Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 5022: ecstasy! The hope of awakening the blood of gods and demons!

Chen Feng estimated it.

The strength of this family of wood is not weaker than most of the immortal cultivation sects in the Xuanhuang Zhongqian world.

Of course, it is definitely not comparable to the Galaxy Sword Sect.

But it must not be underestimated.

According to the introduction given by the Lord of Heaven, the current head of the Duanmu family is named Duanmu Yunwen.

He is currently a master at the pinnacle of the tenth building in the Divine Gang Realm.

Duanmu Yunwen gave birth to a son named Duanmuxi, born in the blood of ancient gods and demons!

Duan Muxi cultivated hard since he was a child, and after three hundred years, he awakened the blood of the ancient gods and demons in his body in one fell swoop.

At the same time, he also received an invitation letter from the "Gods and Demons" conference.

Qualified to participate in the Dao of Gods and Demons held at the top of Qinglian Xianshan ten years later.

In this Xuanwu Central Thousand Worlds, the Avenue of Gods and Demons is extremely prosperous, and it can be said that it crushes all the other side doors.

And this 50-year "God and Demon Discussion" conference is a grand gathering of today's various big sects, families, and gods and demons!

All the gods and demons who have been awakened during these fifty years can be invited to participate in the "God and Demons".

During this period, the gods and demon body refiners can also compete.

In order to add some gimmicks to this grand event, after the competition, the winner will have extremely rich rewards.

Hearing this, Chen Feng's heart couldn't stop jumping wildly!

An ecstasy!

Avenue of Gods and Demons!

He never expected that the Avenue of Gods and Demons was almost extinct in the thousands of worlds in the black and yellow!

Actually there are still some remaining in this world!

This news is really exciting!

You know, after learning about the path of **** and demon body refining, Chen Feng had a very strong idea in his heart.

Inspire and open your own bloodline of gods and demons, become a **** and devil body refiner, and embark on the road of **** and demon body refinement.

This will be his road of cultivation in the future!

In order to find out how to inspire his bloodline of ancient gods and demons, Chen Feng has spent a lot of effort.

There may be related books in the Jiutian Tibetan Scripture Pavilion of the Galaxy Sword Sect.

He did not hesitate to replace countless demon beheaded on the battlefield outside the territory with great merits in the sect.

However, the five thousand sects of great merit that were replaced did not even reach the threshold for opening the first floor of the Jiutian Tibetan Scripture Pavilion.

Not to mention entering it to find the content related to activating the blood of the gods and demons.

However, I really didn't expect that after a lot of effort, there would be unexpected joy at this time.

It's really another village!

How could this news not make Chen Feng's heart surging!

This is an excellent opportunity!

Since Duan Muxi can awaken the blood of the gods and demons in his body, this means two things.

First, this world must have a way to activate the blood of gods and demons.

Second, at the same time, there must be a powerful enough method for those with the blood of gods and demons to practice.

Without one of the two, it is impossible for this world to hold a grand gathering of "Gods and Demons"!

For Chen Feng, these two are the most difficult to find!

The significance of these two is extremely important!

Chen Feng originally thought about how many sects must be accumulated before he could obtain the method of activating the bloodline of the gods and demons and the methods for the cultivation of the bloodlines of the gods and demons.

Tens of thousands?

Even hundreds of thousands?

How long should I accumulate!

But now, Chen Feng's most scarce thing is time!

People like Immortal Contemplation, Chu Pingsheng and others, if they were not on the top of the sky and were sheltered by the rules of heaven, he would be unable to resist from the beginning.

However, the protection of the rules of heaven has various loopholes after all.

For example, the last time Snake Seventeen, such as the unknown Celestial Celestial this time.

In addition, he also had a three-month appointment with Yi Changkong, and he had a bad relationship with Elder Murong of the Tianquan Sword Sect.

The crisis never left!

Chen Feng, can't wait for a long time!

And if he could activate the blood of the gods and demons in his body in this Xuanwu Middle Thousand World, and find a method suitable for his physique.

That will be the other side again!

Chen Fengqiang resisted the surging heart, just listened to the vast voice of heaven dominating in his mind, and continued to ring.

"Duanmu Xigang awakened the blood of the gods and demons, full of spirit and condescending."

"He dropped forty-nine invitations. After half a month, he discussed the Dao with the many masters who received the invitations in the City Lord's Mansion."

"At present, all the masters in Duanmu Fairy City will regard this gathering as their greatest glory, and they will fight for the spot."

After the introduction, Chen Feng was stunned.

In his heart, vaguely already had a general guess about this trial task.

The huge voice continued.

"Of the forty-nine invitations, thirty-five are designated candidates, and the remaining fourteen are unnamed."

"One of the regular tasks of this trial mission is to compete for the remaining 14 invitations. After 15 days, enter the City Lord's Mansion with the invitations!"

"The loser, kill!"

Hearing this, Chen Feng was extremely shocked.

Fourteen invitations without name, which means that whoever grabs them will go to whom.

Before entering the City Lord's Mansion and presenting the invitation letter, even if it is a minute and a second in advance, it may be attacked and robbed by others!

The regular task issued by the Lord of Heaven is to allow everyone participating in the trial to compete for these fourteen invitations.

You know, there are dozens of people who have entered this trial world this time!

Dozens of people competed for 14 invitations, which means that most of this task will be obliterated!

"The rule of heaven is too cruel!"

Although Chen Feng had known for a long time that the Lord of Heaven was always cruel, he was still shocked for a long time when he heard this.

After the announcement of the regular mission, the huge voice continued to sound.

of course.

That was a voice that anyone could hear just now.

And now, only Chen Feng can hear the voice of the Lord of Heaven,


This time, it was given to a single mission with the destiny title of "God-level villain".

There are two tasks in total, both of which are mandatory tasks and must be completed.

First, kill at least thirty people from the top of the sky!

If the mission is completed, you will get all the treasures of all the killers, as well as the jade slips of the heavens that are not currently used on them.

As for the second, it is not yet visible.

It seems that it is only after completing the first mandatory task to be eligible to know.

Seeing this, Chen Feng looked bitter.

I thought that for everyone to compete for 14 invitations, this routine task was cruel enough.

Unexpectedly, the task dedicated to him is even more ruthless!

Killing at least thirty people from the top of the sky, this is equivalent to letting him kill half of the team!

"It seems that the destiny title of this'God-level villain' is destined to make me stand on the opposite side of everyone in every trial mission!"

After understanding the specific content of this trial mission, Chen Feng quickly recovered his peace of mind.

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