Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 5058: Refining the first blood of gods and demons!

A breath suddenly emerged.

That is a brand new breath of the blood of gods and demons!

In front of Chen Feng, Li Hexuan, who could not move, had a big change.

Just now, he clearly felt that the blood of the gods and demons that he was awakening with all his strength was suddenly shaken!

The man who stole him seems to have some kind of mentality from the Great Way of Gods and Demons!

Li Hexuan could feel a powerful breath, like a big hand.

He clenched his blood of the gods and demons, and then severely tore it out!

He wanted to directly peel off the blood of the gods and demons in his body!

In a hurry, Li Hexuan's closed eyes opened instantly!

His eyes were violent, and he glared at Chen Feng in front of him.

However, at this moment, Chen Feng still looks like a guardian away from home, even his breath is exactly the same.

Seeing the familiar face, Li Hexuan's heart was even more shocked!

These are not things that Chen Feng needs to care about.

He fully operated the Supreme God Demonizing Dragon Art.

Soon, a trace of **** misty breath quietly poured into Chen Feng's body from Li Hexuan's body.

Those breaths are the breath of the blood of gods and demons!

At this moment, Li Hexuan was already bloody.

He couldn't move, and his dantian was in severe pain.

The blood of the gods and demons that originally belonged to him is being stripped away at this moment!

And those **** cloud-like auras were slowly absorbed by the guardian from home in front of them!

Soon, under the operation of the Supreme God Demon Transforming Dragon Art, the bloodline of the 9th-rank middle-class **** and demon in Li Hexuan's body was quickly stripped away!

At the moment of stripping, Li Hexuan opened his mouth and spit out dark red blood.

He fell directly to the ground and lost consciousness.

Chen Feng concentrated on absorbing it.

I don't know how long it took, all the **** cloud-like breath was absorbed!

In the end, in his Dantian world, they gathered into a brand new blood of gods and demons!

Although this bloodline of the gods and demons is no more than three or four feet long, it is as thick as a house beam.

The bloodline of the gods and demons of the middle rank of the ninth rank, the whole body is intertwined with two colors of black and yellow, shining with strong power of the gods and demons!

Under the urging of the Supreme God Demon Transforming Dragon Art, it quickly transformed into a God and Demon dragon full of the breath of God and Demon!


As soon as this sacred dragon took shape, it seemed to come alive and rushed directly to the position of Chen Feng's left shoulder blade!

Chen Feng was shocked.

The direction in which the sacred dragon rushed forward was neither an acupuncture point nor a meridian.

It looks like it's just a bone!

Before Chen Feng had time to worry, he saw the giant dragon of God and Demon, opening his mouth.

Vaguely, there was even a dragon chant coming from the horizon.

The dragon smashed into the left shoulder blade abruptly!

For an instant, Chen Feng's body was tight.

However, the expected pain did not come.

Looking down, a whole new space has been opened up in the left shoulder blade!

Inside, the sacred dragon disappeared.

Instead, it is a slowly burning **** and demon real fire!

This **** and demon is really fire, and the color is crystal clear, like a burning glass crystal.

It slowly descended, and finally stopped in the center of the brand new space on the left shoulder blade.


The body seemed to resonate.

Immediately afterwards, the real fire of this **** and demon suddenly released a powerful aura.

From the left shoulder blade, the powerful blood of the gods and demons scattered instantly!

They dipped into the depths of the bones along the limbs and hundreds of skeletons, scouring his blood.

In the dilapidated hall, the celestial beast slave stood by Chen Feng.

Suddenly, a glowing glow burst out of Chen Feng's body.

Even with a masquerade, the Tianchou Beast Slave can still clearly feel that Chen Feng's body is changing!

Indeed, Chen Feng is getting stronger!

A ninth-rank middle-level **** and demon bloodline is changing his original body!

He could feel that his muscles seemed to be injected with infinite strength.

The already strong body is constantly refreshing its toughness, going straight up!

The more he changed, the more excited Chen Feng was.

So far, the physical strength alone has at least doubled!

The feeling that the whole body is flooded with power is really comfortable!

Originally, he could only crush the people in the sixth floor of the Star Soul Martial God Realm.

For the powerhouse of the seventh floor of the Star Soul Martial God Realm, it can only match the initial stage.

However, he now has confidence in a fight against people in the middle stage of the seventh floor of the Star Soul Martial God Realm!

Such a change really made Chen Feng's heart happy.

"This is just the benefit of absorbing the blood of the first **** and devil!"

"If I absorb the entire blood of twelve gods and demons, how much will my strength increase?"

"Will it be the strongest combat power that directly broke through to the Star Soul Martial God Realm?"

As the blood of the gods and demons dispersed throughout the body, the real fire of the gods and demons on the left shoulder blade was gradually absorbed.

Suddenly, Chen Feng's mind moved.

In the next second, his spiritual consciousness came to the star soul space.

In the vast star soul space, there seemed to be some kind of fluctuation on the seemingly flat star map.

Li Hexuan, who fainted beside Chen Feng, suddenly burst into blood!

His breath was weakening rapidly.

"Li Junran, how dare you..."

Before he finished speaking, Li Hexuan's eyes burst out with an incredible look on his face.

In his star soul space, a touch of star projection spontaneously lit up.

What echoed in the distance was in Chen Feng's star soul space, and in that vast expanse of stars, the corresponding star projections gradually appeared!

With the appearance of this star projection, the star map became more and more turbulent.

Chen Feng felt a little nervous.

In an instant, his fluctuating star map suddenly split and spread out!

The vast and majestic breath, overwhelmingly released!

Before Chen Feng changed his face, he saw countless brand new stars appearing in those split star maps!

These newly-appearing thousands of stars, speaking of the huge star map that was originally torn apart, are reconnected together.

In the end, a brand new and larger star map was formed!

In the star soul space of Li Hexuan, the star map gradually disappeared, and the stars gradually dimmed.

A large amount of the power of the stars poured down and was instilled into Chen Feng's new star map.

Seeing such a shocking scene, Chen Feng was extremely ecstatic!

"Is this the power of the Supreme God Demonizing Dragon Art!"

"This is too strong!"

"As expected, there is only the fragment of the first volume, and it can be recognized as a ninth-rank Hong-ranked God and Demon Dao Mind Art!"

"In addition to being able to directly strip away the blood of other gods and demons, even the stars condensed with the other's star chart."

"And, the power of the stars absorbed, stripped together, all for my use!"

"If this continues, my star map will grow bigger and bigger!"

"My blood will be stronger and stronger! My potential will be stronger and more invincible!"

Facing the huge new star map, Chen Feng's heart was surging.

No language can specifically describe his mood at this time!

Chen Feng can almost feel it.

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