Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4937: Kill Huo Qingzhu!

Huo Qingzhu's eyes were instantly filled with panic.

Let out a scream.

Chen Feng couldn't fight the immortal seal of Tianquan Town.

However, a disciple of the fifth floor of the Star Soul Martial God Realm who even the Star Soul was corrupted, he could fight it!

Huo Qingzhu urged the last trace of cultivation, which was already the limit.

She didn't expect Chen Feng to ignore the immortal seal of Tianquan Town!

Even more unexpectedly, Chen Feng dared to be in a hurry!

At this moment, her body is extremely weak.

Just rush to kill Huo Qingzhu before the immortal seal of Tianquan Town falls.

The crisis can be resolved!

Knowing this, Chen Feng let out a low growl!

In the Dantian, the Great Witch's Blood Pool was boiling instantly.

At the moment when Huo Qingzhu attacked him, he rushed towards Huo Qingzhu himself!

It is directly transformed into the sacred body of the great witch, and the flesh is displayed to the extreme.

At this time, his physical body can kill the third floor of the Star Soul Martial God Realm!

With concentrated strength, his feet slammed on the ground, and his body rushed towards Huo Qingzhu like lightning.

The speed is incredible.

Chen Feng threw a punch and slammed it down.

Almost at the moment when the immortal seal of Tianquan Town was about to fall!

His fist also hit Huo Qingzhu.


Huo Qingzhu opened his eyes to the extreme.

Flesh and flesh flutter.

The star soul is broken.

The whole body is broken!

In an instant, Huo Qingzhu lost his life.

I can't die anymore!

As soon as Huo Qingzhu died, above the void, he smashed Chen Feng's huge Immortal Seal of Tianquan Town, and stopped the offensive instantly.

It began to shrink and fall freely.

Without Huo Qingzhu's urging, Tianquan Zhenxian Yin would not be afraid of threats!

Crisis, lifted!


A palm-sized immortal seal of Tianquan Town fell on the ground.

Smashed a hole about ten meters in diameter.

Even if only the size of a palm, the Immortal Seal of Tianquan Town still has a lot of power.

However, this power is not enough to affect Chen Feng.

He put away the Great Witch's Eucharist and let out a long sigh of relief.

This mortal game was finally broken by him!

Chen Feng walked forward slowly.

He bent down and lowered his head, picking up the immortal seal of Tianquan Town on the ground.

Even if the body is restored, it is only the size of a palm, but the square bottom seal is still not light.

If it weren't for Chen Feng's casual strength of tens of billions of catties, I'm afraid he would not be able to pick it up.

Chen Feng put it away and walked to Yun Wan'er.

The magic weapon will lose its power with the death of the owner.

But the magic way that invades the human body will not be highly poisonous!

It has been a lot of time since Yun Wan'er was swept by the poison.

If you don't save it, she can't last a moment!

Yun Wan'er's complexion turned purple and her breath was weak.

Seeing Chen Feng approaching, shock and tension flashed in his eyes.

Shocked by his powerful ability.

Nervous about whether he intends to kill himself.

However, the next second, she breathed a sigh of relief.

Chen Feng squatted down, but did not release the killing intent.

He just whispered.

"Don't reject my power."

Immediately, a single palm was pressed on Yun Wan'er's back.

Chen Feng brought out a breath of breath in his body and introduced it into Yun Wan'er.

Yun Wan'er understood at the moment he touched that breath.

This breath is as strong as the sun, with an extremely majestic breath, just to restrain the poison of the magic way.

No wonder Chen Feng was not affected by the poison.

Thinking of this, Yun Wan'er relaxed her body and began to devote herself fully to recovery and detoxification.

Under her guidance, after the breath entered her body, it quickly washed away all her meridians.

The body is extremely poisonous, and a little bit is resolved by the Buddha's power of the Buddha's Golden Sutra.

After an hour, the coldness in the body was swept away.

Instead, there is a warm feeling.

After an hour.

Yun Wan'er snorted suddenly and spit out a mouthful of black blood.

Then, her face was pale with a black breath, which quietly faded.

Ruddy was restored.

Yun Wan'er finally got her life back.

However, she was still very weak at this time.

Her star soul was eroded by the poison, and a lot of supplements were needed to restore it to its original level.

Chen Feng released his palm, La Yun Wan'er stood up.

Yun Wan'er didn't say anything, only her beautiful eyes flowed and she stared at him directly.

Before coming to Baifeng Chaoyang Mountain, she had already seen the power of Chen Feng.

However, she never expected that Chen Feng could be so powerful!

What happened just now is vividly visible.

Facing the two strong men in the fifth floor of the Star Soul Martial God Realm, Chen Feng never showed the slightest timidity.

He is calm, composed, determined and unhurried!

Especially just now!

The hunting wind stirred his clothes, and the huge immortal seal of Tianquan town on his head was directly pressed down.

Chen Feng's gaze remained firm.

At that moment, Yun Wan'er even had an illusion.

This man is born king!

He stands between the heaven and the earth, and the heaven and the earth are shocked!

The dust fell.

The surroundings returned to calm.

A hundred miles around the corner seemed to be swept away by a hurricane.

The huge wood fell over a large area and shattered.

The fallen leaves were scattered all over the ground.

The ground is devastated.

A big hole in the east, a crack in the west.

In the distance, in the large formation originally set up by Qi Yuanqing, there seemed to be a figure lying on the ground.

Everything is quiet.

There was no bird singing, it was terribly quiet.

After a long time.

Yun Wan'er suddenly recovered.

She looked at the two bodies of Huo Qingzhu and Qi Yuanqing with a worried expression on her face.

Looking up, she looked at Chen Feng.

"Qi Yuanqing is a member of the Zhushan Demon Sect, and Senior Sister Huo Qingzhu is one of the disciples valued by the Tianquan Sword Sect."

"If you kill them, neither side will let you go... No, even I won't let it go!"

She frowned and lost her sense in an instant.

After all, no matter how she was, she was just a young disciple of the Ten Thousand Beasts Palace.

Not so much knowledge and experience.

"Or, let's run away quickly."

She panicked.

Thinking of the strict rules of the Galaxy Sword Sect, she trembled slightly.

Chen Feng looked at her worried look and smiled.

"no need to worry."

Yun Wan'er was anxious.

"We stay here now, the people of the Zhushan Demon Sect cannot enter for the time being, but what about the Heavenly Power Sword Sect?"

"It's just a disciple, don't make a fuss..."

Before finishing speaking, Yun Waner interrupted again.

"Huo Qingzhu is an official disciple!"

She stomped forward in a hurry.

"The Galaxy Sword School attaches great importance to formal disciples, unlike our handyman disciples..."

"You said lightly."

"Listen to me first."

Chen Feng pressed her shoulders and made her quiet again.

Smiled and said, "How about a formal disciple, compared to a deacon or an elder?"


Yun Wan'er looked dull.

Chen Feng smiled slightly:

"In the recent assessment test, I forced a deacon to commit suicide and an elder severed his arm."

"So, really don't worry."


There was silence.

Yun Wan'er kept her original posture, standing still in a daze.

She is stupid!

A lot of explanations are still in the throat.

Not up and down.

But she was already a little numb.

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