Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 5012: Please let me have a lot of stuff

Half of his face was **** and bloody, and even one eye was bleeding and he couldn't open it.

But compared to death, this injury on his face is nothing at all!

Ji Xingyuan directly knelt down and kowtowed.

"Chen, Master Chen! I really can't help but!"

"No, Master Chen!"

"I hope you have a lot of adults, forgive... forgive me!"

Time is running out, and Chen Feng doesn't bother to waste time with such influential goods.

He kicked Ji Xingyuan away and strode towards the Hall of Contribution.

This time, no one dared to stop him!

In the Hall of Contribution, there is an endless stream of people coming and going.

The hall is extremely wide, with carved beams and painted buildings.

When each disciple of the five great swordsmen enters the hall, they will hand in tokens and treasures in order.

Only the disciples within the sentinel hand in supplies, and the sentinel feeds back the corresponding advice and resources to the disciples.

In this way, a sect can grow stronger and stronger!

Martial sects such as the Galaxy Sword Sect contribute to the flow of people in the main hall, sometimes even more than the main halls of the major sects!

When Chen Feng stepped into it, there was an exclamation in front of him.

Looking intently, it turned out that it was the one in front of the line he was in, and he turned his hand and took out a lot of treasures!

In front of the hall stood more than ten elders of the stars.

They stand at the forefront of each line.

The exclamation of the disciple here attracted several elders from the surrounding stars.

Especially the one at the forefront is in a great mood!

"Kaiyang Jianzong has been gaining momentum recently."

Soon, a corresponding deacon stepped forward and counted the items handed in by the Kaiyang Sword Sect disciple.

"A bottle of Twelve Cicada Real Neidan, a Dragon Armor of Profound Mist, A Thousand Kilometers of Demon Rock, and a Bone Jade of Thousand Miles Flame Jade..."

As the number of treasures reported by the deacon gradually increased, the disciples who waited in line to hand in their contributions couldn't calm down.

The few people standing next to the Kaiyang Sword Sect disciple directly clasped their fists with both hands, arching their hands.

"As expected of Senior Brother Ye of Kaiyang Jianzong, not only can he find such a rare treasure, he can even kill it!"

"Presumably Brother Ye's cultivation level has improved again!"

"If I remember correctly, Brother Ye should have just been promoted once a while ago?"

"Master Patriarch is here! They are also disciples of Kaiyang Sword Sect, and Senior Brother Ye's potential is too strong!"

"In time, there will definitely be Senior Brother Ye's name in the list of three hundred and sixty true disciples!"

In the sound of flattery, the disciple of Kaiyang Sword Sect raised his head and chest.

Put on a solitary and arrogant posture.

It is as if these compliments and flattery are taken for granted.

Chen Feng leaned out his mind and looked at the treasures ahead.

The corners of his mouth were raised, and a small smile flashed across his face.

He didn't say anything, just watched indifferently as the elder stars in front took over the jade medallion of the disciple surnamed Ye.

"Seven hundred great achievements!"

As a star elder reported a great amount of merit, a bright light burst out on the jade medal.

After the light disappeared, the number on the jade card had changed.

The elders beside the stars also applauded.

"Seven hundred great works at a time, even among the true disciples, they are rare!"

Hearing this, the face of the disciple surnamed Ye became even more proud.

He respectfully took back the jade card, turned around and walked aside, looking back at Chen Feng behind him.

When he saw Chen Feng wearing the official disciple costume of Tianshu Jianzong's younger brother, his eyes became quite provocative.

"Yo, rare guest."

"A disciple of the Tianshu Sword Sect, actually has this spare time to contribute to the hall?"

"Do you have anything to hand in? Look at the shabby look of your Tianshu Sword Sect!"

Hearing his words, the surrounding disciples burst into laughter.

Many disciples watched over.

The disciple surnamed Ye folded his arms and sneered.

"I really want to see how many treasures a disciple of Tianshu Sword Sect can hand in."

For this kind of meaningless provocation, Chen Feng couldn't even look at it.

He turned to the side and spoke to the crowd behind him.

"Everyone, please step back."

Hearing Chen Feng's words, the disciples in line were all taken aback.

They subconsciously made room for Chen Feng.

Immediately afterwards, Chen Feng turned to the side and looked at the disciple surnamed Ye.

"Thank you, I may have a lot of things."

When Chen Feng said this, his tone was sparse and ordinary, very plain.

But in some people's ears, it becomes a naked slap in the face!

Especially that disciple surnamed Ye, his face suddenly became extremely ugly.

However, he took two steps slowly and sneered.

"I want to see how your things are "multiple"!"

Chen Feng ignored him and looked at the star elders ahead again.

"Also, please pay attention to the elders. It's best to stop the surrounding rows of disciples temporarily."

Speaking of this, the entire disciples, deacons, and elders who have contributed a lot are all attracted.

Some disciples looked gloomy and wanted to see jokes.

But some disciples were whispering, asking about the identity of the disciple Chen Feng next to him.

"Okay, you can take it out."

Following a word from the elders, Chen Feng turned his hand and began to take things out.

It is a few storage rings.

In the crowd, some disciples already laughed.

Chen Feng snorted coldly.

Immediately, countless treasures emerged from those storage rings at the same time!

The speed is getting faster and faster!

In the end, it even poured out like a waterfall!

"It's not over yet!"

Chen Feng hooked the corner of his mouth and took out a few storage rings again.

The disciples who were relatively close to Chen Feng immediately retreated back!

And that disciple surnamed Ye, because he was closest to Chen Feng, and retreated the slowest.

The countless objects that have been poured out directly are buried at the bottom!

Everyone was dumbfounded!

"This...this is for one person..."

At this moment, the sharp-eyed disciple opened his eyes again.

He pointed to Chen Feng.

"He took out the storage ring again!"

The entire Hall of Contribution once again exploded!

The disciples who had retreated, retreated again and again!

After a full quarter of an hour!

Most of the disciples who lined up retreated outside the main hall gate.

Countless treasures piled up into a mountain, almost filling up the entire Hall of Contribution!

Everyone is stupid!

Not only the disciples who came to hand in the treasures, but even the deacons and elders were all stupid!

Since the establishment of the Contribution Hall, there has never been a treasure of this size turned in!

Moreover, these treasures piled up in front of them, without exception, are all tokens of the aliens of the demon!

A single horn on the top of the head, a red flame heart, a black bone jade...

Etc., etc!

After Chen Feng took out and poured out the last storage ring, there was no voice in the entire Hall of Contribution!

So shocking!

How many demon must be killed to accumulate like this!

Everyone looked at Chen Feng together, with horror on their faces and hearts.

"Are these all killed by him alone?"

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