Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 5013: Grab my stuff?

This idea emerged in everyone's heart.

At this moment, someone finally recognized it.

"The Killing God Chen Feng! It is the Killing God Chen Feng in the low-level battlefield of Galaxy!"

This exclamation immediately stirred up a thousand waves!

Chen Feng frowned and then smiled.

It seems that he has got a new nickname.

Kill God?


Chen Feng stood with his hands behind, looking at the sluggish elders and deacons in front of them.

"Please also trouble the deacons and elders to help with the liquidation."

After some liquidation, the token mountain in the Hall of Contribution was finally emptied.

In the end, the voice of the elders of the stars trembled slightly and reported the final great merit value.

"Five thousand great achievements!"

"Five thousand great merits! As a disciple who just started, you can achieve this amount of great merit at one time, Chen Feng, you are incredible!"

"You know, even a disciple who has been in the sect for more than ten years, can have so many great achievements, it is extremely rare."

Hearing what the elder said, the disciples standing in the corner of the hall immediately glanced at each other.

They saw the same message in each other's eyes.

Afterwards, they looked at Chen Feng again with unpredictable eyes!

Chen Feng at this moment is like a fat sheep waiting to be slaughtered in their eyes!

However, Chen Feng did not pay attention to these.

Because he came to the Hall of Contribution for the first time, without a jade medal.

A deacon got a new jade medal.

The elder who audited in front took the jade plaque and instilled a light blue breath into it.

The face of the jade card flashed light.

Afterwards, the jade card was engraved with a value.

Chen Feng took the jade card and looked at the big seal number displayed on it.

Five thousand.

At this time, the elder in front of the audit reminded.

"The great achievements recorded on this jade card, you can trade privately."

Chen Feng looked up and asked directly.

"I don't know how many sects are needed to enter the Jiutian Tibetan Scripture Pavilion?"

His voice was loud and loud, and everyone present could immediately understand it.

It turned out that the murder **** Chen Feng came here for the purpose of entering the Jiutian Buddhist Scripture Pavilion!

At this moment, the audit elders have also returned to calm.

He looked at Chen Feng with a kind attitude.

"The Jiutian Tibetan Scripture Pavilion is the top sacred site of the Galaxy Sword Sect, and the barriers to entry are extremely high."

"Even if it is to enter the first level, at least 10,000 great work is required."

"Subsequently, every time you enter one of them, it will consume at least a thousand great merits."

Hearing this, Chen Feng frowned.

"Then get something in it, and also consume the great power of the sect?"

"That's natural."

The audit elder said with a smile.

"The magical powers and treasures placed in the Jiutian Buddhist Scripture Pavilion are all the top batch in the faction."

"To obtain the magical powers in it, it takes more sect great power."

Chen Feng asked: "What is the approximate range?"

"A magical power at every turn requires at least tens of thousands of great merits."

"So, many people can only go in once more than a decade."

Chen Feng understood.

He is still too impatient.

Since starting to cultivate immortals, time has become the least valuable thing.

Countless people have practiced for hundreds of thousands of years!

The higher the cultivation base, the longer the life span, and the less time it counts!

For many people, more than ten years is not too long.

But for Chen Feng now, he can't wait for more than ten years!

It seems that before entering the next trial task, he has no chance to enter the Jiutian Buddhist Scripture Pavilion.

At least you have to accumulate tens of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands of sects, before you can enter it.

Chen Feng had regrets in his heart, but he did not feel too regretful.

There are still five thousand great achievements from the lowest threshold.

It seems that I still have to go to the mission hall.

In the last two days, it seems that there is no hope to activate the blood of the gods and demons.

However, it does not matter.

At this moment, Chen Feng already has a lot of hole cards.

There is even Tianquan Zhenxian in his hand.

To deal with Chu Pingsheng, he has some confidence.

Accepting the jade medal, Chen Feng turned to the mission hall.

He has the confidence to live back to this mysterious and yellow world!

Back to the Galaxy Sword Sect!

When he arrived at the mission hall, Chen Feng briefly scanned the missions inside, and probably had a number in his mind.

Some tasks, after he comes back, just can take over.

Moreover, the promised sect great merit value is not low.

Leaving the mission hall, Chen Feng was ready to return to Tianshu Jianzong.

After all, as a disciple of the Tianshu Sword Sect, it is not good to stay in the Palace of Ten Thousand Beasts.

It hasn't been long before Chen Feng's face changed slightly.

His footsteps stopped.

The few bugs and shrimps who had been following him were finally unable to restrain them.

"Killing God Chen Feng? Is it great?"

There were three people standing in front of Chen Feng.

In addition to the middle disciple named Ye of Kaiyang Jianzong, there are two other people who also wear Kaiyang Jianzong costumes.

The three of them surrounded Chen Feng two by one.

"In the Hall of Contribution, your trick is really awesome!"

The disciple surnamed Ye smiled at the moment.

But, upon closer inspection, his smile was full of gritted teeth.

Everything that happened in the Hall of Contribution before, to him who was still being touted just a moment ago, was simply a slap in the face!

In front of Chen Feng's five thousand great accomplishments, his seven hundred great accomplishments can hardly be seen!

This makes Ye Jingheng, who has always been arrogant, unacceptable!

Chen Feng quietly watched the three of them approaching, his eyes twitched.

The three disciples of the fourth floor of the Star Soul Martial God Realm had the courage to attack him.

For a moment, Chen Feng even began to reflect on whether his usual aura was too restrained?

So everyone dared to provoke and make trouble.

Even robbery.

Sure enough, the other two disciples of Kaiyang Sword Sect smiled lowly, with a sullen expression on their faces:

"I advise you to be more acquainted and hand over the jade card obediently!"

"Otherwise, don't blame us for being impolite!"

Chen Feng stood there, looked at them, and shook his head.

He touched his nose and asked with interest: "Aren't you afraid of punishment by Xingtang?"

Hearing his words, the three disciples looked at each other.

Afterwards, they seemed to have heard some joke and burst into laughter.

"Hahahaha, disciples of Tianshu Sword Sect, are they all such fools?"

Ye Jingheng smiled with coldness.

"Don't worry, we won't do anything to you."

"You just traded privately and gave us all your great merits."

"Xingtang will naturally not punish us!"

The three of them got closer and closer, standing in a row, facing Chen Feng.

When the distance between the two parties was less than a few meters, Chen Feng suddenly smiled:

"That's it, thank you three for letting me know!"

"Then, I'm not welcome."

Upon hearing this, the three disciples headed by Ye Jingheng were all taken aback.

What is Chen Feng's reaction?

In the next second, the man standing in front of them suddenly disappeared from their sight!

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