Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4945: Condensed stars projection!

Chen Feng faintly raised his hand and interrupted him.

"It's okay, no matter how powerful the magic weapon is, you have to see who is holding it."

After experiencing everything on the Baifeng Chaoyang Mountain, Chen Feng was eager for magic weapons.

However, the magic weapon is only a magic weapon.

It can only enhance combat effectiveness, but it cannot decide everything.

The second day.

Chen Feng continued to the cliff.

After helping King Da Jia Lou Luo to input a breath, he took another glass heart.

At this moment, King Dajialou Luo, watching Chen Feng take Liulixin, was no longer so hostile.

Chen Feng put away Liulixin and turned around.

He has something to ask the King Dagaruru.

Breaking through yesterday, he was promoted to the Star Soul Martial God Realm.

But Chen Feng didn't know much about the Star Soul Martial God Realm.

The Golden Winged King Garuda, who has no stingy experience, said eloquently.

He deserves to be an old monster who has not known how many years he has lived, and he speaks very clearly.

Soon, Chen Feng understood it.

The Star Soul Martial God Realm is divided into three realms: the sky is full of stars, the moon rises from the fairy mountain, and the sun shines on the world.

Stars are falling: the first to the third.

The bright moon rises from the fairy mountain: the fourth to the sixth floor.

Da Rizhao Huanyu: The seventh to the ninth building.

Each realm is divided into three small realms.

For example, when the sky is full of stars, the three small realms are:

Feel the stars!

Gather the stars!

Arrange the star chart!

Chen Feng stepped into the first floor of the Star Soul Martial God Realm yesterday.

It is in the first state: sensing the stars.

Once sensed, he entered the first floor of the Star Soul Martial God Realm.

After sensing it, the next step is to condense the stars.

Once the stars can condense, reach a sufficient number.

Then, you can step into the second floor of the Star Soul Martial God Realm!

After condensing enough stars, you can arrange the star chart.

The star map is the most important thing in the entire first building.

It can magnify the power of the stars corresponding to the star soul by countless times!

It is equivalent to mobilizing the power of those stars directly through the star soul!

How terrifying it must be!

Thinking about it makes people horrified!

However, Chen Feng is not clear about how to go next.

King Dajialouluo's voice was hoarse: "Since the star soul is condensed, you must have obtained a star soul space."

Chen Feng nodded.

At this moment, his star soul space is vast and boundless.

It was completely dark.

There is nothing inside.

The only thing there is the Star Soul hanging high above it.

"Star Soul, to put it bluntly, is a tool and a channel for communicating the origin of the stars."

"But, project this star into your star soul space."

"In this way, we can directly mobilize the power inside!"

Chen Feng frowned upon listening to the introduction of King Dajialouluo.

"Then what is needed to condense the star projection?"

King Dajialoulu replied:

"Two conditions."

"First, there must be a star soul to communicate with the stars. Second, there must be enough fairy spirit."

Chen Feng has met the first condition.

"How to absorb the spirit of the fairy?"

He asked again.

"Two ways."

"Heaven and earth have their own celestial aura. If you have a powerful magical power technique, you can draw it directly from the void."

"Or, if you have a treasure with a high enough level, you can crush it and absorb it."

He looked at Chen Feng: "The former is endless, but very slow."

"Ordinary disciples, after absorbing for a few years, the celestial aura they get may not be comparable."

Chen Feng shook his head.

He came here, but there are no fairy treasures.

It can only be tried with the Golden Sutra of the Great Bodhisattva Vipassana.

Chen Feng sat down and closed his eyes intently.

The phantom of the ancient Buddha, behind him, quietly flashed out.

King Dajialouluo was shocked.

The familiar feeling surged in his heart again.

The huge suction power quietly surged.

Soon, in front of Chen Feng, a whirlpool appeared.

However, unlike before, the whole body of this vortex is golden.

The suction power is also different.

Specially used to absorb the spirit of the fairy!

In a short while, in the entire lair, the faerie air that escaped in the void slowly rushed towards Chen Feng!

Chen Feng was happy for an instant: "Feasible!"

The Golden Sutra of Avalokitesvara is extremely high.

Even now, stepping into the Star Soul Martial God Realm and using it for cultivation is not bad at all.

Once promoted to the Star Soul Martial God Realm, the Golden Sutra of Guan Zizai Bodhisattva absorbed directly is the spirit of the immortal!

It's not too late to strike while the iron is hot.

Chen Feng directly began to condense the star projection.

According to King Dajialouluo just now, generally speaking, a star projection is condensed, even if it enters the second building.

It stared at Chen Feng quietly, protecting him like yesterday.

With Chen Feng's talent, it must not take much time to enter the second floor.

King Golden Winged Garuda thought so, but saw more and more fairy spirits, and began to rush towards the lair.

Moreover, the speed is getting faster and faster!

The spirit of the fairy is invisible and colorless, and it nourishes all things in the world.

A fairy spirit is lacking, and it is supplemented by a nearby fairy spirit.

But, too fast!

In a twinkling of an eye, the spirit of the fairy spirit continuously poured into Chen Feng's body.

The surging swiftly hit the shore like a raging wave.

Even, several hurricanes of immortality gradually formed!

And near the cliff closest to Chen Feng, all kinds of fairy grass and fairy trees slowly lost their luster.

Some of the fragile and low-level ones simply turn yellow and wither!

Because Chen Feng absorbed it too quickly.

Before the celestial qi in the distance could rush in, the celestial qi in the lower-level celestial grass species was taken first.

King Golden Winged Garuda is the closest to Chen Feng.

Even it felt that there was a suction, just as if there was nothing, lingering around him!

He wanted to absorb the faerie gas in his body.

King Dajialouluo was shocked: "What's going on? The six relatives don't recognize it!"

He instantly noticed something was wrong!

Even if it is to condense a star projection of the highest level, there is no need to absorb such a large amount of fairy gas.

Could it be that Chen Feng condensed more than one?

Most likely!

King Dajialouluo enters.

In Chen Feng's star soul space, seven star projections have already condensed impressively!

However, Chen Feng still did not enter the second building.

King Dajialou Luo withdrew his spiritual consciousness, full of surprise Feng Feng.

"This class of star soul is really too strong!"

"I don't know how many star projections need to be condensed to enter the second building!"

The stronger the Star Soul, the harsher the conditions required, and the slower the speed of breaking into the second building.

In Chen Feng's current state, he is far from reaching saturation.

At this time, the suction power increased crazily again!

Not only the entire Jiaziyuan, but also other places in the Ten Thousand Beast Palace, are directly enveloped!

Thousands of miles in a radius, tens of thousands of miles of fairy spirit, are pouring here.

Even above the sky, a huge vortex is slowly taking shape.

The huge vortex, like a black cloud pressing down on the city, moved downwards and pressed down!

In the Demon Temple, countless people stood up in shock, exclaiming again and again.

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