But they were furious and ready to do it, the next second, the three of them all changed their faces.

"how can that be!"


"You have broken through again! It is definitely not only the strength of the fourth floor of the Star Soul Martial God Realm!"

The supreme coercion rushed towards them.

The fourth floor of the Star Soul Martial God Realm! The fifth floor! The sixth floor!

The surrounding emptiness continued to increase its coercion, as if thousands of mountains fell, and it was extremely heavy!

The trio's complexion kept turning extremely ugly.

Do your best to resist, but how can it be better than Chen Feng!

"Kneel me down!"

With Chen Feng's violent shout, the coercion suddenly intensified!




Three crisp sounds of knees touching the ground immediately sounded one after another.

Chen Feng came slowly to the three of them, looking down at them from top to bottom.

The three people at this moment have long lost their previous provocative, arrogant, and proud appearance.

Even a trace of regret flashed in their eyes.

I regretted why I saw Chen Feng and followed him up to mock him.

But everything is too late!

They never thought that Chen Feng would actually do something to them!

The disciple surnamed Ji was struck by his neck, his face was bloodshot and his veins violent.

He said with difficulty.

"The disciples of the same sect... shall not kill each other!"

Hearing this, Chen Feng couldn't help laughing.

Even if he became a formal disciple, he never cared about the rules that disciples of the same discipline must not be mutually exclusive.

Whoever provokes, he hits whoever!

Besides, he hasn't done it yet.

It's just breath shocking.

He stared coldly at the three people kneeling in front of him.

"I'll give you a piece of advice. If you don't have the skills, you should clamp your tail and be your lackey."

"Barking at a stranger, and being beaten to death with a stick sooner or later!"

Chen Feng's words were full of murderous aura.

For a moment, the three of them truly felt that death was so close to them.

So that the three of them instinctively chose to beg for mercy almost instantly.

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