Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4946: Forging the strong man!

I don't know what happened.

King Dajialoulu knew that he had to interrupt him at this time.

Because, within the scope of the entire Ten Thousand Beast Palace, all the faerie aura was almost absorbed!

If you inhale it again, it is easy to cause some people's ideas!

at this time.

In the front hall of the Ten Thousand Beasts Hall, Elder Bai raised his eyes and looked in the direction of Jiaziyuan, thoughtfully.

Three days later.

The weather is clear and cloudless.

In front of the hall of the Ten Thousand Beasts, there was a loud voice.

Numerous palm schools gathered, and thousands of disciples watched.

"Have you heard that Gao Lingshuang of T-shaped courtyard and Chen Zhangyuan of Jia-shaped courtyard are going to fight to the death."

"How can they fight?"

"It's probably the problem of Gao Gongzi again? Don't he rely on his elder brother..."

"Hush! Silence! You don't want to die!"

"Why did that Chen Feng offend Master Gao? First put incense in his heart for him."


Not far away, Gao Lingshuang walked around among the disciples in the courtyard.

As soon as he saw him coming, the disciples of the various hospitals who had been talking about them all fell silent and dared not speak.

Gao Lingshuang was overbearing and arrogant.

No one dared to offend him.

Gao Lingshuang was quite satisfied with the reactions of the surrounding disciples.

"Master Gao."

The heads of several other hospitals greeted Gao Lingshuang with their fists.

Gao Lingshuang nodded at them, then looked around.

"Is Chen Feng here?"

Before the words fell, the crowd suddenly became agitated.

An upright young man, surrounded by the handyman disciples of the Jiazi Academy, came to the front hall of the Wan Beast Hall.

It's not Chen Feng, who else!

When the disciples present saw Chen Feng, their eyes all fell on Chen Feng.

Everyone whispered.

The topic was basically what he had beaten the entire Jiaziyuan a few days ago.

When Chen Feng came, he attracted all eyes.

This made Gao Lingshuang and others extremely dissatisfied.


The head of the Wuziyuan is a big and strong man.

He was holding two Jiuxiao meteor hammers, the size of two Chen Feng. Dark skin and grumpy.

He looked at Chen Feng who was approaching contemptuously, and at the same time, a trace of greed flashed in his eyes.

Other disciples may not understand, but as the head of the school, who does not know.

Anyone who defeats the head of a house can have a lot of benefits and resources of that house by default.

Gao Lingshuang is very smart!

Public appointment for this battle, kill two birds with one stone.

Killing the Jiazi Yuan in charge of the Yuan, one can stand for power.

Secondly, it is for the benefit of the A-character courtyard!

"A reckless man will not live long."

He glanced at Chen Feng.

This Chen Feng may have some strength, but when he was stimulated, he was hit.

This kind of mind is not worth mentioning.

He looked at Gao Lingshuang and suddenly said:

"Master Gao, this kind of ants, let me run them to death."

The few palms around him looked sideways.

Unexpectedly, Lu Zhangyuan wanted to get a share!

The benefits of Jiaziyuan are so attractive.

In the past, Lu Zhangyuan didn't pay much attention to Gao Lingshuang.

I was even more jealous at this moment.

Gao Lingshuang squinted at him.

"Lu Zhangyuan, you want to grab my prey?"

The brawny man laughed loudly, then met Gao Lingshuang's gaze.

"The prey does not distinguish between you and me, each depends on its own ability."

They completely ignored Chen Feng himself and fought for his ownership.

One bite of "prey", as if Chen Feng is already in their bag.

It can be crushed to death.

Yun Wan'er of Yiziyuan stood on one side and did not participate.

She glanced at a few people, shook her head and sighed: "These two people are really looking for death."

Only she knew how terrifying Chen Feng's strength was.

"Chen Zhangyuan, empty hands, no magic weapon, do you want to die?"

Gao Lingshuang sneered.

Chen Feng stopped and smiled faintly:

"Kill you, what's a magic weapon?"

As soon as this word came out, everyone whispered.

"This Chen Feng is really crazy, he dares to be so arrogant when he is about to die."

"Abandoned yourself, right?"

Lu Zhangyuan sneered: "Arrogant!"

Chen Feng glanced at him, a sharp look flashed in his eyes.

In front of the main hall, an empty field.

The two confronted each other and fought.

A look of greasiness flashed in Chen Feng's eyes.

He didn't want to pester these people from the Ten Thousand Beast Hall anymore.

Today, I will defeat them all!

Above the hall, Elder Bai didn't bother to lift his eyelids when he saw this scene.

He doesn't care about such things.

Gao Lingshuang let out a low growl and started to do it.

But at this moment.

But suddenly there was a brutal and powerful aura, approaching extremely quickly from a distance.

One of the disciples quickly, panicked, shouted loudly:

"The big thing is not good, the forging hall is here!"

With a loud shout, it immediately broke the atmosphere of tension.

The scene suddenly fell into riots.

Forge Hall!

Another institution of the Galaxy Sword Sect is on par with the Wan Beast Palace.

There are also handyman disciples inside.

However, their main responsibility is to forge magic weapons.

Like the Palace of Ten Thousand Beasts, they can also deduct a lot of resources and forge high-grade magic weapons for themselves!

With the magic weapon, the disciples of the Forging Hall are stronger than the Wan Beast Hall.

They hit the idea of ​​the Temple of Ten Thousand Beasts.

You know, Wan Beast Palace is famously rich!

So, never knowing when, Forging Hall took the initiative to provoke.

Among them, a few decades ago, there was a powerful disciple who forged the palace, and one person defeated more than a dozen masters of the Wan Beast Hall!

From then on, the Hall of Beasts had to hand in offerings to them every month.

Today, it is the Forge Hall, once a month, come to ask for the day of worship!

The disciples evaded one after another and made a way.

Chen Feng looked over.

With a bang, a figure fell heavily.

I saw a brawny man with a tall braided hair, holding a circle of weirdly colored diamond wheels, and walking over.

The House of Representatives came over.

Yun Waner approached Chen Feng and said a few words in a low voice.

Chen Feng is clear,

Fu Qianhe, a well-known militant madman in Forge Hall.

Once, a few years ago, due to the dissatisfaction of the Hall of Forgings with the high amount of worship, many people fought.

That day, it was him, holding the Diamond Wheel, and one person killed many of the heads of the Ten Thousand Beast Palace.

Tingziyuan's previous head of the courtyard was vacant only when he was killed.

Before Fu Qianhe came to the hall, he glanced indifferently.

"Very good, everyone is here. Hand it over."

After speaking, he stretched out his hand towards the nearest Gao Lingshuang.

Gao Lingshuang was angry, but didn't dare to resist.

He was also at the scene of the original battle.

He saw this belligerent madman with his own eyes, and smashed several yards who were stronger than him into flesh!

Since then, every time I see it, I feel terrified.

Under Fu Qianhe's gaze, Gao Lingshuang was angry and frightened.

He flipped his hand and took out a storage ring and handed it over.

In this storage ring, there are resources as usual.

Every month, he has to hand in such a ring.

Gao Lingshuang felt very uncomfortable just giving it for nothing.

But he had to give it!

Don't dare not give it!

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