Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 5023: Disdain

As soon as he entered this world, he was dealing with the three sneak attackers.

So far, he hasn't even sensed the aura of the beast slave.

I don't know where the Tianchou Beast Slave landed.

Thinking of this, Chen Feng released his spiritual consciousness and released it to the surroundings.

However, what surprised him was that he did not perceive the breath of Tiancun Beast Slave!

The divine consciousness was released, and it didn't stretch out for a long time before it was inexplicably blocked.

It's like an invisible ball of cotton hidden in the air, and it will be blocked when the divine sense spies out.

Although he won't be attacked, he can't test further.

This world is really special.

Even the air has many special restrictions!

"It seems that for the time being it is impossible to reunite with Tian Can."

Chen Feng thought so in his heart.

However, he didn't care too much.

If you can't do it temporarily, don't think about it, wait and talk about it later.

Chen Feng retracted his spiritual consciousness and walked out of the abandoned house.

He looked around again.

In the distance, there are many floating mountains, large and small, and many flying boats coming and going in the sky.

Those are all immortal cultivators in Duanmu Fairy City.

Duanmu Xiancheng is extremely prosperous.

With no end in sight, Chen Feng estimated that at least there is a radius of thousands of miles.

Moreover, this is a three-dimensional city.

The floating mountains, large and small, are scattered high and low.

Chen Feng observed for a while, his location was probably on the western edge of the city.

Chen Feng's existence did not attract the attention of other cultivators.

The immortal cultivator here feels the same as the one in Xuanhuang Zhongqianqi.

Soon, Chen Feng chose a direction and moved forward slowly.

The speed remains within a controllable range.

Since the distance that the divine consciousness can extend is limited, it means that the range of perceiving danger is limited.

Chen Feng can be regarded as having a lot of experience, and he knows what to do in this situation.

Duanmu Fairy City is very big!

Chen Feng moved forward for an hour, and never saw the slightest edge in his sight.

It seems that the entire vast land is covered by Duanmu Xiancheng!

Fortunately, it didn't take long.

Chen Feng saw a figure from a distance, and approached him quickly from a distance!


Almost instantly, Chen Feng could tell the difference.

That is the person from the top of the sky!

The cultivation base of the fifth floor of the Star Soul Martial God Realm was considered weak in the entire trial team.

Between the sparks and flints, Chen Feng's eyes were condensed and cautious, and his spirit was tense.

The task given to him by the Lord of Heaven is to kill more than 30 fellow travelers as much as possible.

Soon, the other party also noticed Chen Feng.

"Under Shao Hongzhe, I wonder if the son is willing to go with him?"

After speaking, he took the initiative to hold his fists, and his attitude was very kind.

Chen Feng didn't expect that the other party would come to such a trick.

They all say that they don't hit the smiley people with their hands.

People took the initiative to show good, if Chen Feng violently kills, he always feels inappropriate.

Therefore, when Shao Hongzhe came to Chen Feng, he did not do anything.

"Thank you son for not killing."

When he arrived, Shao Hongzhe held his fists respectfully.

There was a peaceful smile in Chen Feng's eyebrows, and he was still wary.

"Why do you say that?"

Shao Hongzhe in front of him, with a feather fan and a towel, has an elegant and easygoing temperament.

Especially when he was born with a good skin, with thin lips slightly raised, like a smile.

Anyone who sees it will subconsciously feel close to him.

Seeing Chen Feng's question, Shao Hongzhe laughed.

"I'm not talented at the next level, and my strength is not good, but I'm a little keen in some aspects."

"The young master's cultivation level seems to be inferior, but his whole body is full of blood, even extremely strong."

"I don't want to die, so thank you son for not killing me."

Hearing this explanation, Chen Feng also had some points in his heart.

This time, the people who were selected by the dominion of the heavens and entered the trial mission actually had their own abilities.

Some people, although their cultivation strength is not as good as human beings, they have special features in other aspects.

It is also a survival skill.

Shao Hongzhe looked at Chen Feng and made suggestions again.

"The son and I are currently alone."

"Why don't you go with me?"

"In this way, you can hide yourself, and I can also have an extra guarantee of survival."

Chen Feng thought for a while and agreed.

Before he found the immortal in the sky, it would be no harm to him to have a companion.

"it is good."

The two quickly reached an agreement and walked side by side.

Chen Feng had no particular impression of Shao Hongzhe's appearance.

"In this trial mission, were you selected alone?"

Shao Hongzhe shook his head.

He was smiling, with a very kind attitude, and a smile on his face.

"I also have a companion named He Yuanzhou."

With that said, Shao Hongzhe turned his hand and took out a small and delicate copper bell.

On the copper bell, there are numerous and complicated textures carved.

"With this bell for chasing the sky and escape from the ground, even with limited divine consciousness, you can still sense the location of another copper bell for the first time."

Speaking of this, Shao Hongzhe seemed to remember something and looked at Chen Feng.

"I don't know if the son minds, meet my companion first?"

Chen Feng was not afraid of what Shao Hongzhe would do.

If he wanted to integrate the inside and outside, with Chen Feng's current strength, it would not be difficult to fight back.

Maybe it can develop into his two eyeliners.

Thinking of this, Chen Feng nodded.

"Then go."

Shao Hongzhe smiled happily when he heard Chen Feng's statement.

I saw that he flipped the chasing heaven and escape ground bell in his hand, and soon the sound of the bell spread straight to another direction.


Shao Hongzhe put away the chasing bell, and the two quickly rushed in that direction.

Soon, Chen Feng met Shao Hongzhe's companion, He Yuanzhou.

He Yuanzhou was muscular all over, dressed in black, and he also held a bell in his hand.

When the two of Chen Feng appeared, He Yuanzhou's face sank at a speed visible to the naked eye.

At the same time, the breath in his body was unceremoniously released.

It's like a kind of distraction.

The peak of the fifth floor of the Star Soul Martial God Realm.

One point stronger than Shao Hongzhe.

It can be seen at a glance that this He Yuanzhou is completely different from Shao Hongzhe.

"Big Brother."

When Shao Hongzhe saw He Yuanzhou, his eyes lit up.

However, He Yuanzhou's sight remained on Chen Feng.

"Brother Hongzhe, you brought such a stuff from the third floor of the Star Soul Martial God Realm, do you think we are not weak enough?"

Hearing He Yuanzhou's words, Chen Feng's heart sneered.

However, he knew that this was a normal reaction.

Not everyone is like Shao Hongzhe.

When perceiving that the opponent's skills are not as good as others, in this precarious world of trials, no one will be kind to the "weak".

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