Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 5057: Shocked, sneaked away from home!

As for Li Hexuan, no matter how strong this young master Li Jia was originally.

During the awakening of the bloodline, he must concentrate fully and fully awaken the blood of the gods and demons.

He has no fighting power!

Chen Feng's plan is very simple-turn the tiger away from the mountain, and make a sound!

The effect of the Nine Turns Guixi Pill is still there, and the three of them can still hide their breath perfectly at this moment.

As long as Zhongli Yuntian attracted the attention of the masters away from home, let them think that the purpose of the enemy attack was for the invitation letter!

At that time, with the strength of Chen Feng and Tianchou Beast Slave, they are confident that they will smoothly take away Li Hexuan.

Zhong Li Yuntian has never been a cringe.

Just a moment ago, a few people knew about the overall strength of leaving home.

As the heir of the Zhongli family, he came from the top of the sky. Although he couldn't fight the whole strong man who had left the family, he was more than enough to protect himself.

Chen Feng's plan is not difficult for him.

"Okay, when will you act?"

"just now."

After Chen Feng finished speaking, he approached directly to the floating mountain away from home.

Zhong Li Yuntian and Tiancan Beast Slave followed closely.

According to the plan, the three of them split up immediately after finding out the general situation of Lijiafuyuan.

Before long, there was only a loud bang.

"Enemy attack!"

The front entrance of the house was crowded with people.

Almost immediately, all the masters deployed away from home rushed to the "discovered" intruder.

Although Lijia is one of the four major families, it is still somewhat weaker than the Tang family, which is also one of the four major families.

At least, when Chen Feng and the Tiancun Beast Slave sneaked in, they didn't encounter any other players along the way.

"Hurry up, Zhong Li Yuntian won't have much time for us."

Like a ghost, Chen Feng approached a servant.

Soon, he found the news he wanted to know in the mind of this person.

"Li Hexuan's bedroom is in front."

Chen Feng looked towards Qin Fang who was away from Hexuan, and suddenly frowned.

"There is not only Li Hexuan, but also someone guarding the Fa."

Although this point was also in Chen Feng's pre-consideration, it was still a bit disappointing to see it.

Tianchou beast slave looked at Chen Feng.

"Star Soul Martial God Realm seventh floor."

"Brother, I'll get him away."

Chen Feng reached out and stopped him.

"It doesn't have to be so troublesome, I have a good thing."

While talking, Chen Feng controlled Zhong Li Yuntian's demon heart, and directly felt the situation at the gate of the house at this moment.

Zhong Li Yuntian was surrounded in the center of the square courtyard inside the main entrance of Lijia.

The three guardians of the home away from home in the seventh floor of the Star Spirit Martial God Realm all shot together.

"Those who leave home without permission, die!"

Chen Feng quickly glanced at Zhong Liyuntian's perspective.

Soon, he will have a basic idea.

Those three guardians who were at war with Zhong Liyuntian should have great prestige when they were away from home.

Chen Feng took out something from his jade card of reincarnation.

That was the trophy he had obtained from a confusing succubus when he was dispatched to the battlefield outside the galaxy.

The mask of the succubus!

Since returning to the top of the sky, this mask, which was as thin as a cicada's wings, naturally came back with it.

Chen Feng put it on his face.

In the next moment, his whole body changed completely instantly!

All changes in height, appearance, and body shape for a guardian away from home.

Even the breath has become a completely strange breath!

The Tiancun Beast Slave next to him, even though he had been mentally prepared, was still stunned by Chen Feng's changes.

"Brother, if you appear directly in front of me in this appearance, I will most likely act on you directly."

Chen Feng raised an eyebrow at him, his eyes also slightly proud.

However, he soon returned to seriousness.

He looked at the Tiancun Beast Slave: "Time is limited."

"After a while, I will lead people away, you go in, steal from Hexuan and leave!"

"When the time comes, we will meet at the appointed place."


Chen Feng immediately rushed to the outside of Li Hexuan's bedroom.

Before he could get closer, the closed bedroom suddenly opened, and a violent murderous aura appeared.

"it's me."

Chen Feng opened his mouth, but what he uttered was a deep, hoarse voice.

It was the voice of the guard of the seventh floor that I heard through Moxin just now.

Sure enough, the murderous aura disappeared in front of Chen Feng.

"How did you come?"

From the bedroom, a middle-aged man in a gray-blue robe quickly walked out.

"I suspect that there is more than one sneaking into and away from home. You go and take my place."

Chen Feng deliberately acted urgently, giving people a posture of urgency.

The middle-aged man in the gray-blue robe didn't suspect him, but he was embarrassed.

"What about the young master?"

"It will only take a while and there will be no problem. If the invitation is stolen, you and I will suffer."

Chen Feng's expression was also very ugly. After speaking, he hurried back in the direction of the main entrance.

The middle-aged man thought for a moment and was quickly convinced.

He turned, carefully closed the door to Li Hexuan's bedroom, turned and rushed in the other direction.


After a cup of tea, Tiancun Beast Slave carried a person and quickly disappeared from home.

Chen Feng had already waited at the agreed place.

He passed a message to Zhong Li Yuntian through the devil's heart, asking him to retreat immediately.

"Let's go quickly too!"

"They will find out soon that the person is missing."

Chen Feng glanced at the man carried on his shoulders.

"Sure enough."

From this tightly closed eyes, but it is obvious that the hostile young man can clearly feel the breath of the blood of the Ninth-Rank God and Demon.

The three of them quickly moved away from this place of right and wrong from two directions.

When Chen Feng and the two arrived at the agreed meeting place, Zhong Li Yuntian was still trying to get rid of the tracking of the guards away from home behind.

"Don't wait for him. Let's start."

Chen Feng carefully probed around and made sure that no one else was there.

After that, he couldn't wait to absorb the blood of the gods and demons in Li Hexuan's body.

The Tiancun Beast Slave threw down Li Hexuan who was on his shoulders.

Li Hexuan is now a critical moment to retreat and awaken the blood of the gods and demons, and cannot move at all!

Right now, even if he wants to give up, he can't stop.

Chen Feng looked at Li Hexuan on the ground coldly.

Jin Yihua suits, slender body shape, looks like a talent, quite handsome.

But between the eyebrows, there is obvious cruelty.

This person is extremely murderous!

Although Chen Feng is not a good person, he doesn't mind doing harm to the people.

"You protect me."

He looked at the heavenly beast slave.

The latter nodded immediately and was ready.

In this dim and desolate abandoned temple hall, Chen Feng gathered his mind and directly operated the Supreme God Demonizing Dragon Art!

In an instant, Chen Feng's dantian world was full of light!

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