Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4936: Why bother to seek a dead end?

"You little bitch! You knew I was here?"

Huo Qingzhu giggled again, rippling in the valley.

"Otherwise, what do you think?"

"Am I here to save two disciples?"

Upon hearing this, Chen Feng and Yun Wan'er changed their expressions.

Especially Yun Wan'er.

The elder sister, who has always been thunderous, and even admired, turned out to be this face.

This made her inexplicably angry.

In other words, Huo Qingzhu knew Qi Yuanqing's conspiracy from the beginning.

However, she did not choose to face the challenge.

Instead, he hid beside him, tacitly allowing Qi Yuanqing to attract the handyman disciples in the Wan Beast Palace.

And when she took advantage of Qi Yuanqing's attention and was attracted by Chen Feng, she suddenly attacked!

This is completely disregarding Chen Feng and others!

In Huo Qingzhu's eyes, they were just bait.

Chen Feng's eyes were also cold.

It's just that now is not the time to turn your face.

He looked at Qi Yuanqing.

Although it happened extremely quickly, Chen Feng noticed it just now.

When the immortal seal of Tianquan Town was pressed down, Qi Yuanqing's hand quickly flipped over!

He definitely has a back hand!

Huo Qingzhu walked to Qi Yuanqing and raised his chin.

She patted out with a palm looking down.

"Now, you can go to death!"


The ground shook again.

Chen Feng took Yun Wan'er's hand and backed away again.

In front of them, the huge Immortal Seal of Tianquan Town was overturned!

Qi Yuanqing didn't know what method he used, but he broke away from the immortal seal of Tianquan Town!

He rushed towards Huo Qingzhu, and a thick black mist surged from his body.

"Huh, dying to struggle!"

Huo Qingzhu sneered and urged the immortal seal of Tianquan Town again.

"Do you think it's useful to get out of trouble?"

Chen Feng coldly watched the battle between the two in front of him.

Huo Qingzhu was also the strength of the fifth floor of the Star Soul Martial God Realm.

After all, Qi Yuanqing was attacked and seriously injured.

As Huo Qingzhu said, even if he managed to escape the immortal seal of Tianquan Town, he still fell into a disadvantage.

When he was hit by the Immortal Seal of Tianquan Town again, he flew out directly.

There were countless broken bones in his whole body, and his whole body was soaked in blood.

Huo Qingzhu's face already showed a smug smile.

Suddenly, her smile froze!

"how is this possible……"

She widened her beautiful eyes, slowly lowered her head, and looked at her waist.

I don't know when, her waist and abdomen have completely turned black!

It is different from the black fog before, but with a bit of yellow.

It's the kind, barren, dead, and extremely turbid yellow.

Like Huangquan, Wangchuan!

When she realized it, she suddenly felt a trance in her eyes.

The soul seems to be broken.

Not to mention the extent to which the body was broken, she even couldn't feel the existence of her own body.

Her soul has been completely eroded by the evil way!

Cultivation base breath, instant weakness!

Qi Yuanqing fell to the ground and grinned at this scene.

His left hand spread out slowly.

The moment Huo Qingzhu saw what was in his palm, his pupils shrank suddenly!

"Nine Underworld Poisonous Bone Ball!"

Qi Yuanqing pulled a broken gong, panted and laughed.

"Do you think my father only gave me one treasure?"

This Nine Underworld Poison Bone Ball is also a big killer of the Zhushan Demon Sect.

Its power is not the ball itself, but the poison!

It is said that there is a wisp of water collected from the Nine Netherworlds, Huangquan Wangchuan, and collected from the Nine Netherworld Yellow Springs.

Whenever hit by the Nine Underworld Poison Bone Ball, the poison contained in it will enter the body like silk tarsus.

The most terrifying thing is, unless deliberately observe.

Otherwise, after being hit again, it will be like Huo Qingzhu.

In a short period of time, nothing can be noticed.

By the time it was discovered, it was too late!

The water of the Nine Underworld Yellow Spring will quickly corrupt the human star soul and martial soul.

After that, the entire body will be turned into blood.

No bones left!

In a blink of an eye, Huo Qingzhu and Qi Yuanqing were both injured.

At this time, Chen Feng released the hand that had been holding Yun Wan'er.

He is extremely fast.

Before Huo Qingzhu and Qi Yuanqing could react, they punched out.


Qi Yuanqing's eyes were violent, with an expression of disbelief on her face.

It seems to want to say: how is it possible? Ordinary immortal monks can be completely immune to his purple poison!

However, he has no chance to speak.

Chen Feng threw a punch and pierced his heart.

Qi Yuanqing's eyes were dim.

He died instantly!

Everything reverses too fast and too suddenly.

Huo Qingzhu thought he had acted, and he was dead now.

But I didn't expect that a little girl played a key role.

She was immediately overjoyed.

Jiu Ming Poison Bone Ball is not hopeless!

Since Qi Yuanqing can hold it without death, there must be an antidote on him!

Thinking of this, Huo Qingzhu stared at Chen Feng.

"Quickly, cut off his hand and pass it to me!"

"He should have storage treasures on him, and bring them to me!"

The tone is condescending.

With a bit of arrogance.

Chen Feng leaned down and took off the storage ring on Qi Yuanqing's fingers.

"Quick, give it to me!"

"Working slowly, I deserve to be a handyman."

Huo Qingzhu became impatient and shouted sharply.

Chen Feng glanced at her lightly, and then put the storage ring on her hand.

He simply erased Qi Yuanqing's personal mark and began to check what treasures were inside.

Huo Qingzhu finally reacted.

Chen Feng didn't seem to take her words seriously at all!

She clutched her waist, her eyes were gloomy, staring at Chen Feng.

"Boy, if you don't want to die, you'd better do what I say."

Chen Feng stood up straight and met her gaze lightly.

"You use us as bait. Since everyone is the same, I won't hold you accountable."

"I advise you, but it's enough."

"Say more, it will directly invalidate you!"

After speaking, he turned around and walked towards Yun Wan'er.

Yun Wan'er was dumbfounded when she saw all this.

Now, she didn't even expect Chen Feng to defy Senior Sister Huo Qingzhu's order.

Some respect surged in my heart.

At the same time, a ray of worry also arises.

"Sister Huo Qingzhu, it's not so offensive!"

Suddenly, her pupils shrank and she shouted sharply.

"Chen Feng! Be careful!"

It turned out that at this moment!

Huo Qingzhu suddenly attacked!

She curled her lips and smiled cruelly.

Bringing out a trace of cultivation, spurring the immortal seal of Tianquan Town, and smashing at Chen Feng!

This kid is dead!

The mere quality of the immortal seal of Tianquan Town, the cultivation base of the mere nine-star Wudi peak, can smash his bones!

At this moment, Chen Feng didn't panic and shook his head slowly.

A sigh.

"Why bother to seek a dead end?"

At the next moment, his figure flashed and he came directly to Huo Qingzhu!

Then, a punch fell down!

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